Departmental Results Report 2022–23

Horizontal Initiatives

Natural Climate Solutions Fund (NCSF) – Overview

General Information

Name of horizontal initiative Natural Climate Solutions Fund (NCSF)
Lead department Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Federal partner departments

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Start date of the horizontal initiative 2021/2022
End date of the horizontal initiative 2030/2031Footnote 1
Description of the horizontal initiative

Canada’s Natural Climate Solutions Fund (NCSF) is a horizontal initiative established to leverage the inherent ability of natural ecosystems to sequester carbon and reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations. This initiative includes three separate, but related, programs: Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) 2 Billion Trees program, Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Agricultural Climate Solutions. NRCan is the lead department for the Horizontal Initiative Framework, supported by ECCC and AAFC.

Governance structures

The Horizontal Initiative is governed by an ADM Oversight Committee that is chaired by the Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) of the Canadian Forest Service, NRCan and includes the ADM of the Canadian Wildlife Service, ECCC, and the ADM of Programs Branch, AAFC. The Oversight Committee will be responsible for ensuring that the NCSF is properly managed, ensuring timely and accurate reporting, seeking conflict resolution, liaising with the central agencies, and ensuring appropriate operation of an external Advisory Committee.

A Director General Steering Committee chaired by NRCan, with representation from ECCC and AAFC, supports the Oversight Committee to guide effective and efficient implementation of the initiative, ensure coordination across the three departments, and ensure timely and accurate reporting on results and financial information.

Additionally, there are three Director-level working groups, all chaired by NRCan with representation from ECCC and AAFC:

  1. Coordination Working Group – this group oversees approaches to improving coordination across the three departments.
  2. Indigenous Collaboration Working Group – this group ensures coordinated and effective approaches to work with Indigenous peoples in a way that reduces administrative burden and reflects the Government’s commitment to reconciliation, for example through extensive engagement with Indigenous peoples.
  3. Horizontal Reporting Working Group – this group ensures coordination on and fulfillment of the requirements of the horizontal reporting framework and results tracking. This working group may establish a sub-group to provide specific oversight on the reporting of GHG emission reductions and removals due to NCSF activities.
Total federal funding allocated (from start to end date) (dollars) $4,995,484,795Footnote 2
Total federal planned spending to date (dollars) $385,239,777
Total federal actual spending to date (dollars) $251,178,386
Date of last renewal of the horizontal initiative Not applicable
Total federal funding allocated at the last renewal, and source of funding (dollars) Not applicable
Additional federal funding received after the last renewal (dollars) Not applicable
Total planned spending since the last renewal Not applicable
Total actual spending since the last renewal Not applicable
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2025-2026, led by NRCan with support from ECCC and AAFC
Performance highlights

As lead department for the Natural Climate Solutions Fund (NCSF) Horizontal Initiative, Natural Resources Canada worked closely with Environment and Climate Change Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to coordinate implementation and reporting on the three NCSF programs: 2 Billion Trees, Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, and Agricultural Climate Solutions. In 2022-23, 205 projects were supported by NCSF programs.

Key performance highlights for 2022-23 include:

