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Canadian Geographical Names Database

Access the Canadian Geographical Names Database; learn about its content, and attributes. Find lists of pan-Canadian names and updates to the database. Use an Application Programming Interface (API) to search and download geographical data.

See quarterly updates to the Canadian Geographical Names Database

Search the Canadian Geographical Names Database

Search by name, coordinates, rectangular area, unique key or alphabetical list.

About the Canadian Geographical Names Database

Find out about the database content, the names attributes and the character sets.

Innu-aimun audio for place names in Labrador

Listen to over 400 audio files from the Innu Nation of Labrador of their geographical names.

Geoname Service (API)

Learn how to use an API to search geographical names data.

Geographical Names of pan-Canadian significance

Find out which geographical names have a pan-Canadian status.

Download Geographical Names Data

Download files of official geographical names for individual provinces and territories available in Text, Shape and KML formats.

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