Tutorial: Image Interpretation Quiz

Image Interpretation Quiz

This Image interpretation quiz is for students of remote sensing who would like to explore a variety of interpretation techniques and concepts.

Topics include:

  • Feature recognition;
  • Band combination colour assignments;
  • Image enhancements;
  • One and two dimensional histograms; and
  • Airphoto / satellite image comparison

Table of Contents

  1. Band colour assignment – Landsat   TM - Answer
  2. Feature recognition – Landsat   TM - Answer
  3. Feature recognition SEASAT   SAR - Answer
  4. Feature recognition SEASAT   SAR - Answer
  5. Feature recognition RADARSAT  SAR - Answer
  6. Find the bridge - Landsat   TM - Answer
  7. Matching band combinations – Landsat  TM - Answer
  8. Matching satellite images to air photos - Answer
  9. Recognizing city features - Landsat   TM - Answer
  10. Matching histograms to single band images - Answer
  11. Image enhancements - Landsat   TM - Answer
  12. Spectral signatures - Landsat-TM - Answer

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This educational material within these tutorials is provided as is and may be copied in any form and used for non-commercial purposes provided that the content of the original material is not altered and it is clearly indicated that the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada is the originator of this material.