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An Indigenous Place Names Handbook: Sharing the Gwich’in Experience in Canada


The Gwich’in Tribal Council Department of Culture and Heritage worked with more than 70 Elders and traditional land users to document place names and create an inventory of heritage sites in the Gwich’in Settlement Region of the Northwest Territories and Yukon. On behalf of the Geographical Names Board of Canada, Natural Resources Canada supported the Gwich’in Tribal Council in publishing their documentation and best practices as a handbook with the goal of helping other Indigenous communities repatriate their own place names. The handbook includes an abstract and Elder acknowledgements and biographies.


Indigenous Place Names Handbook (PDF, 5.97 MB).

Handbook abstract

Handbook abstract (PDF, 1.35 MB).

The Indigenous Place Names Handbook abstract is available in:


Hai’ Choo – a special thank-you – to the more than 70 Elders and land-users in the Northwest Territories who shared their knowledge of Gwich’in place names, stories, legends, and traditional knowledge over the many years we have worked with them. The place names and maps that were created, and the handbook as well, are a special tribute to the people who have occupied and used Gwich’in lands with great respect:

  • Abe Stewart Sr., Fort McPherson
  • Agnes Mitchell, Tsiigehtchic
  • Alan Koe, Aklavik
  • Albert Ross, Tsiigehtchic
  • Alfred Semple, Aklavik
  • Alice Snowshoe, Fort McPherson
  • Amos Francis, Fort McPherson
  • Annie B. Gordon, Aklavik
  • Annie Benoit, Aklavik
  • Annie Jane Modeste, Fort McPherson
  • Annie Norbert, Tsiigehtchic
  • Annie Vanetlsi, Fort McPherson
  • Antoine (Tony) Andre, Tsiigehtchic
  • Barney Natsie, Tsiigehtchic
  • Bella (Norman) Modeste, Tsiigehtchic
  • Bertha Francis, Fort McPherson
  • Billy Wilson, Fort McPherson
  • Bob Norman, Tsiigehtchic
  • Caroline Andre, Tsiigehtchic
  • Caroline Kay, Fort McPherson
  • Catherine Semple, Aklavik
  • Cecil Andre, Tsiigehtchic
  • Dan Andre, Tsiigehtchic
  • Dolly McLeod, Aklavik
  • Doris Itsi, Fort McPherson
  • Edward Coyen, Tsiigehtchic
  • Eileen Cardinal, Tsiigehtchic
  • Eli Norbert, Tsiigehtchic
  • Eliza Kunnizzi, Fort McPherson
  • Eunice Mitchell, Fort McPherson
  • Fanny Greenland, Aklavik
  • Fred John, Aklavik
  • Fred W. Koe, Fort McPherson
  • Gabe Andre, Tsiigehtchic
  • George Edwards, Aklavik
  • George Niditchie Sr., Tsiigehtchic
  • Grace Blake, Tsiigehtchic
  • Hannah Alexie, Fort McPherson
  • Hyacinthe Andre, Tsiigehtchic
  • James B. Firth, Inuvik
  • James Simon, Tsiigehtchic
  • Joan Nazon, Tsiigehtchic
  • Joanne Snowshoe, Fort McPherson
  • John Norbert, Tsiigehtchic
  • John P. Kendo, Tsiigehtchic
  • Joseph Kay, Fort McPherson
  • Julia Edwards, Aklavik
  • Lucy Greenland, Aklavik
  • Marka Bullock, Inuvik
  • Mary Kendi, Aklavik
  • Mary M. Firth, Fort McPherson
  • Mary Teya, Fort McPherson
  • Mary Vittrekwa, Fort McPherson
  • Mildred Edwards, Aklavik
  • Nap Norbert, Tsiigehtchic
  • Neil Colin, Fort McPherson
  • Neil Snowshoe, Fort McPherson
  • Noel Andre, Tsiigehtchic
  • Percy Henry, Dawson City
  • Peter Kay Sr., Fort McPherson
  • Peter Ross, Tsiigehtchic
  • Pierre Benoit, Tsiigehtchic
  • Pierre Norman, Fort McPherson
  • Richard Ross, Aklavik
  • Robert Alexie Sr., Fort McPherson
  • Sarah Jerome, Inuvik
  • Sarah Simon, Fort McPherson
  • Stephen Charlie, Fort McPherson
  • Therese Remy Sawyer, Tsiigehtchic
  • Tommy Wright, Inuvik
  • Walter Alexie, Fort McPherson
  • William Teya, Fort McPherson
  • William Modeste (Willie Simon), Inuvik

We would also like to acknowledge the numerous project collaborators (community members, Indigenous partners, co-management, non-governmental and government organizations) who helped us to record and share these important place names.

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