ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry

Apply to take the challenge

Reduce your facility’s energy by 10% within 5 years. Achieving this goal will earn you ENERGY STAR® recognition. You can proudly display the ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry logo – a recognized name in industrial energy efficiency.

Why you should participate

Canada Energy Star Challenge for Industry logo

Who can participate

To be eligible for recognition, your facility must:

have at least 50% of its energy use in manufacturing, and research and development

How to participate

  Step 1: Request the participant handbook by email at:

  We will send you the Challenge application package and support you through the process.

Step 2: Follow these steps to make it happen

1. Establish an energy intensity metric
The energy use data must cover the whole facility.
2. Select an energy tracking method
Use a method of your choice.
3. Set a baseline and 10% reduction goal
The baseline must include a continuous 12-month period.
4. Create a formal facility file and plan for tracking data
Establish an Energy Tracking Plan and maintain records.
5. Register for the Challenge

Complete the registration form and submit to

* Note: Standard processing time is within 30 business days.

6. Track energy use and achieve the 10% reduction
Compare energy intensity reductions over at least 12 consecutive months against the baseline period.
7. Verify energy savings and apply for recognition
Provide the Statement of Energy Improvement, the P. Eng. verification checklist and the recognition application form.

ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry recognition

Facilities that achieve the goal will receive:

  • an official ENERGY STAR certificate from NRCan
  • a congratulatory letter from NRCan to the company’s CEO, highlighting the facility’s accomplishments
  • recognition on the ENERGY STAR website
  • use of ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry logo

Useful resources

Share with your management, colleagues and staff:

The ENERGY STAR® name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.