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The European Union (EU)

The idea of a European Union was set up after World War Two.The process of European integration was launched on 9 May 1950 when France officially proposed to create "the first concrete foundation of a European federation". Six countries (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) joined from the very beginning. Today, after five waves of accessions, the EU has 27 Member States.

The EU is based on the rule of law and democracy. It is neither a new State replacing existing ones nor is it comparable to other international organizations. Its Member States delegate sovereignty to common institutions representing the interests of the Union as a whole on questions of joint interest. All decisions and procedures are derived from the basic treaties ratified by the Member States. (Europa – The European Union On-Line)

The principal objectives of the Union are:

  • Establish European citizenship.
  • Ensure freedom, security and justice.
  • Promote economic and social progress.
  • Assert Europe's role in the world.

List by Country:

List of Member Countries (with dates of membership)

  • Austria, 1995
  • Belgium, 1950
  • Bulgaria, 2007
  • Cyprus, 2004
  • Czech Republic, 2004
  • Denmark, 1973
  • Estonia, 2004
  • Finland, 1995
  • France, 1950
  • Germany, 1950
  • Greece, 1981
  • Hungary, 2004
  • Ireland, 1973
  • Italy, 1950
  • Latvia, 2004
  • Lithuania, 2004
  • Luxembourg, 1950
  • Malta, 2004
  • Netherlands, 1950
  • Poland, 2004
  • Portugal, 1986
  • Romania, 2007
  • Slovak Republic, 2004
  • Slovenia, 2004
  • Spain, 1986
  • Sweden, 1995
  • United Kingdom, 1973

List of Candidate Countries

  • Croatia
  • Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  • Turkey

List of Member Countries Participating in the Euro Currency

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Portugal
  • Slovenia
  • Spain

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