The ENERGY STAR® in Canada Annual Report highlights the yearly activities and achievements of this voluntary government-industry partnership. The reports chronicle the ongoing success story of leading Canadians to energy efficiency.

2022 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report
Read the ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report 2022 [PDF - 6.01 MB].
Report highlights:
- The 2022 report marks another milestone for ENERGY STAR in Canada, highlighting key achievements in energy efficiency, industry engagement and program expansion.
- With continued investment in raising brand awareness, the ENERGY STAR team launched two advertising campaigns and an awareness survey.
- The 12 Days of ENERGY STAR Campaign in 2022 continued to build on past success and became our most successful campaign to date. With over 20,000 entries to the free giveaways, the campaign significantly increased website traffic and engagement rates.
- In 2022, ENERGY STAR for Products achieved an estimated 33 petajoules of cumulative annual energy savings and avoided about 3.5 Mt of GHG emissions.
- Since the launch of the Canada Greener Homes Initiative in 2021, over 310,000 grant applications have been received and $262 million in grant money has been distributed to Canadian homeowners.
- In 2022, over 3,500 new homes were awarded ENERGY STAR certification, bringing the total of ENERGY STAR certified homes in Canada to over 112,000.
- During 2022, 11 industrial plants earned ENERGY STAR certification, one of which was the first successful entry from the fertilizer sector.
- During 2022, there was a staggering 45% increase in the number of buildings registered with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to over 42,000.
Previous Reports
2021 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report
Read the ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report 2021 [PDF - 6.30 MB].
Report highlights:
- Our first ENERGY STAR annual report since 2016 is back for our 20th anniversary edition which not only details ENERGY STAR’s accomplishments in 2021, but it also covers the highlights of 2017-2020.
- With the launch of the ENERGY STAR Brand Management team as well as the new Pinterest and LinkedIn ENERGY STAR accounts, ENERGY STAR’s social media influence has expanded, helping ENERGY STAR reach more people.
- The 12 Days of ENERGY STAR Campaign in 2021 was the most successful campaign so far, bringing in 1000 new followers across social media platforms, exceeding industry engagement rates on Twitter and Facebook, and a 50% increase in visits to the ENERGY STAR page during the campaign.
- Sales for natural gas and propane gas furnaces, imaging equipment, smart thermostats, residential light fixtures, and room air cleaners make up the largest share of Canada’s energy savings associated with ES products sold.
- Due to the Canada Greener Homes Initiative, over 300,000 new window and door models in 2021 attained ENERGY STAR certification, Canadian demand for ENERGY STAR products increased, and suppliers and manufacturers seek ENERGY STAR certification for new products.
- Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, over 6,400 new ENERGY STAR certified homes were built in Canada.
- In 2021, the ENERGY STAR for Industry program’s certification was broadened to include the fertilizer sector as the 8th Canadian industrial sector.
- In 2021, 3,000 new buildings were registered with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Additionally, a new feature was added to the portfolio manager to track greenhouse gas emission intensity in buildings.
2016 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report
Read the ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report 2016 [PDF - 1.89 MB].
Report highlights:
- We marked our 15th anniversary with the launch of ENERGY STAR Canada Twitter and Facebook accounts, and the creation of the first ENERGY STAR Day in Canada (the fourth Tuesday of each October).
- ENERGY STAR prevented 532,900 tonnes of GHG emissions, the same as taking 190,321 cars off the road for a year.
- Six new products joined the ENERGY STAR family: commercial boilers, commercial coffee makers, EV chargers, laboratory-grade fridges and freezers, large network equipment, and smart thermostats.
- 47 million ENERGY STAR certified products were sold in 70 product categories.
- 16,400 Canadian buildings are having their energy usage benchmarked through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, including 185 million square metres of floor space, representing more than one in five buildings.
- ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager added a sixth building type eligible for an ENERGY STAR score in Canada: senior care communities and residential care communities.
- 7,500+ ENERGY STAR certified New Homes were constructed.
- Energy efficiency improved 25% between 1990 and 2014, and helped Canadians save $38.5 billion
2015 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report
Read the ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report 2015 [PDF - 1.6 MB].
Highlights include:
The ENERGY STAR brand continued to grow in Canada in 2015, including a new product eligible for certification – clothes dryers. In its 10th anniversary year, the ENERGY STAR for New Homes program continued to play a key role in moving the housing sector in Canada towards energy savings, with almost 9,000 homes built and labelled this year alone. Also new in 2015, Canadians can now find certified products that are available in Canada using the US ENERGY STAR Product finder in both official languages.
2014 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report
Read the ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report 2014 [PDF - 2.057 MB].
This report welcomes a powerful new Participant in ENERGY STAR Canada, the Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA), and details the first-year results of the Canadian adaptation of the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager online benchmarking tool for energy performance in commercial and institutional buildings.
2013 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report
Read the ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report 2013 [PDF - 1.6 MB].
This report features alignment with the U.S. ENERGY STAR program and new research that 88 percent of Canadians surveyed say ENERGY STAR is the most useful tool they have to help them be energy-efficient.
2011-2012 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report
Read the ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report 2011-2012 [PDF - 2.5 MB].
This first ENERGY STAR Annual Report describes the success of the initiative since its introduction into Canada in 2002.
The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.