General Information
Name of horizontal initiative | Major Projects Management Office Initiative (MPMOI) |
Lead department | Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) |
Federal partner organizations |
Non-federal and non-governmental partners | Not applicable |
Start date of the horizontal initiative | Original horizontal initiative's funding allocation start/end date: 2007-12. First renewal of the horizontal initiative's funding allocation start/end date: 2012-15.
Second renewal start date of the horizontal initiative's funding allocation: April 1, 2015. |
End date of the horizontal initiative | March 31, 2020 |
Total federal funding allocated (start to end date) (dollars) | $135 million |
Total federal planned spending to date (dollars) | $ 261 million |
Total federal actual spending to date (dollars) | $ 251 million |
Funding contributed by non-federal and non-govern mental partners |
Not applicable |
Governance structures | The Cabinet Directive on Improving the Performance of the Regulatory System for Major Resource Projects establishes the governance framework for federal departments and agencies to facilitate the effective, coordinated and concurrent discharge of their statutory duties, functions and obligations related to the regulation of major resource projects. It encourages them to work together to identify areas where the federal regulatory system can be improved, and to drive system-wide improvements to the accountability, transparency, timeliness and predictability of the federal regulatory system for major resource projects. The Minister of Natural Resources is the lead minister for the MPMOI. In collaboration with his counterparts in other regulatory departments, the Minister of Natural Resources reports regularly to Cabinet on progress towards achieving the objectives of the Initiative, and will report to Parliament and the public through NRCan’s annual reporting process. |
A Major Projects Deputy Ministers' Committee serves as the governance body for the implementation of the Initiative. This Committee provides direction for the resolution of project and policy-related issues and oversees the application of the Cabinet Directive. Membership on this Committee includes the Deputy Minister (DM) of NRCan (Chair), the DM of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the DM of Environment and Climate Change Canada, the DM of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, the Associate Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Canada, Deputy Minister of Health Canada, the Associate Deputy Minister of Justice, the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations) of the Privy Council Office, the President of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, the President of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, the President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, and the Chair of the National Energy Board. The MPMO provides overarching management and coordination of the federal regulatory system for major resource projects. It also provides support to the Major Projects Deputy Ministers' Committee, through the provision of strategic policy advice, analysis and other information. To ensure effective communication with federal regulatory departments and agencies on key issues and to facilitate collaboration and cooperation, interdepartmental working groups have been established at the Assistant Deputy Minister, Director General and working levels. |
Contact information | Gavin Lemieux, Director of Policy Major Projects Management Office Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth Street, 12th Floor Ottawa, ON K1A0E4 |
Results Information
Description of the horizontal initiative | Established in 2007 to improve the performance of the review process for major natural resource projects, the MPMOI is a horizontal initiative across 12 federal departments and agencies. The Initiative was renewed in 2015 for $135 million over five years to ensure: that Canada remains a competitive and attractive location to invest; high environmental standards are upheld; and meaningful Indigenous consultations are conducted. The Major Projects Deputy Ministers' Committee serves as the governance body for the implementation of the Cabinet Directive on Improving the Performance of the Regulatory System for Major Resource Projects. |
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation | NRCan will lead a comprehensive, horizontal evaluation, expected to be completed in 2018. |
Shared outcome of federal partners | Improved performance of the federal review process for major resource projects in support of sustainable resource development in Canada, and regulatory decisions that hold the confidence of Canadians. |
Performance indicators | See horizontal PAA below. |
Targets | See horizontal PAA below. |
Data source and frequency of monitoring and reporting | Various sources. Annual reporting |
Results | See horizontal PAA below. |
Expected outcome or result of non-federal and non-governmental partners | Not applicable. |
Performance information
Key Objective Area (KOA) 1: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Review, Decision Making and Post-Approval Follow-Up and Compliance Monitoring (Scientific/Technical Expert Capacity; Proponent Support and System Integration; Policy and Reporting; Legal Services) *
Performance Summary
Federal organizations | Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture | Contributing programs and activities | Link to department’s Strategic Outcomes | Link to government priorities | Total allocation (from start to end date) (dollars) | 2016–17 Planned spending (dollars) | 2016–17 Actual spending (dollars) |
