Apply to join

Become an ENERGY STAR® Participant

Energy Star logo

An ENERGY STAR Participant actively promotes ENERGY STAR certified products. There is no fee to join or participate in the ENERGY STAR Canada program.

Application materials are specific to different NRCan categories of Participants. Choose the group to which your organization belongs:

Or do you want to become an ENERGY STAR for New Homes builder?

Permission for limited use of the ENERGY STAR name or symbol

If your organization wants to reproduce the ENERGY STAR name or symbol for a single application such as in a published document or on a web page, you must apply for a Letter of Permission and agree to follow the Guidelines for the application and reproduction of the ENERGY STAR® name and symbol in Canada.

To have your request considered please e-mail this required information:

  1. Name of the organization and full address.
  2. Full name and title of the person with signing authority for the organization.
  3. The telephone and e-mail address of the person requesting permission.
  4. Description of where the ENERGY STAR name or symbol will appear
  5. and the text that will accompany the symbol.

A member of the ENERGY STAR Canada team will reply promptly with the customized permission letter.

If you have any questions, please contact ENERGY STAR.

The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.