  • Over $70M in funding was provided to 107 projects through the 2 Billion Trees program. As of March 2023, 2BT has signed or is in the process of negotiating agreements to plant approximately 260 million trees over ten years. Tree planting in 2022-23 represented 197 species, at more than 1100 sites across 10 provinces. Tree planting projects funded through 2BT ranged from restoration of habitat for species at risk, enhancement of biodiversity, creation of forest ecosystems on fire-damaged land, increased carbon capture, capacity building, and the creation of parks and greenspaces in and around cities. In 2022-23, urban tree planting accounted for 41% of all supported projects, and 22% of supported projects were Indigenous-led.
  • 2 Billion Trees launched its third call for proposals in December 2022. This ongoing call for proposals focuses on long-term agreements with eligible applicants, including Indigenous governments and organizations, municipalities and for- and non-profit organizations. The program has also signed 7 Agreements in Principle with provinces and territories, leveraging a shared commitment with provincial and territorial governments to deliver social and environmental benefits for Canadians through tree-planting.
  • The Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund (NSCSF) was allocated an additional $780M in funding in Budget 2022, for a total of $1.4B in funding available to advance natural climate solutions until 2031. In 2022-2023, the NSCSF completed an open call for applications for projects focusing on emission reductions activities. The open call for applications resulted in the approval of 39 new projects for a total of approximately $110M over 5 years. To date, the NSCSF has committed a total of approximately $184M over 5 years for 61 projects through directed and open calls for applications.
  • Since 2021, the Indigenous-led Natural Climate Solutions (ILNCS) stream has approved 20 community-based initiatives (to First Nations, Inuit and Métis partners) and 1 Nation-wide First Nations capacity building initiative for a total of approximately $4.5M expended by the end of 2022-2023 from the $7.9M allocated to these multi-year projects. In 2022, the ILNCS launched a new call for applications for First Nations ILNCS initiatives, and invited Métis and Inuit applications separately; funding decisions are expected in Summer 2023.
  • In July 2022, Agricultural Climate Solutions (ACS) Living Labs announced nine projects with sites in BC, AB, SK, NB, NS and NL, an investment totaling $53.8M. There is currently no performance data from these sites as performance reports on activity results are due summer 2023. Other activities in FY 2022-23 focused on implementing intakes and assessing proposals for the second funding cycle, from which the program anticipates additional projects to complete the ACS Living Lab Canada-wide network.
  • Initially, 12 projects were approved under Agricultural Climate Solutions On-Farm Climate Action Fund (ACS-OFCAF), as previously reported in the 2021-22 Departmental Results Report. In June 2022, an additional Indigenous-led project totaling $7.2 M in funding was approved. In 2022-23, the program received approximately $30M in additional funds. . As of December 2022, interim progress reports indicated recipient organizations were on pace to surpass their targets, supporting producers to adopt beneficial management practices to reduce greenhouse gases, sequester carbon and provide other environmental co-benefits.
Contact information

Susy Domenicano

A/Executive Director, Natural Climate Solutions Division, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada

580 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0E6


Shared outcomes:

Horizontal initiative framework: departmental funding by theme (dollars)Footnote 3

Natural Climate Solutions Fund (NCSF) T1: 2 Billion Trees (2BT) T2: Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund (NSCSF) T3: Agricultural Climate Solutions (ACS) Internal Services
Shared outcome(s) Reduce GHG emissions in Canada through planting 2 billion incremental trees while achieving environmental and human wellbeing co-benefits Conserve, restore and manage ecosystems to reduce GHG emissions

Reduce GHG emissions in Canada through climate smart ecosystems.

Increase land area supporting reduced GHG emissions.

Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Canadian agriculture sector

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) $3,199,392,648     $10,099,427
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)   $1,411,092,147.00   $29,051,639
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)    

ACS – Living Labs:

$185,000,000 over 10 years (2021-22 to 2030-31),

ACS – OFCAFFootnote 4:

$200,000,000 over three years (2021-22 to 2023-24)

ACS – Living Labs: $6,284,033

ACS – OFCAF: $2,665,386

TOTAL: $8,949,419

Total $3,199,392,648 $1,411,092,147.00 $385,000,000 $48,100,485

Performance InformationFootnote 5

Name of horizontal initiative: Natural Climate Solutions Fund

Total federal funding allocated (dollars): $4,995,484,795

2022-23 Planned spending (dollars): $385,239,777

2022-23 Actual spending (dollars): $251,178,386

Horizontal Initiative Overview

Horizontal initiative shared outcome(s) 2022-23 Performance indicator(s) 2022-23 Target(s) Date to achieve targetFootnote 6 2022-23 Actual results
Reduce GHG emissions in Canada through natural climate solutions Annual GHG emission reductions through NCSF Annually increasing emissions reductions, reaching 4-7 megatonnes (Mt) CO2e per year by 2030 March 31, 2031 (final results to be reported in 2032-33 Departmental Results Report)


