The Government of Canada has set up a Ministerial Panel to hear from Canadians on the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. As part of these engagement efforts, the Government of Canada launched an online questionnaire for Canadians to submit their feedback on the project.
The questionnaire is closed. We have received more than 35,000 responses! Thank you to all who participated!
Project Map

What is the Trans Mountain Expansion Project?

The Trans Mountain Expansion Project is a proposal by Trans Mountain Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kinder Morgan, to twin the existing Trans Mountain oil pipeline and expand the Westridge Marine Terminal. The existing pipeline, built in 1953, runs from Edmonton, Alberta, to the Westridge Marine Terminal and the Chevron refinery in Burnaby, British Columbia. Eighty-nine percent of the new pipeline will run along the existing pipeline route.
- The Government of Canada’s Interim Approach for the Review of Existing Projects
- The Government of Canada’s website for the Project
- The Canada Energy Regulator’s website for the Project
- The National Energy Board (now Canada Energy Regulator)’s Reconsideration Report for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project
- Environment and Climate Change Canada’s draft Review of Related Upstream Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimates for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project