Certified Map Printers

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), publisher of Canada's national topographic map series, has a certification program to accredit map printers for local, on-demand printing of these essential, authoritative documents. Now, all official NRCan topographic maps are available from Certified Map Printers, who ensure accessibility to high-quality paper copies of these maps.

Certified Map Printers are thoroughly evaluated by NRCan to verify that they conform to high technical standards for product quality, and to ensure the reliable reproduction of topographic maps from official data sources.  Maps published by Certified Map Printers according to the standards established by NRCan carry a special holographic seal of quality. Maps bearing this seal are authentic copies of NRCan topographic maps, easily recognized by map users.

Canada Map Office – Certified Map Printers

Some of the information on this web page has been provided by external sources. The Government of Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information. Content provided by external sources is not subject to official languages, privacy and accessibility requirements.

Zone Cartes

2323 rue Galvani, suite 150
Quebec, Quebec
G1N 4G3

French client service only
418-527-4424 or 1-877-820-2427
Fax: 418-529-8931
Email: info@zonecartes.com

Pathfinder Maps

50 Bennet St. Unit 4.
Carleton Place, Ontario
K7C 4J9

English client service only
613-257-1137 or 1-888-447-4745
E-mail: info@pathfindermaps.ca

World of Maps

1191 Wellington Street West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 2Z6

Bilingual client service
613-724-6776 or 1-800-214-8524
613-724-7776 or 1-800-897-9969
Email: info@worldofmaps.com

Information Services Corporation

1301, 1st Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4R 8H2

English client service only
Email: ask@isc.ca

GoTrekkers Ltd.

Box 1110
La Ronge, Saskatchewan
S0J 1L0

English client service only
(306) 635-7664
Email: info@gotrekkers.com

Map Town Ltd.

#100, 400 5th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 0L6

Bilingual client service
403-266-2241 or 1-877-921-6277
403-266-2356 or 1-877-776-2356
Email: maps@maptown.com

East View Geospatial

10601-Wayzata Blvd
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

English client service only
Email: geospatial@eastview.com

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