How to apply for ENERGY STAR certification in Canada

NRCan is offering training for ENERGY STAR certification including “How to” training. Register today to save your spot.

Just getting started?


If you are new to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, learn all about benchmarking and the 1 – 100 ENERGY STAR score by visiting ENERGY STAR benchmarking for commercial and institutional buildings. If you’re not already registered to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, visit our ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager access page to get started today.

Have an ENERGY STAR score of 75 or higher?

This means applying for ENERGY STAR certification is easy. There is no better guide that will help you determine if your building qualifies for the ENERGY STAR. Certify your building and join commercial and institutional buildings that have made a commitment to energy efficiency and earn NRCan’s ENERGY STAR. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Benchmark your property in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager and achieve an ENERGY STAR score of 75 or higher.
  2. Begin the online application in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
  3. Have a Licensed Professional (LP) conduct a site visit, verifying the information in your application.
  4. Complete the online application in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, upload a scanned copy of the signed application and submit the application online to NRCan.
  5. Respond to questions from NRCan, if necessary.
  6. Receive notification of the application’s process.

Download How to Apply for ENERGY STAR® certification in Canada (PDF – 672 KB)

Certification requires verification

The information submitted in your certification application must be verified by a licensed professional (professional engineer or registered architect) to be eligible for approval. This means they’ll need to sign off on a few things, including your reported property use characteristics (size, occupancy, etc.), your energy data, and whether each of the indoor environment criteria has been met.

For more resources on licensed professionals, please visit The Canadian Licensed Professional’s Guide

Certification is annual

ENERGY STAR certification is awarded on an annual basis, so your building must maintain its high performance to be ENERGY STAR certified year to year. There is no cost to apply.

Additional resources:

The ENERGY STAR and PORTFOLIO MANAGER names and the ENERGY STAR symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.