CEAA | P1a. Environmental Assessment Delivery | Determining whether an EA is required, undertaking analysis of potential impacts of a designated project on the environment and Indigenous rights and treaty rights, undertaking Indigenous consultations, preparing EA decision statements, and compliance and enforcement | High-quality and timely environmental assessments of major projects to protect the environment and support economic growth | Improved Quality, Timeliness, and Efficiency of Government Service Delivery | 33,783,460 | 6,756,692 | 6,949,404 |
P1b. Environmental Assessment Policy | Supporting development of horizontal policies or procedures and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the EA process for major projects | High-quality and timely environmental assessments of major projects to protect the environment and support economic growth | Improved Quality, Timeliness, and Efficiency of Government Service Delivery | 3,562,295 | 712,459 | 553,119 | |
DFO | 2.2 Fisheries Protection Program | Providing information or knowledge on fish, fish habitat, and aquatic species at risk in support of EAs, applying regulatory review and permitting processes under the Fisheries Act and Species at Risk Act, supporting development of horizontal policies and procedures and ensuring departmental implementation of ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects | Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems | Improved quality, timelines, and efficiency of federal government service delivery | 26,436,064 | 5,314,820 | 5,237,762 |
NRCan | 1.3.5 Major Projects Management Office Initiative | Providing a single window for proponents and overarching management of major project reviews and providing horizontal leadership across the federal government to advance improvements to the major project review process | Canada’s Natural Resource Sectors are Globally Competitive | Improved Quality, Timeliness, and Efficiency of Government Service Delivery Improved Relationship with and Outcomes for, Indigenous peoples. |
19,662,979 | 3,932,642 | 3,381,284 |
TC | 2.3 Environmental Stewardship of Transportation | Providing information or knowledge on transportation-related environmental impacts during the EA process | A Clean Transportation System | Improved Quality, Timeliness and Efficiency of Government Service Delivery Modern, Sustainable, Resilient Infrastructure that Supports Economic Growth |
6,920,099 | 1,384,020 | 1,384,020 |
3.2.3 Marine Safety (Navigation Protection Program) | Providing information or knowledge on impacts to navigable waters during the EA and regulatory permitting processes and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects | A Safe and Secure Transportation System | Improved Quality, Timeliness, and Efficiency of Government Service Delivery Modern, Sustainable, Resilient Infrastructure that Supports Economic Growth |
4,858,921 | 971,784 | 810,407 | |
ECCC | 1.1 Biodiversity-Wildlife and Habitat | Providing expertise on wildlife and habitat during the EA and regulatory permitting processes | Canada’s natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations | Clean and Healthy Environment | 2,442,365 | 488,473 | 481,090 |
1.2 Water Resources | Providing expertise on hydrologic, water quantity and hydraulic impacts during the EA process | Canada’s natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations | Clean and Healthy Environment | 531,145 | 106,229 | 96,306 | |
1.3 Sustainable Ecosystems | Providing information or knowledge on environmental impacts during the EA process and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects | Canada’s natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations | Clean and Healthy Environment | 2,128,555 | 413,825 | 392,953 | |
2.1 Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians | Providing information or knowledge on hydrological and climate change impacts during the EA process | Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions | Clean and Healthy Environment | 531,145 | 106,229 | 106,355 | |
3.1 Substances and Waste Management | Providing information or knowledge on mining and processing during the EA and regulatory permitting processes | Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized | Clean and Healthy Environment | 2,592,730 | 509,031 | 283,044 | |
3.2 Climate Change and Clean Air | Providing support on climate modeling and GHG gas emissions during the EA process | Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized | Clean and Healthy Environment | 693,490 | 138,698 | 356,998 | |
4.3.1 Petroleum and Minerals | Providing information or knowledge on land management and Indigenous title and consultation in the North during the EA process and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects | The North: Self-reliance, prosperity, and well-being for the people and communities of the North | Clean and healthy environment | 1,562,202 | 323,853 | 235,374 | |
INAC | 3.3 Strategic Partnerships | Implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects | The Land and Economy: Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non-Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy | Strong economic growth | 594,952 | 188,261 | 587,362 |
3.2.1 Land and Economic Development Services (note: this sub-program area may be subject to change in the future) | Providing information or knowledge on land management and Indigenous title and consultation during the EA process and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects | The Land and Economy: Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non-Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy | Strong economic growth | 2,339,120 | 431,296 | 193,938 | |
