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Canadian Circle of Champions – commercial offices

Canadian Circle of Champions

The following energy benchmarking champions are stakeholders in the commercial office sector, including financial institutions.

NRCan is working hard to routinely update and promote our Canadian Circle of Champions. Stay tuned for more stories from our benchmarking champions!



Crown Realty Partners
EPIC Realty Partners
Yonge Corporate Centre (Coming soon)

Stay tuned for more stories!

ATB Place (Coming soon)
ATCO Centre (Coming soon)
Colliers – 150 Bloor Street West (Coming soon)

Crown Realty Partners

Benchmarking helps keep Crown Realty Partners staff motivated

Crown Realty Partners is a private co-owner and manager of mid-sized office buildings in the Greater Toronto Area. Established in 2001, this organization has a mission that drives its quest to provide superior value in commercial real estate investment.

Crown uses several external energy benchmarking programs, in addition to its internal benchmarking routine. The organization uses Real Property Association of Canada's Energy Benchmarking Program as well as ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to support certification of various buildings under the Canada Green Building Council’s (CaGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) high performance green buildings rating system. Crown also participated in CaGBC’s former GREEN UP program.

Crown Realty Partners views benchmarking as a proven energy-saving technique. Benchmarking supports the company’s continuous improvement efforts as it strives to lower costs, extend equipment life, which ultimately benefits its tenants. One of the biggest wins for the organization has been the education and motivation of the staff, resulting from the collective review of its energy benchmarking data. The organization has a number of young and new operators, so the ongoing review and analysis of energy benchmarking results highlights and prioritizes opportunities for energy improvement.

Crown’s energy benchmarking efforts have been worthwhile and have assisted the organization to realize consistent energy savings year after year, with over 2% savings in 2011 from 2010 across its portfolio.

EPIC Realty Partners

EPIC Realty Partners uses benchmarking to meet its energy and environmental goals

EPIC Realty Partners is a national commercial real estate services firm that owns and operates over 350,000 m2 of commercial office property in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec.

EPIC uses ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager and used to participate in the Canada Green Building Council’s former GREEN UP program. The organization tracks a small sample set of buildings on an ongoing basis, monitors the performance of these buildings over time and then compares this performance with that of other office buildings.

EPIC started benchmarking its energy performance to identify its performance relative to its peers in the industry and to enhance its competitiveness in the commercial office market. According to EPIC, the ability to compare energy usage across its portfolio and the industry is the biggest benefit of energy benchmarking. If one of its buildings is underperforming, benchmarking data provides information that can motivate improvement. Energy benchmarking is a reliable tool that helps EPIC manage energy use in its buildings. Tracking energy performance and aligning with the industry are among EPIC’s corporate energy and environmental goals. Operational changes, tenant engagement, audits and retrofits are being implemented in all of EPIC's buildings.

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