Support for Clean Energy Decision-making
The development of Canada's energy resources is a source of greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts. The transition to a cleaner energy mix is a long-term challenge that requires an understanding of how clean energy production options can fit within the broader energy system. There is insufficient information for the public and federal government decision makers to evaluate the effectiveness of solutions to the domestic and international environmental impacts of energy development. This sub activity provides tools, information and analysis to Canadians on climate change mitigation and clean energy technologies, and supports Canada's international climate change negotiators. This sub activity is supported by the Clean Energy Policy Program and the International Negotiations program.
Expected Results | Performance Indicators | Targets | Status | Results |
The public and federal government decision-makers have access to tools and information that support decisions on climate change and clean energy issues | Number of new climate change tools and information products available to the public | 15 by March 31, 2016 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |
Canadian international climate change objectives are advanced in international meetings | Percentage of Canadian objectives reflected each year in the outcomes of relevant international meetings (e.g. UNFCCC) | 75% by March 31, 2013 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |
Planned Spending | Total Authorities | Actual Spending |
3,845 | 3,845 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |

FSDS Theme I – Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality
FSDS Goal 1 – Climate Change
Reduce greenhouse gas emission levels to mitigate the severity and unavoidable impacts of climate change.
FSDS Target 1.1 – Climate Change Mitigation
Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 17% by 2020.
FSDS Implementation Strategy – Clean Energy
1.1.20 Develop climate change strategies aligned with the United States including working collaboratively through the Canada-U.S Clean Energy Dialogue to advance clean energy priorities. (EC, NRCan)
FSDS Implementation Strategies – International Work on Climate Change
1.1.43 Work with international partners to implement commitments in the Copenhagen Accord such as mitigation targets and actions; short and long-term financing; mechanisms for technology and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; adaptation actions; and provisions for transparency and accountability of climate change actions. (EC, NRCan)
11.48 United Nations Participate in strategic international climate change negotiations and engagement in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including leadership on key issues. (NRCan)
11.49 Multilateral Organizations Outside of the UNFCCC Advance Canadian interests in a range of high-level climate change-related international for a, such as the G8, the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF), including the MEF initiated Clean Energy Ministerial; and the Asia-Pacific Cooperation. (NRCan)
1.1.53 Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Participate in a variety of policy and technical multilateral cooperation fora including the Global Institute, the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum, the International Energy Agency and the MEF Clean Energy Ministerial Carbon Capture and Storage Action Group.
How Activity Support Target
To support governance and the responsible development of Canada’s energy resources, NRCan delivers current and timely energy related analysis, advice and recommendations to NRCan senior management on a variety of domestic and international energy issues, including the Canada-US Clean Energy Dialogue (CED). The CED is a mechanism to advance bilateral cooperation with the US on clean energy technologies that support greenhouse gas mitigation efforts. Activity under the CED will help to accelerate the transition to a lower carbon economy. Under the support for clean energy decision-making sub-activity, NRCan provides information and analysis to decision-makers on short and long-term financing; mechanisms for technology as well as provisions for transparency and accountability of climate change actions Under this sub-activity, NRCan participates in the development of Canada’s negotiating position at the UNFCCC, including leadership on key issues related to clean energy technology. NRCan contributes to Canada’s participation in high-level climate change-related international fora, including technology partnerships such as Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum and Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute. NRCan also actively participates in and provides input into various multilateral fora, such as the G8, G20 and APEC, whose focus includes green growth, the promotion of clean energy research and development and the enhancement of trade in environmental goods and services, which all contribute to reducing GHG emissions. Under this sub-activity, NRCan represents Canada in high-level international fora related to CCS, including the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute, the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum, the International Energy Agency and the Clean Energy Ministerial Carbon Capture and Storage Action Group.
Program Name: Clean Energy Policy
CAA Theme: Clean Energy
Description of Clean Energy Policy:
The Clean Energy Policy program under the Clean Air Agenda provides advice, information and analysis on climate change, clean energy and other energy-related activities of NRCan.
Expected program results for 2012-13:
The Clean Energy Policy program will provide ongoing analysis, advice, recommendations, and coordination on clean energy and environmental issues in support of policy and program development and decision-making. This includes providing advice to senior management and developing information products (such as briefing material and research and analysis) to ensure that decision-makers have access to timely advice and information. The program will also remain engaged in domestic carbon capture and storage (CCS) policy activities, such as providing technical expertise and policy advice from an NRCan perspective to Alberta's CCS Regulatory Framework Assessment. Through the development and deployment of fact sheets and other outreach tools (such as assessments, best practices) the program will provide fact-based information regarding the oil sands, shale gas and other unconventional energy sources to Canadians, key stakeholders and foreign governments.
