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Group of 8 (G8)

The G8 (Group of 8) is an informal group of eight countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom and United States of America. Each year, G8 Leaders and representatives from the European Union meet to discuss broad economic and foreign policies.

Canada joined the group in 1976, at the Puerto Rico Summit hosted by the United States. The European Union, was given observer status the following year at the London Summit.

Canada has hosted four Summits since 1976: in 1981, in Ottawa-Montebello; in 1988, in Toronto; in 1995, in Halifax and in 2002, in Kananaskis, Alberta. Canada will next host in 2010.

It is in the interest of Canadians that Canada participates in international discussions with its key partners. G8 membership enables Canada to pursue its broad foreign and economic policy agenda and interests, and to help shape global developments on a range of issues, including responses to global crises. (Canada. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade).

List of Member Countries

  • Canada, 1976
  • European Union (EU), 1977
  • France, 1975
  • Germany, 1975
  • Italy, 1975
  • Japan, 1975
  • Russia, 1998
  • United Kingdom, 1975
  • United States of America, 1975

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