Forest Sector Innovation
Canada’s forest sector, traditionally the world's largest exporter of forest products, has experienced a decrease in its market share as a result of changing global and regional demand and increasing competition. To regain its competitive position, the sector must focus on innovation (i.e., research, development and deployment) that generates more value from Canada’s forests than it did in the past. This will allow the sector to move away from a traditional volume-based commodity focus towards a more diversified mix of higher-value specialized products, processes and technologies that will compete profitably in a wider array of markets. To accelerate innovation in the forest sector, an integrated national forest sector innovation system is needed. Through this sub activity, Natural Resources Canada provides leadership in Canada’s forest sector innovation system by bringing governments, industry and research institutions together in a working partnership to focus on collectively identifying, funding, and delivering the innovation priorities of the sector. Natural Resources Canada also conducts research and provides financial contributions to FPInnovations, other forest sector research partners, and eligible forest products companies to research, develop, and deploy new products, processes and technologies. This sub activity includes Investments in Forest Industry Transformation program.
Expected Result | Performance Indicators | Targets | Status | Results |
Increased number of higher-value Canadian forest products, processes and technologies (i.e., more diversified product mix and more efficient processes) | Number of new higher-value Canadian forest products, processes and technologies produced | 10 per year by 31/03/2013 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |
Common priorities are pursued by partners in forest sector innovation system | Number of partners pursuing commonly established forest sector priorities | 3 (which is a positive trend from current baseline of 2) by 31/03/2013 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |
Planned Spending | Total Authorities | Actual Spending |
56,608 | 56,608 | To be provided in the corresponding DPR |

FSDS Theme I – Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality
FSDS Goal 1 – Climate Change
Reduce greenhouse gas emission levels to mitigate the severity and unavoidable impacts of climate change.
FSDS Target 1.1 – Climate Change Mitigation
Relative to 2005 emission levels, reduce Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 17% by 2020.
FSDS Implementation Strategies – Forestry
1.1.55 Support the development and adoption of clean energy technologies in the forest sector and the use of wood as green building material in Canada and abroad. (NRCan) Investment in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT): Enable renewal and transformation in the forest sector by supporting advanced clean energy technologies in the forest sector. (NRCan)
1.1.56 Develop multidisciplinary assessments of the risks associated with the new and emerging bio-technology in the Forest sectors and the risks they may have on the environment. (NRCan)
How Activity Supports FSDS Target
Under this Sub-activity, NRCan manages Investment in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT), the primary objective of which is to demonstrate and deploy new and advanced technologies in the forest sector through investments in innovative processes. The environmental impacts of projects completed under the Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Program (PPGTP) (2009/10-2011/12) will be monitored for two years past the project completion dates. NRCan’s monitoring of the GHG reductions and other environmental benefits expected from projects completed under the PPGTP will help to ensure they are achieved to the extent expected. As a whole, through the production of renewable energy and improvements to energy efficiency, these projects are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Canadian pulp and paper industry by more than 10% from 2009 levels.
Under this Sub-activity, NRCan also assesses the role of bioenergy and biorefining in a transformed forest sector. This analysis will identify the policy implications and tradeoffs between different biomass uses, strategies and products, taking into account the interdependency of policy drivers including climate change, rural economy and industry competitiveness. The main objective of this work is to understand the role of bioenergy and biorefining as part of a more diversified, market-driven forest sector that aims to maximize value recovery from the forest without compromising Canada’s global leadership in demonstrated forest sustainability. This work will lead to an improved understanding of the impacts of supplying biomass to bioplants. Studies will focus on: ecological sustainability, biophysical potential and economic solutions, regional/national level employment impacts, and understanding of policy tradeoffs related to biomass use.
Financial contributions provided under this Sub-activity may result in products which will provide an alternative to petroleum-based products and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, on-the-ground research and analysis conducted under this Sub-activity contributes to quantifying (through lifecycle and carbon footprint analyses) the potential carbon benefits of utilizing forest biomass based products and energy to replace more carbon intensive technologies and products. Thus, these efforts indirectly contribute to Target 1.1 - Climate Change Mitigation.