Sub-activity 2.3.3

Environmental Studies and Assessments


Government departments, regulatory bodies and industry require information rooted in sound science in order to reduce the environmental impacts that may occur in the development of major resource projects. This program provides innovative scientific information such as remote sensing science and geoscience expertise to address the environmental risks, impacts and constraints imposed by metals mining, northern pipelines, the oilsands and offshore energy development. NRCan’s expertise also contributes toward the completion of environmental assessments required by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) and for all federally triggered or regulated projects and/or reviews. The expertise is also used in published assessments of non-renewable mineral and energy resources, which are necessary in designating new federal parks and protected areas on federal lands

Non-Financial Performance Information
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Status Results
Governments, regulatory bodies and industry access sound environmental science knowledge and information Number of knowledge attributions - e.g. citations - using NRCan's remote sensing data, geoscience data, or derived information, within the context of environmental studies, reports, or guidelines (excluding CEAA Environmental Assessments, and Mineral and Energy Resource Assessments) (Vigneault in GSC, and CCRS) 5 by March 31, 2013 To be provided in the corresponding DPR To be provided in the corresponding DPR
Percentage of responses delivered as per Environmental Assessments (EA) and Mineral and Energy Resource Assessments (MERA) requests 99% by March 31, 2013 To be provided in the corresponding DPR To be provided in the corresponding DPR
Financial Performance Information ($ thousands)
Planned Spending Total Authorities Actual Spending
10,281 10,281 To be provided in the corresponding DPR

FSDS Theme III – Protecting Nature

FSDS Goal 6 – Ecosystem/Habitat Conservation and Protection

Maintain productive and resilient ecosystems with the capacity to recover and adapt; and protect areas in ways that leave them unimpaired for present and future generations.

FSDS Target 6.2 - Terrestrial Ecosystem and Habitat

Park Protected Habitat

Maintain or improve the overall ecological integrity in all national parks from March 2008 to March 2013.

FSDS Implementation Strategy

6.1.13 Establish one new national park by March 2013; complete feasibility assessments of five other potential national parks and one proposed expansion. (PC, NRCan)

How Activity Supports FSDS Target

NRCan delivers expertise, information and data to other government departments, enabling a clear understanding of environmental risks and opportunities, which in turn supports environmental responsibility in the development of national parks, protected areas and the use of Canada's natural resources. Thus, efforts under this Sub-activity contribute indirectly to FSDS Target 6.2 – Terrestrial Ecosystem and Habitat.

FSDS Target 6.3 – Marine Ecosystems

Improve the conservation of ocean areas and marine ecosystems by 2012.

FSDS Implementation Strategies

6.3.1 Develop a federal-provincial-territorial network of Marine-Protected Areas. (DFO, NRCan)

6.3.5 Provide advice to decision-makers on potential environmental impacts and ecological risks with specific, high-priority ocean activity. (DFO, EC, NRCan)

6.3.8 Complete feasibility assessments for two potential national marine conservation areas. (PC, NRCan)

How Activity Supports FSDS Target

Geoscience information and expertise is necessary to review and assess resource potential in order to establish marine protected areas. Geoscience information is used to ensure environmental impacts and ecological risks are known in order to provide federally-regulated projects, such as deep water and pipelines approval, which contributes to ecosystem and habitat conservation. Utilizing the scientific research and expertise as well as collaboration with federal-provincial-territory governments to create a network of marine protected areas will facilitate decision-making and the conservation of Canada’s ocean areas and marine ecosystems. Thus, NRCan’s efforts under this Sub-activity contribute indirectly to FSDS Target 6.3 – Marine Ecosystems.