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Energy benchmarking webinars

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Upcoming webinars

Natural Resources Canada has partnered with the Canadian Institute for Energy Training (CIET) to deliver a three-part Webinar Series on ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®.

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Webinar: 101- Fundamentals & Basics

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is a management tool designed to measure and assess the energy performance of commercial and institutional buildings. This session will introduce the basic functionalities and how to navigate the tool.

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Webinar: 201- Creating and Updating your Building Profile

This session provides participants with information on how to enter and update property data and use details in the tool. Participants also learn how to use the Data Quality Checker.

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Webinar: 301- Maximize Usage with Advanced Features

This session exposes participants to how they can go further with Portfolio Manager to produce more complex reports and templates as well as begin to set baselines and checklists for their buildings.

To register for these webinars, visits CIET’s training Calendar:

Past webinars

We have delivered a number of webinars on ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager that can help you learn to use the tool.

For access to the recordings of the webinars email to request the login credentials.

The ENERGY STAR and ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager names and the ENERGY STAR symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

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