Charts presenting the distribution by program

2014-15 Estimated Expenses (in thousands of dollars)

2014-15 Estimated Expenses (in thousands of dollars)

Text version

Expenses Fiscal year 2014-15

The chart presents a distribution of Natural Resources Canada’s total forecasted expenses in 2014-2015 by program activity. Total forecasted expenses amount to $2,354,747,699.

Expenses Fiscal Year 2014-15 (in thousands of dollars)
PAA Expenses Fiscal Year 2014-15 (in thousands of dollars)
Statutory Programs – Atlantic Offshore $1,081,735
Energy-efficient Practices and Lower-carbon Energy Sources 312,349
Responsible Natural Resource Management 270,794
Internal services 192,146
Technology Innovation 160,939
Landmass Information 81,032
Innovation for New Products and Processes 75,888
Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources 62,989
Investment in Natural Resource Sectors 59,138
Market Access and Diversification 57,737
2015-16 Estimated Expenses (in thousands of dollars)

2015-16 Estimated Expenses (in thousands of dollars)

Text version

Expenses Fiscal year 2015-16

The following chart presents a distribution of Natural Resources Canada’s total planned expenses in 2014-2015 by activity. Total planned expenses amount to $2,190,166,694.

Expenses Fiscal Year 2015-16 (in thousands of dollars)
PAA Expenses Fiscal Year 2015-16 (in thousands of dollars)
Statutory Programs – Atlantic Offshore $1,174,871
Energy-efficient Practices and Lower-carbon Energy Sources 255,595
Responsible Natural Resource Management 88,546
Internal services 171,886
Technology Innovation 147,956
Landmass Information 80,338
Innovation for New Products and Processes 89,641
Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources 71,200
Investment in Natural Resource Sectors 60,580
Market Access and Diversification 49,553

NRCan Future-oriented Statement of Operations is available on the NRCan website.