Total for all federal organizations | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable | 108,639,522 | 21,778,312 | 21,049,416 |
*Note, some of these resources reported under KOA #1 (related to the four business lines listed above) may also support KOA #2 (Indigenous consultation)
2016–17 Expected results | 2016–17 Performance indicators | 2016–17 Targets | 2016–17 Actual results |
1. Timely EA and regulatory decisions for major projects | 1.1 Percentage of major project EAs that meet legislated timelines (CEAA, NEB, CNSC reviews) | 1.1 100% of major project EAs meet legislated timelines (CEAA, NEB, CNSC reviews) | 1.1 As of March 31, 2017, all 8 projects that completed the environment assessment process in 2016-17 under the MPMO Initiative met the target. |
1.2 Percentage of major project regulatory permitting processes that meet their service standards or regulated timelines | 1.2. 90% of major project EAs meet service standards; and 100% meet regulated timelines | 1.2 As of March 31, 2017, 100% of major project regulatory permitting processes under the Fisheries Act, met their service standards and regulated timelines. As of March 31, 2017, 100% of major project regulatory permitting issues under ECCC met their service standards and regulated timelines. |
2. Federal roles and responsibilities for major project reviews are clear and predictable | 2.1 Percentage of major project reviews for which the MPMOI has set out clear and predictable federal roles and responsibilities | 2.1 MPMOI has set out clear and predictable federal roles and responsibilities for 100% of major project reviews. | 2.1 As of March 31, 2017, the MPMOI had 93 projects under its management and oversight. All projects met the target. Results can be attributed to projects receiving one-on-one guidance from the MPMO throughout all stages of the project review process. |
3. Regular tracking of projects and identification of issues that need resolution | 3.1 Frequency of tracking of projects and identification of issues that needs resolution | 3.1 Daily tracking of project activities, and the identification of issues that need resolution. | 3.1 As of March 31, 2017, project issues were tracked on a daily basis and summaries of project issues were regularly shared with MPMO DM Committee members for their discussion and resolution. |
4. Integrated and robust advice supports improvements to the major project review process | 4.1 MPMO DMs are satisfied or very satisfied with how advice is advanced on horizontal issues | 4.1 70% of MPMO DMs are satisfied or very satisfied with how advice is advanced on horizontal issues | 4.1 All Deputy Heads were surveyed during the 2016-17 fiscal year. The results were consistent compared to 2015-16 results, with 80% satisfied with how advice was advanced on horizontal issues. There were 10 Deputy Head meetings during the fiscal year, including a retreat to discuss environmental assessment and regulatory reform. |
5.High quality EAs | 5.1 Proportion of relevant federal departments providing information, knowledge or advice to CEAA for standard EAs | 5.1 100% of relevant federal departments provide information/ knowledge/advice to CEAA for standard EAs | 5.1 In accordance with section 20 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, federal departments must make available to the Agency expert knowledge and information. During the 2016-17 fiscal year, 100% of federal departments provided information and knowledge into the environmental assessment process as required. |
5.2 Proportion of relevant federal departments participating in CEAA Review Panel, NEB, CNSC public hearings. | 5.2 100% of relevant federal departments participate in CEAA Review Panel, NEB or CNSC public hearings. | 5.2 During the 2016-17 fiscal year, no CEAA Review Panel public hearings occurred. All relevant federal departments participated in the NEB and CNSC reviews that took place during the 2016-17 fiscal year. | |
5.3 Percentage of projects undergoing follow-up and monitoring for which CEAA received a report during the reporting period that indicated that the mitigation measures set out in the EA decision statement would effectively address the environmental effects of the project. | 5.3 90% of projects undergoing follow-up and monitoring for which CEAA received a report during the reporting period that indicated that the mitigation measures set out in the EA decision statement would effectively address the environmental effects of the project. | 5.3 80% of projects undergoing follow-up and monitoring for which CEAA received a report during the reporting period indicated that the mitigation measures set out in the EA decision statement effectively address the environmental effects of the project. The Agency received five reports, four of which demonstrated that the mitigation measures set out in the EA decision statement would effectively address the environmental effects of the project. |
5.4 Percentage of projects where adaptive management measures undertaken by the proponent and reported to CEAA led to effectively addressing the environmental effects of the project. | 5.4 90% of projects where adaptive management measures undertaken by the proponent and reported to CEAA led to effectively addressing the environmental effects of the project | ||
5.4 During the reporting period, no reports were received by the Agency which indicated adaptive management measures needed to be implemented. |
