ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficency
ENERGY STAR Canada celebrates its ninth annual ENERGY STAR Day on October 9, 2024!

We celebrate ENERGY STAR Day to recognize the critical role energy efficiency plays in helping Canadians address climate change by reducing their energy consumption, and to acknowledge the great accomplishments that our participants, stakeholders and citizens have achieved in energy savings. Today is the day to celebrate all things ENERGY STAR!
Today, ENERGY STAR Canada is challenging you to:

- Purchase an ENERGY STAR certified product when shopping! It could range from a new electronic device to your next cooktop!
- Do your homework: If you’re expecting to make a purchase, take some time to look into replacements for existing products in your home. (Hint: that 20-year-old fridge in your garage is probably inflating your energy bills!)
- Looking for a new home? Learn about the benefits of an ENERGY STAR certified new home if you are planning to move!
There are plenty of ways to get involved:
Follow our social media channels for energy-efficient tips, rebates, giveaways and much more!

We want to hear from you: Tell us what your favorite ENERGY STAR certified product is or what you love most about your ENERGY STAR certified new home! Join the conversation on social media using the hashtags #ENERGYSTARDay and #ENERGYSTARCanada.

Share the ENERGY STAR Canada website with friends, neighbours, colleagues and family and remind them to keep their eyes out for the ENERGY STAR symbol when shopping for products or homes.

Check out the Spotlight on energy efficiency blog for the latest news and tips on energy efficiency for your home, your business, your community and everything in between.
If you’re an ENERGY STAR Canada Participant or stakeholder, email to get involved in ENERGY STAR Day planning!
The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.