There is a 2-year lag in the availability of data for this indicator and results for 2022-23 are anticipated to be available in 2024-25

Projected long-term (2050) GHG emission reductions through NCSF Projected emission reduction of 13-17 megatonnes (Mt) CO2e per year by 2050 March 31, 2031 (final results to be reported in 2032-33 Departmental Results Report)


There is a 2-year lag in the availability of data for this indicator and results for 2022-23 are anticipated to be available in 2024-25

Achieve environmental co-benefits through natural climate solutions Cumulative total land area restored through NCSF Annually increasing, with interim target TBD by March 31, 2024; final target of 1.32 Mha restored Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 33,151 hectares
Cumulative total land area under improved management through NCSF Annually increasing, with interim target TBD by March 31, 2024; final target of 0.14-0.2 Mha under improved management


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

Achieve human well being co-benefits through natural climate solutions Number of aggregate direct jobs created through NCSF 2175-2646 people directly employed each year Annual, starting in 2024


Reporting for this indicator to begin 2024-25

Theme 1 DetailsFootnote 7

Name of theme: 2 Billion Trees

Total federal funding allocated (dollars): $3,199,392,648

2022-23 Planned spending (dollars): $213,719,005

2022-23 Actual spending (dollars): $82,260,487

Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme targetFootnote 8 2022-23 Actual results
Reduce GHG emissions in Canada through planting 2 billion incremental trees Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted Annually increasing, reaching cumulative total of 2 billion trees March 31, 2031 56,362,656 trees
Cumulative total area planted with incremental trees Annually increasing, reaching cumulative total of 1.1 million hectares March 31, 2031 33,151 hectares
Annual GHG emission reductions Annually increasing emission reductions, reaching up to 2 megatonnes (Mt) CO2e per year by 2030 March 31, 2031 (final results to be reported in 2032-33 Departmental Results Report)


There is a 2-year lag in the availability of data for this indicator and results for 2022-23 are anticipated to be available in 2024-25

Projected long-term (2050) GHG emission reductions Projected emission reduction of up to 11-12 megatonnes (Mt) CO2e per year by 2050 March 31, 2031 (final results to be reported in 2032-33 Departmental Results Report)


There is a 2-year lag in the availability of data for this indicator and results for 2022-23 are anticipated to be available in 2024-25

Achieve environmental co-benefits through tree planting Cumulative total area planted that contributes to forest habitat restoration for species at risk and other species of interest Annually increasing, reaching cumulative total of 70,000-90,000 hectares (target to be confirmed by March 31, 2024) March 31, 2031 1511 hectares
Cumulative total area planted that contributes to increased forest resilience to climate change Annually increasing, with final target to be determined by March 31, 2024 March 31, 2031 31,155 hectares
Achieve human wellbeing co-benefits through tree planting Number of aggregate direct, indirect and induced jobs created 3600-4300 people employed each year due to 2BT, starting in 2024 Annual, starting in 2024


Reporting for this indicator to begin 2024-25

Percent of large (500+ FTEs) and medium (100-499 FTEs) organization funding recipients that have Diversity and Inclusion Plans Annually increasing, with 100% of large and medium organization funding recipients having Diversity and Inclusion Plans by March 31, 2031 March 31, 2031 78.4%
Percent of under-represented groups in the tree planting and related activity workforce of large and medium organization funding recipients Annually increasing; final targets of: 45% women, 9% immigrants, 6% visible minorities, 3% Indigenous women in tree planting and related activity workforce supported by 2BT March 31, 2031 32% women, 4% immigrants, 6% visible minorities, 2% Indigenous women

