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Building Energy Use Surveys

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) relies on data from building energy use surveys to support energy efficiency program and policy development in the Canadian commercial and institutional buildings sector. Data from these surveys also support benchmarking: enabling building owners/managers, energy specialists and consumers the opportunity to learn more about the energy consumption patterns of similar buildings, and of commercial and institutional buildings overall.

Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use

NRCan commissions Statistics Canada to produce the Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use (SCIEU) every five years. SCIEU 2019 produced national statistical estimates of building counts, energy use and floor space for 19 specific building types as well as ‘other building type’. In addition, and new for SCIEU 2019, the survey collected data separately for establishments and produced estimates of building counts for hospitals, universities, and other post-secondary institutions. SCIEU first collected data for calendar year 2009 and is being updated for calendar year 2024. Data tables for SCIEU 2019 can be found using the following link:

Survey of Energy Consumption of Arenas

NRCan tasked Statistics Canada to collect information on energy consumption of Canadian arenas for the 2014 consumption year. National statistical estimates of energy use led to the establishment of baseline data, and support the development of energy benchmarking for ice/curling rinks. Data tables for SECA 2014 can be found using the following link:

Survey of Energy Consumption of Multi-Unit Residential Buildings

NRCan commissioned a private consultant to develop and implement the Survey of Energy Consumption of Multi-Unit Residential Buildings for calendar year 2018 (SECMURBs). This survey collected energy consumption data from eight Canadian cities, together with information on the number of MURBs (properties) and their associated floor space. Results are an estimate of the aggregate of these eight municipalities, and do no reflect Canadian totals.  MURBs are comprised of a common entrance, and must have a minimum footprint of 600 m2, or include at least four floors. These data support government policies and programs, as well as energy benchmarking. Data tables for SECMURBs 2018 can be found using the following link:

For more information on these surveys, please contact us at You may also subscribe to our monthly newsletter, Heads Up: Building Energy Efficiency.

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