Energy Efficiency
Increasing energy efficiency remains an effective and low-cost means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Many Canadian energy users are unaware of the benefits of adopting energy-efficient technologies and practices. As well, because the energy efficiency of housing, buildings, and energy-using products is continually improving, regulations, codes and standards require ongoing stringency improvements. This program encourages the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and practices through labelling, information and training, and makes the stock of housing, buildings and energy-using products more efficient through regulation, codes, standards and energy benchmarking activities. It also makes industrial and vehicle operations more energy efficient through energy management standards, practices and training. This program is supported by the ecoENERGY Efficiency program.
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Status | Results |
Increased energy efficiency resulting from NRCan programs | Petajoules of energy saved through NRCan programming | 11.30 – 13.21 petajoules by March 31, 2013 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |
Canadians adopt NRCan-targeted energy efficient products and practices. |
a) Number of provincial/ territorial/ utility programs using NRCan developed housing standards and systems b) Number of jurisdictions adopting the 2011 National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) |
12 regional programs using NRCan developed housing standards and systems; 4 provinces/ territories adopting NECB or equivalent by March 31, 2013 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |
Implementation of promoted fuel efficient practices by type, related to operations and purchasing by drivers and freight organizations | Support training sessions on energy efficiency products and practices for 170,200 individuals in the transport- ation sector, 400 in the buildings sector, 500 in the housing sector, and 750 (including conferences and webinars) in the industrial sector by March 31, 2013 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |
Planned Spending | Total Authorities | Actual Spending |
46,011 | 46,011 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |

FSDS Theme I – Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality
FSDS Goal 1 – Climate Change
Reduce greenhouse gas emission levels to mitigate the severity and unavoidable impacts of climate change.
FSDS Target 1.1 – Climate Change Mitigation
Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 17% by 2020.
FSDS Implementation Strategies – Clean Air Agenda
1.1.5 Undertake and deliver scientific research and reporting in support of regulatory and other programs, including data analysis, inventory development, monitoring, modeling and assessment of the effectiveness of efforts as well as research on options, costs and benefits, and technology assessments. (EC, HC, NRCan, TC)
1.1.13 Enhance energy-efficiency regulations for consumers and commercial products. (NRCan)
FSDS Implementation Strategy – Clean Transportation
1.1.40 Offer information programs and decision-making tools which help Canadians to purchase, drive and maintain their vehicles in a manner which reduces fuel consumption and GHG emissions. (NRCan)
How Activity Supports FSDS Target
Greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change can be reduced through energy efficiency improvements. This Sub Activity contributes both directly and indirectly to FSDS Target 1.1 – Climate Change Mitigation.
FSDS Goal 2 – Air Pollution
Minimize the threats to air quality so that the air Canadians breathe is clean and supports healthy ecosystems.
FSDS Target 2.1 – Air Pollutants
Reduce air pollutants in order to maintain or improve air quality across the country and achieve the emission targets which are currently under development in consultation with the provinces and stakeholders.
FSDS Implementation Strategies – Clean Air Regulatory Agenda (CARA)
2.1.2 Undertake scientific research and reporting in support of regulatory and other programs delivered, including data analysis, inventory development, monitoring, modeling and assessment of the effectiveness of efforts as well as research on options, costs and benefits, including economic and social and technology assessments. (EC, NRCan, HC,TC)
2.1.11 Work on energy-efficiency regulations for consumer and commercial products. (NRCan)
FSDS Implementation Strategy – Clean Transportation
2.1.27 Offer information programs and decision-making tools which help Canadians purchase, drive and maintain their vehicles in a manner which reduces fuel consumption and GHG emissions. (NRCan)
How Activity Supports FSDS Target
Improvements in energy efficiency help to reduce air pollutants by reducing energy use. This Sub Activity contributes both directly and indirectly to FSDS Target 2.1 – Air Pollutants.
Program Name: ecoENERGY Efficiency
CAA Theme: Clean Energy
Description of ecoENERGY Efficiency:
The ecoENERGY Efficiency program is investing $195 million between 2011 and 2016 to maintain the Government of Canada’s momentum to improve energy efficiency in Canada —at home, at work and on the road. These efforts will make the housing, building, and equipment stock more energy efficient, energy performance more visible, and industry and vehicle operations more efficient. Improving energy efficiency will contribute to a cleaner environment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while saving Canadians money and making the most of our natural resources.
The ecoENERGY Efficiency program features the following components:
ecoENERGY Efficiency for Buildings supports the development and implementation of energy codes, benchmarking tools, training and information materials to improve the energy efficiency of commercial and institutional buildings in Canada.
ecoENERGY Efficiency for Housing encourages the construction and retrofit of low-rise residential housing, making the stock more energy efficient.
ecoENERGY Efficiency for Equipment Standards and Labelling introduces or raises energy efficiency standards for a wide range of products, and promotes energy efficient products through ENERGY STAR.
ecoENERGY Efficiency for Industry aids the implementation of an Energy Management Standard in industrial facilities, and accelerates energy-saving investments and the exchange of best-practices information within Canada’s industrial sector.
ecoENERGY Efficiency for Vehicles provides both individual Canadians and Canada’s commercial/institutional fleet sector decision-making tools for buying and operating their vehicles to reduce fuel consumption. It also promotes vehicle efficiency by introducing improved vehicle fuel consumption labels and a light-duty tire information system.
Expected program results for 2012-13:
The ecoENERGY Efficiency program focuses on activities that increase knowledge, awareness, and capacity in energy efficiency, including training, publications, partnerships and agreements. For example, the program will support training sessions on energy efficient products and practices for over 170,000 individuals. As well, knowledge and awareness will be increased through Project Reports that identify energy management opportunities for four facilities in the industrial sector and through the introduction of the Most Efficient ENERGY STAR program in Canada. The program will also support partnerships and collaborations that develop or deliver energy efficient products, practices or services through approximately 25 partnerships and/or collaborative arrangements. Finally, the program will foster the adoption of energy efficient technologies, products, and practices as 12 regional programs will use NRCan-developed housing standards and systems, and two provinces/territories will adopt the 2011 National Energy Code for Buildings or equivalent. Together, these activities will lead to an estimated 11 petajoules of energy savings.