Tuning Up: A Framework for Existing Building Commissioning

Tuning Up: A Framework for Existing Building Commissioning is a model blueprint for increasing the uptake of Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx) in Canada. It is intended to broaden awareness and to help identify opportunities for decision-makers such as:

  • program administrators
  • policy makers
  • senior managers
  • industry associations

Benefits of EBCx can include:

  • energy savings
  • increased occupant comfort
  • extended equipment life
  • improved indoor air quality
  • avoided costs
  • reduced greenhouse gas emissions
  • enhanced operations and maintenance (O&M) staff skills

The Framework was developed by the EBCx Working Group – a working group with representatives from organizations such as federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments, utilities, academia, industry associations, and commissioning providers.


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How EBCx works

EBCx is a key process that can help existing buildings operate as expected and meet the current facility requirements. In the Framework, it is used as a broad term that includes recommissioning, retro-commissioning and ongoing commissioning. EBCx focuses on improving or optimizing (i.e. “tuning up”) the performance of existing equipment and systems and identifying low-cost or no-cost operational improvements.

Key building types include commercial, institutional and multi-unit residential buildings.

Five pillars of key actions for increasing EBCx uptake

With an overarching goal of increasing the uptake of EBCx across Canada, the Framework is divided into five pillars.

Text version

An image that provides the names of five pillars of key actions for increasing uptake of EBCx in five interlocking puzzle pieces that are arranged in a circle. The five pillars are Creating Awareness and Common Understanding, Building Capacity, Expanding the Evidence Base, Identifying and Developing Tools, and Integrating EBCx into Programs and Policies.

Each pillar includes a specific goal, a summary of related barriers and challenges, recommended key actions, and a list of resources for reference.

For the key information for each pillar, download the Framework (PDF, 2.96 MB).

Looking ahead

Key actions could form the basis for new programs and activities or be integrated into existing approaches – for an individual organization, for a jurisdiction or region, for Indigenous communities, or Canada-wide.

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