Sub-activity 3.2.1

Essential Geographic Information


Many socio-economic and environmental decisions, such as land-use, elections planning, emergency preparedness and response, transportation and real estate, would generate inconsistency, disputes or turmoil without authoritative geographic information. This sub-activity delivers Canada's fundamental geodetic reference system, remote sensing technologies and authoritative mapping, earth observation and other location-based products and solutions. NRCan’s policies, infrastructure and products support a variety of socio-economic and environmental decision-making carried out by other departments and levels of government, private sector and academia as well as the public necessary for effective management of Canada’s natural resources and lands.

Non-Financial Performance Information
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Status Results
> Public, private sector and academia access geographic and geospatial information for the management of natural resources and lands Number of downloads for geographic and geospatial information (geo- information) 5% increase over 2010-11 baseline by March 31, 2013 To be provided in the corresponding DPR To be provided in the corresponding DPR
Financial Performance Information ($ thousands)
Planned Spending Total Authorities Actual Spending
24,568 24,568 To be provided in the corresponding DPR

FSDS Theme I - Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality

FSDS Goal 1 – Climate Change

Reduce greenhouse gas emission levels to mitigate the severity and unavoidable impacts of climate change.

FSDS Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation

Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 17% by 2020.

FSDS Implementation Strategy – Clean Air Agenda

1.1.5 Undertake and deliver scientific research and reporting in support of regulatory and other programs, including data analysis, inventory development, monitoring, modeling and assessment of the effectiveness of efforts as well as research on options, costs and benefits, and technology assessments. (EC, HC, NRCan, TC)

How Activity Supports FSDS Target

With sound geographic knowledge and information, such as digital topographic and remotely-sensed data, land-use and development decision-making is supported by evidence. Earth Observation science ensures that Canadian natural resource authorities have access to remote sensing applications such as ice monitoring and mapping of other effects of climate change. These tools can enhance decision-making thereby reducing the impact of development and ultimately contributing to the reduction of Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, efforts under this Sub-activity contribute indirectly to FSDS Target 1.1 – Climate Change Mitigation.

FSDS Theme III - Protecting Nature

FSDS Goal 6 Ecosystem/Habitat Conservation and Protection

Maintain productive and resilient ecosystems with the capacity to recover and adapt; and protect areas in ways that leave them unimpaired for present and future generations.

FSDS Target 6.2 -Terrestrial Ecosystem and Habitat

Park Protected Habitat: Maintain or improve the overall ecological integrity in all national parks from March 2008 to March 2013.

FSDS Implementation Strategy

6.1.13 Establish one new national park by March 2013; complete feasibility assessments of five other potential national parks and one proposed expansion. (PC, NRCan)

How Activity Supports FSDS Target

Under this Sub-activity, NRCan provides authoritative geodetic reference points, which enables accurate boundaries to be surveyed, demarcated and approved. This information is also used for mapping and assessment purposes, as well as to uphold boundaries and support the protection of national parks. Thus, efforts under this Sub-activity contribute indirectly to FSDS Target 6.2 – Terrestrial Ecosystem and Habitat.

FSDS Target 6.4 -Managing Threats to Ecosystems

Threats of new alien invasive species entering Canada are understood and reduced by 2015.

FSDS Implementation Strategy

6.4.1 Fulfill federal responsibilities related to prevention, detection, rapid response and management of invasive alien species. Key activities are related to governance (including international cooperation legislation/regulation, science and technology, risk analysis, information management and sharing, performance promotion, management and mitigation). (EC, NRCan)

How Activity Supports FSDS Target

This Sub-activity delivers to decision-makers remote sensing data and information derived from calibrated and validated space-based, airborne and satellite imagery data, technology and applications. This work provides the geographic knowledge essential for improved identification of insect defoliation (area and severity), and other effective monitoring, mapping and management activities related to invasive alien species , which will enable legislation and/or regulation, risk analysis and information management activities, helping to reduce the impact to Canadian habitat. Thus, efforts under this Sub-activity contribute indirectly to FSDS Target 6.4 – Managing Threats to Ecosystems.