Funding and incentives are available to support retrofit projects that help improve energy efficiency and decarbonization in commercial, institutional, and multi-unit residential buildings. Discover opportunities for funding, financing, loans, rebates, tax incentives, and more.
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Canada Infrastructure Bank’s Public and Commercial Building Retrofits Initiative
Natural Resources Canada’s Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program
The Clean Technology Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Canada Greener Affordable Housing program
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Affordable Housing Fund
Indigenous Services Canada’s First Nation Infrastructure Fund
Indigenous Services Canada’s Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program
Indigenous Clean Energy’s Project Accelerator
Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund
Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Municipal Asset Management Program
Business Development Bank of Canada’s Commercial Real Estate Loan
British Columbia
Landlord BC’s Rental Apartment Retrofit Accelerator Program
Alberta Municipalities’ Clean Energy Improvement Program
Government of Alberta’s Canada Community-Building Fund
City of Edmonton's Change Homes for Climate Solar Program
SaskEnergy’s Commercial Space and Water Heating Rebate
Manitoba Tax Assistance Office’s Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit
Independent Electricity System Operator’s Save on Energy
City of Toronto’s High-Rise Retrofit Improvement Support Program (Hi-RIS)
City of Toronto’s Energy Retrofit Loans
City of Toronto’s Eco-Roof Incentive Program
Government of Quebec’s ÉcoPerformance program
Government of Quebec’s Novoclimat Program for Large Multi-Unit Buildings
The Greater Montréal Climate Fund
New Brunswick
NB Power’s Commercial Buildings Retrofit Program
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Government of Prince Edward Island’s Business Energy Rebates Program
Government of Prince Edward Island’s Community Energy Solutions
Government of Prince Edward Island’s Energy Efficient Equipment Rebates
Government of Prince Edward Island’s Solar Electric Rebate Program
Newfoundland and Labrador
Government of Yukon’s Commercial Energy Rebates
Government of Yukon’s Better Buildings program
Northwest Territories
Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx)
EBCx focuses on “tuning up” existing equipment and systems and identifying low-cost or no-cost operational improvement in commercial, institutional, and multi-unit residential buildings.