Program Name: International Climate Change Participations/Negotiations
CAA Theme: International Actions
Description of International Climate Change Participations/Negotiations:
NRCan’s International Climate Change Participation/Negotiations is a horizontal policy program involving policy development, analysis and advice, as well as strategic engagement in international climate change and other fora. NRCan activities include international participation/ negotiations in climate change (in sub-activity 2.1.2 of NRCan’s 2012-2013 PAA) as well as Forest Carbon Policy and Monitoring (in sub-activity 1.1.2 of NRCan’s 2012-13 PAA).
Expected program results for 2012-13:
The International Climate Change Participation/ Negotiations program provides strategic policy advice to Government of Canada decision makers on key global climate change developments and other issues related to NRCan’s mandate. NRCan’s program supports the development of climate technology policies and positions that are aligned with Canada’s interests. The program also advances Canada’s international climate change objectives in a range of high-level climate change-related fora, including the UNFCCC and the CEM. Canada’s engagement in the CEM facilitates clean technology collaboration with major economies, including the U.S. and China. The program will lead Canada's participation in international initiatives on Carbon Capture Storage (CCS).
NRCan will also work on forest carbon issues through contributing to international negotiations on GHG accounting and reporting rules for forest carbon, conducting analysis of key forest carbon options that contribute to climate change mitigation, and continuing to develop Canada’s National Forest Carbon Monitoring, Accounting and Reporting System. This system will provide forest-related information for Canada's 2013 National GHG Inventory Report to the UNFCCC. NRCan will also engage with domestic stakeholders on forest carbon management and the role of forests in meeting Canada’s mitigation goals under international agreements.
Program Name: Clean Energy Dialogue (CED)
CAA Theme: International Actions
Description of Clean Energy Dialogue:
The CED was created in 2009 to enhance collaboration between Canada and the United States on the development of clean energy technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change. Three working groups were established in the following priority areas: carbon capture and storage, the electricity grid and clean energy R&D. Working groups developed and implemented a CED Action Plan which identified 20 joint initiatives in support of the priority areas.
Both NRCan and EC work collaboratively with the US Department of Energy to advance the Clean Energy Dialogue (CED).
Expected program results for 2012-13:
Canada and the U.S. are exploring initiatives that could be included in a CED Action Plan Phase II in the following priority areas: carbon capture and storage, the electricity grid, clean energy R&D and energy efficiency.
The CED Secretariat works to advance the overall objectives of the CED. It conducts research and analysis to identify opportunities for collaboration with the US in the research, development and deployment of clean energy technologies and to monitor and analyze relevant initiatives to reduce GHG emissions (domestically, continentally and globally). The CED Secretariat also engages with its US counterpart in the Department of Energy and with key stakeholders to identify ways to facilitate and advance the implementation and delivery of CED projects and initiatives. In 2012-13 it will work with the U.S. to develop the Action Plan ll and will prepare and deliver progress reports on the implementation of CED projects and initiatives.
In 2012-2013, the three CED working groups will implement the initiatives included in the CED Action Plan II. It is anticipated that the R&D and Energy Efficiency working group will facilitate collaboration in the following five priority areas: marine energy, advanced biofuels, transportation, buildings and communities and energy efficiency. NRCan will likely focus on the implementation of projects on marine energy, transportation, buildings and communities and energy efficiency.
In 2012-13, the Carbon Capture and Storage working group is expected to continue to build on the initiatives identified in the first phase of the CED and to collaborate on the use of CO2 as a valuable asset for enhanced oil recovery. It is anticipated that NRCan will focus on the implementation of projects related to: technical collaboration on research, development and demonstration, dialogue on carbon capture and storage policies and practices, and sharing of best practices on carbon capture and storage communications and public engagement.
In 2012-2013, it is anticipated that the Electricity Grid working group will identify key opportunities and barriers associated with advancing an efficient and clean electricity grid within Canada and the US, and to outline recommended steps for bilateral collaboration and dialogue in the second phase of the CED, including further joint projects and areas for policy and regulatory alignment. NRCan is expected to focus on: setting the scene for offshore renewable energy technologies deployment, advancing smart grid technologies, realizing the potential of power storage technologies and increasing opportunities for trade in clean electricity.