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Why choose ENERGY STAR

Helping Canadians find high efficiency products


The ENERGY STAR® symbol is a consumer icon in the Canadian marketplace. It instantly identifies products that have qualified as high efficiency. In fact, recent research shows that 88 percent of Canadians recognize the symbol.

ENERGY STAR Canada is a voluntary partnership between the Government of Canada and industry to make high efficiency products readily available and visible to Canadians.

NRCan formally enrolls manufacturers, retailers and other organizations as Participants in ENERGY STAR Canada. Participants help promote ENERGY STAR and ensure ENERGY STAR certified products are prominent and readily available in the marketplace and to Canadian consumers.

Partnering with the United States

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) administers and promotes use of the ENERGY STAR name and symbol in Canada under an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Canada became an international partner in the program in 2001.

NRCan works closely with the EPA to develop ENERGY STAR technical specifications for products. It also develops Canadian specifications for certain ENERGY STAR certified products.

Find out who is on our list of ENERGY STAR Participants.

Why join ENERGY STAR? Joining ENERGY STAR Canada is easy and makes good business sense.

Three tools for energy efficiency

ENERGY STAR is one of three tools that consumers, governments and businesses use to advance energy efficiency in Canada.

  • Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations set minimum energy performance standards for energy-using products.
  • EnerGuide is Canada’s energy-efficiency labelling program and rating system for major appliances, room air conditioners and some heating and ventilating equipment.
  • The ENERGY STAR symbol identifies products that have met or exceeded technical specifications for high efficiency.

Use our searchable product list to find all energy efficient products available in Canada.

For a handy “energy performance” profile of a particular product, go to the Product information section of our website.

The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

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