Departmental Results Reports 2016–17

Supplementary information

Corporate information

Organizational profile

Appropriate minister: The Honourable James Gordon Carr, P.C., M.P.

Institutional head: Christyne Tremblay

Ministerial portfolio17:

Year of incorporation / commencement: 1994

Main legislative authorities:

17 On November 4, 2015, an Order-in-Council designated the Minister of Industry (now the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED)) as the Minister for the purposes of the Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act. As a result, resources allocated to this organization were transferred to ISED, thereby reducing NRCan financial resources. Until the transfer was complete in June 2016, NRCan continued to disburse funds from its reference levels toward SDTC. These disbursements were equally shared between NRCan and Environment and Climate Change Canada, with each department reporting its shares in its DRRs.

Reporting framework

Natural Resources Canada’s Strategic Outcomes and Program Alignment Architecture of Record for 2016–17 are shown below.

1. Strategic Outcome: Canada’s Natural Resource Sectors are Globally Competitive

1.1 Program: Market Access and Diversification
1.1.1 Sub-Program: Mineral and Metal Markets Access and Diversification
1.1.2 Sub-Program: Forest Products Market Access and Diversification
1.1.3 Sub-Program: Energy Market Access and Diversification
1.2 Program: Innovation for New Products and Processes
1.2.1 Sub-Program: Mining Innovation
1.2.2 Sub-Program: Forest Sector Innovation
1.2.3 Sub-Program: Geospatial Innovation
1.3 Program: Investment in Natural Resource Sectors
1.3.1 Sub-Program: Mineral Investment
1.3.2 Sub-Program: Targeted Geoscience Initiative
1.3.3 Sub-program: Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals
1.3.4 Sub-program: Geoscience for New Energy Supply
1.3.5 Sub-program: Major Projects Management Office Initiative
1.4 Program: Statutory Programs – Atlantic Offshore

2. Strategic Outcome: Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible
2.1 Program: Energy-Efficient Practices and Low-Carbon Energy Sources
2.1.1 Sub-Program: Renewable Energy Deployment
2.1.2 Sub-Program: Support for Clean Energy Decision-Making
2.1.3 Sub-Program: Alternative Transportation Fuels
2.1.4 Sub-Program: Energy Efficiency
2.2 Program: Technology Innovation
2.2.1 Sub-Program: Materials for Energy
2.2.2 Sub-Program: Green Mining
2.2.3 Sub-Program: Clean Energy Science and Technology
2.3 Program: Responsible Natural Resource Management
2.3.1 Sub-Program: Forest Ecosystem Science and Application
2.3.2 Sub-Program: Groundwater Geoscience
2.3.3 Sub-program: Environmental Studies and Assessments
2.3.4 Sub-program: Radioactive Waste Management
2.3.5 Sub-program: Geospatial Information for Responsible Natural Resource Management

3. Strategic Outcome: Canadians have Information to Manage their Lands and Natural Resources, and are Protected from Related Risks
3.1 Program: Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources
3.1.1 Sub-Program: Explosives Safety and Security
3.1.2 Sub-Program: Materials and Certification for Safety and Security
3.1.3 Sub-Program: Forest Disturbances Science and Application
3.1.4 Sub-Program: Climate Change Adaptation
3.1.5 Sub-Program: Geohazards and Public Safety
3.2 Program: Landmass Information
3.2.1 Sub-Program: Essential Geographic Information
3.2.2 Sub-Program: Canada’s Legal Boundaries
3.2.3 Sub-Program: Polar Continental Shelf Logistics Support
3.2.4 Sub-Program: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
4.1 Program: Internal Services

Supporting information on lower-level programs

Supporting information on lower-level programs is available on the TBS' InfoBasexvi.

Supplementary information tables

The following supplementary information tables are available on the NRCan websitelix.

  • Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy
  • Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5 Million or More
  • Horizontal Initiatives
  • Internal Audits and Evaluations
  • Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits
  • Up-Front Multi-Year Funding
  • User Fees, Regulatory Charges and External Fees

Federal tax expenditures

The tax system can be used to achieve public policy objectives through the application of special measures such as low tax rates, exemptions, deductions, deferrals and credits. The Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for these measures each year in the Report on Federal Tax Expenditures.lx This report also provides detailed background information on tax expenditures, including descriptions, objectives, historical information and references to related federal spending programs. The tax measures presented in this report are the responsibility of the Minister of Finance.

Organizational contact information

Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0E4