Windows, doors and skylights

Windows, doors and skylights can be a significant source of energy loss in your home – up to 25%. In Canada’s climate, this means higher energy bills for you. Buying ENERGY STAR® certified doors and skylights will help you save energy.

Choosing energy efficient models can help you reduce your energy use

Windows: ENERGY STAR certified windows are about 20% more energy efficient than the average window.

Doors: ENERGY STAR certified doors are about 15% more efficient and skylights 35% more efficient.

ENERGY STAR Most Efficient windows and sliding glass doors are the “best of the best” - up to 55% more energy efficient than average models.

Look for the ENERGY STAR symbol

Energy Star logo

ENERGY STAR is the mark of high-efficiency products in Canada. The familiar symbol makes it easy to identify the best energy performers on the market. ENERGY STAR certified products meet strict technical specifications for energy performance – tested and certified.

Don’t forget about installation

A poorly installed window, door or skylight may cause condensation, cold drafts or even allow water to leak into your home. And the damage water causes is usually invisible until it is very costly to fix.

If possible, choose a company that is in the Window Wise certification program. This quality assurance program trains installers to install windows and doors correctly.

Before you go shopping:

Find out more about fenestration products as a manufacturer or dealer:

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The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.