Source: Laura Golebiowski, Government of Alberta
Siksikáí’powahsin is not available at this time. For more information about Indigenous languages in Canada please visit: Indigenous languages - Canada.ca or International Decade of Indigenous Languages - Canada.ca
Okotoks comes from the Siksikáí'powahsin word okotok, meaning “rock.” The Niítsitapi believe it was on this spot that the supernatural trickster Napi created the world. Siksikáí'powahsin (Blackfoot) is spoken at home by over 4,900 people. (Census 2021)
Related links
- Indigenous Place Names
- Stories from the Land: Indigenous Place Names in Canada
- International Decade of Indigenous Languages (Canadian Heritage)
- Indigenous languages spoken at home (Statistics Canada)
- Alberta Geographical Names Program (Government of Alberta)