Departmental Results Reports 2017–18

Energy Innovation Program - Clean Energy Technology Innovation component (Voted)

General information
Name of transfer payment program Energy Innovation Program – Clean Energy Technology Innovation component (Voted)
Start date April 21, 2016
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grants and Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2016-17
Strategic Outcome 2 – Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible
Link to the department’s Program Alignment Architecture 2.2 – Technology Innovation > 2.2.3 – Clean Energy Science and Technology

Accelerating clean technology research and development is a key component of the Government of Canada’s approach to promoting sustainable economic growth and to supporting Canada’s transition towards a low-carbon economy. The objective of Clean Energy Technology Innovation objective is to support energy technology innovation to produce and use energy in a more clean and efficient way. The program will undertake research in the following six strategic priority areas:

  1. Renewable, smart grid and storage systems;
  2. Reducing diesel use by industrial operators in northern and remote communities;
  3. Methane and volatile organic compound emission reduction;
  4. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the building sector;
  5. Carbon capture, use and storage; and
  6. Improving industrial efficiency.

This transfer payment program has repayable contributions.

Results achieved In 2017-18, the Energy Innovation Program provided $29.9M funding to 38 multi-year projects totalling over $50M in funding and $233M in total project costs, estimated to leverage 3.6 dollars for every dollar of federal funding. Projects were funded in a wide range of energy innovation themes including methane emissions reductions, carbon capture and storage, reducing energy use in buildings and communities, renewable energy, and smart grids.
Comments on variances Actual expenditures exceeded planned expenditures in 2017-18 due to an acceleration of project spending which was accommodated by cash managing funds from other Transfer Payment programs. These funds will be returned in future years to align the total budget with TB approved funding.
Audits completed or planned No internal audits were completed in 2017-18. An internal audit on the Clean Technology Stream is planned for 2019-20. In addition, a joint internal audit and evaluation on the Management Control & Performance Measurement Framework of the Green Infrastructure Initiative is planned for 2019-20.
Evaluations completed or planned

As per the 2017-18 Departmental Evaluation Plan, an evaluation of the eco-Energy Innovation Initiative (eco-EII) Energy Innovation Program is currently being undertaken. It is expected to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2018-19.

An evaluation on the Energy Innovation Program: World Class Tanker Safety System-Phase II is planned for 2018-19 and an evaluation on the Energy Innovation Program: Clean Energy Science and Technology is tentatively scheduled in 2020-21. In addition, a joint internal audit and evaluation on the Management Control & Performance Measurement Framework of the Green Infrastructure Initiative is planned for 2019-20.

Engagement of applicants and recipients To develop the scope of the call for proposals, there were engagement activities focused on industry roundtables and discussions with provinces and territories (through the Energy and Mines Ministers Conference and the Canadian Energy Strategy). In order to promote the call for proposals, a series of media interviews were organized.
Performance information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2015‑16 Actual spending 2016‑17 Actual spending 2017‑18 Planned spending 2017‑18 Total authorities available for use 2017‑18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017‑18 actual minus 2017‑18 planned)
Total grants 0 113,650 0 98,000 77,851 77,851
Total contributions 20,749,145 1,385,426 25,144,500 31,084,000 31,008,363 5,863,863
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 20,749,145 1,499,076 25,144,500 31,182,000 31,086,214 5,941,714