New Energy Supply
The development of new sources of energy is pivotal in addressing Canada's long-term energy requirements due to increased energy use and the global decline in conventional energy resources. These new sources will support the energy supply mix necessary for sustainable long-term economic growth in Canada. However there is a current lack of geoscience information to enable the private sector to make investment decisions. This program provides strategic assessments, methodologies and information required to make investment decisions on the offshore and other viable renewable resources such as gas hydrates, shale gas, geothermal and tidal energy supplies that could become an important component of Canada’s future energy mix.
Expected Result | Performance Indicator | Targets | Status | Results |
Government departments, regulators and industry are informed by reports and strategic assessments on offshore and new energy supply. | Number of different strategic reports and assessments accessed (e.g., downloaded) by stakeholders annually | 5 by 31/03/2013 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |
Planned Spending | Total Authorities | Actual Spending |
8,153 | 8,153 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |

FSDS Theme I – Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality
FSDS Goal 1 – Climate Change
Reduce greenhouse gas emission levels to mitigate the severity and unavoidable impacts of climate change.
FSDS Target 1.1 – Climate Change Mitigation
Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 17% by 2020.
FSDS Implementation Strategy – Clean Air Agenda
1.1.5 Undertake and deliver scientific research and reporting in support of regulatory and other programs, including data analysis, inventory development, monitoring, modeling and assessment of the effectiveness of efforts as well as research on options, costs and benefits, and technology assessments. (EC, HC, NRCan, TC)
How Activity Supports FSDS Target
Capturing and making public new geoscience knowledge and information on viable renewable energy sources through publications, such as the North American Carbon Capture and Storage Atlas, will help encourage industry interest and investment by lowering financial risk and will provide support to policymakers. This in turn will strengthen Canada’s future energy mix, which will support the reduction of Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, this Sub-activity contributes indirectly to FSDS Target 1.1 – Climate Change Mitigation.