HELP (Health Care Energy Leadership)

Raising awareness of ENERGY STAR®

Energy Star logo

HELP is the Health Care Energy Leadership Program. It is an initiative of My Sustainable Canada and the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care and its purpose is to promote energy efficiency at health care facilities across Canada.

HELP offers webinars, training, networking opportunities and sample green procurement language for participating institutions. It also surveys the health care sector to assess the level of awareness and action on energy efficiency.

In 2012, HELP surveyed health care facilities to gauge awareness of ENERGY STAR and the degree to which institutions buy ENERGY STAR certified products.

The survey found that 86 percent of facilities are aware of ENERGY STAR. About 69 percent of respondents said they had bought ENERGY STAR certified products in the past year and 90 percent said ENERGY STAR was either somewhat or very influential in the purchasing decision.

The most popular ENERGY STAR certified purchases were washing machines, refrigerators, televisions and lights. However, just 14 percent of facilities include ENERGY STAR in their procurement policies.

The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.