Key Objective Area 2: Indigenous Consultation (CEAA also undertakes Indigenous consultation activities, which are included in the funding reported under KOA #1)
Performance summary
Federal organizations | Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture | Contributing programs and activities | Link to department’s Strategic Outcomes | Link to government priorities | Total allocation (from start to end date) (dollars) | 2016–17 Planned spending (dollars) | 2016–17 Actual spending (dollars) |
DFO | 2.2 Fisheries Protection Program | Supporting consultations during EAs and undertaking consultations in relation to regulatory decisions under the Fisheries Act and Species at Risk Act to meet duty to consult obligations | Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems | Improved relationships with and outcomes for Indigenous Peoples | 6,558,190 | 1,311,638 | 1,179,905 |
TC | 2.3 Environmental Stewardship of Transportation | Supporting consultations during EAs to meet duty to consult obligations | A Clean Transportation System | Improved Quality, Timeliness, and Efficiency of Government Service Delivery Modern, Sustainable, Resilient Infrastructure that Supports Economic Growth |
2,750,420 | 550,084 | 550,084 |
3.2.3 Marine Safety (Navigation Protection Program) | Supporting consultations during EAs and undertaking consultations in relation to regulatory decisions under the Navigation Protection Act to meet duty to consult obligations | A Safe and Secure Transportation System | Improved Quality, Timeliness, and Efficiency of Government Service Delivery Modern, Sustainable, Resilient Infrastructure that Supports Economic Growth |
ECCC | 1.3 Sustainable Ecosystems | Supporting consultations during EAs and undertaking consultations in relation to regulatory decisions under the Fisheries Act, the Migratory Birds Convention Act, the Species at Risk Act and the International River Improvements Act to meet duty to consult obligations | Canada’s natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations | Clean and Healthy Environment | 2,522,930 | 504,586 | 394,428 |
INAC | 3.2.1 Lands and Economic Development Services Note: This sub-program area may be subject to change in the future |
Providing early engagement and developing partnerships in the project development stage and prior to a major project reviews, and analyzing economic development opportunities respecting major projects | The Land and Economy: Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non-Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy | Strong economic growth | 1,358,577 | 297,682 | 199,732 |
4.3.1 Petroleum and Minerals | Providing early engagement and developing partnerships in the project development stage and prior to a major project reviews, and analyzing economic development opportunities respecting major projects | The North: Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North | A clean and healthy environment | 898,974 | 185,375 | 158,022 | |
1.2.3 Consultation and Accommodation | Providing information, analysis, training and guidance on issues to facilitate a whole-of-government approach to consultations | The Government: Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous peoples | A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion | 1,189,903 | 254,847 | 252,560 | |
Total for all federal organizations | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable | 15,278,994 | 3,104,212 | 2,734,731 |
2016–17 Expected results | 2016–17 Performance indicators | 2016–17 Targets | 2016–17 Actual results |
1. Indigenous consultation activities for major projects are fulfilled in a consistent, adequate and meaningful manner, and meet the Crown's legal duty to consult | 1.1 Percentage of major project reviews that have an Aboriginal consultation work plan | 1.1 100% of major project reviews with a Crown consultation component that have an Indigenous consultation work plan | 1.1 For all reviews conducted under the responsibility of CEA Agency, the NEB and the CNSC, results for 2016-17 were 100% met. For post-EA regulatory permitting, as of March 31, 2017, 100% of projects met the target. During this period, 8 major projects entered the regulatory permitting phase of the project review process. |
1.2 Percentage of major project reviews for which DOJ, when requested, assesses the legal risk arising as a result of federal consultation efforts as low to medium | 1.2 100% of major project reviews for which DOJ, when requested, assesses the legal risk arising as a result of federal consultation efforts as low to medium. | 1.2 As of March 31, 2016, 100% of all projects requested to have an assessment were given a legal risk assessment of low to medium. | |
1.3 Percentage of legal challenges to major project reviews (including Aboriginal consultation) where the Crown is not successful | 1.3 Decreasing trend of legal challenges to major project reviews (including Indigenous consultation) where the Crown is not successful | 1.3 Of the two legal challenges to a major project review which concluded between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017, there was one successful litigation against the Crown. |
Internal Services (IS)
Federal organizations | Total allocation (from start to end date) (dollars) | 2016–17 Planned spending (dollars) | 2016–17 Actual spending (dollars) |
CEAA | 2,654,245 | 530,849 | 315,340 |
DFO | 2,005,746 | 373,542 | 373,542 |
NRCan | 1,337,021 | 267,358 | 267,358 |
TC | 2,970,560 | 594,112 | 401,282 |
ECCC | 1,057,640 | 232,929 | 232, 929 |
INAC | 1,056,272 | 118,686 | 118,686 |
Total (IS) | 11,081,484 | 2,117,476 | 1,709,137 |
135,000,000 | 27,000,000 | 25,493,284 |