Theme 1 Horizontal Initiative ActivitiesFootnote 9

Departments: Natural Resources Canada

Link to department’s Program Inventory: Forest Climate Change Program

Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding allocated to each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Actual spending for each horizontal initiative activity 2022-23 Horizontal initiative activity expected result(s) 2022-23 Horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s) 2022-23 Horizontal initiative activity target(s) Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity targetFootnote 10 2022-23 Actual results
2BT Activity 1: Provinces / Territories (PT) stream $1,350,000,000 $87,906,977 $21,102,700 PTs increase incremental tree planting Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted through PT stream Annually increasing; interim target TBD by March 31, 2024; final target of 1.16 - 1.19 billion trees Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 27,332,316 trees
2BT Activity 1: Private Land stream $660,000,000 $42,976,744 $18,611,238 Incremental tree planting on private lands is increased Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted on private lands through stream Annually increasing; interim target TBD by March 31, 2024; final target more then 500 million trees Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 15,453,681 trees
Number of landowners supported through Private Land stream Interim and final targets TBD by March 31, 2024 Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 365 landowners
2BT Activity 1: Urban Land stream $500,000,000 $32,558,140 $18,390,421 Community-led initiatives for urban tree planting and management across Canada are increased Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted in urban environments Annually increasing; interim target TBD by March 31, 2024; final target 5-7 million trees Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 896,937 trees
Number of communities supported through Urban Land stream Interim and final targets TBD by March 31, 2024 Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 55 communities
2BT Activity 1: Indigenous stream $500,000,000 $32,558,140 $9,887,947 Indigenous-led initiatives for tree planting across Canada are increased Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted through Indigenous stream Annually increasing; final target 180 million trees March 31, 2031 12,120,064 trees
Number of Indigenous organizations supported Interim and final targets TBD by March 31, 2024 Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 18 organizations
2BT Activity 1: Federal Land stream $50,000,000 $1,960,710 $2,954,284 Federal departments and agencies increase incremental tree planting Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted through Federal Land stream Annually increasing; interim and final targets TBD by March 31, 2024 Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 558,490 trees
2BT Activity 2: Estimate and report on GHG impacts - New $25,000,000 $2,943,727 $2,131,687 2BT reports on annual GHG impacts Production of estimates of 2BT- supported emission reductions for Canada’s GHG National Inventory Report Estimates produced annually Annual, starting March 31, 2024


Reporting on this indicator to begin 2023-24

2BT Activity 2: Estimate and report on GHG impacts - Existing $19,884,439 $1,986,006 $654,393
2BT Activity 3: NRCan research to improve 2BT outcomes - New $7,200,000 $891,393 $613,923 NRCan research related to tree planting and carbon sequestration and monitoring is enhanced Cumulative total number of scientific/ technical articles and reports published by NRCan supported through the stream Annually increasing; interim and final target TBD by March 31, 2024 Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 15 scientific/technical articles and reports
2BT Activity 3: NRCan research to improve 2BT outcomes - Existing $11,961,506 $1,197,444 $188,464

Theme 1 Other Administrative CostsFootnote 11

Departments Link to department’s Program Inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding allocated to each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Actual spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars)
NRCan Forest Climate Change Program 2BT Other Costs – Support for Activity 1 $50,447,990 $5,329,230 $4,301,452
2BT Other 2BT Costs – Capital $4,300,000 $1,170,000 $1,053,808
2BT Other Costs – Other $19,697,518 $2,150,410 $2,280,086
2BT Other Costs – Other Existing $901,195 $90,084 $90,084

Theme 2 DetailsFootnote 12

Name of theme: Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund

Total federal theme funding allocated (dollars): $1,411,092,147

2022-23 Federal theme planned spending (dollars): $66,188,530

2022-23 Federal theme actual spending (dollars): $59,450,089

Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme targetFootnote 13 2022-23 Actual results
Reduce GHG emissions in Canada through NSCSF Annual GHG emission reductions (Mt) Annually increasing emission reductions, reaching 2-4 megatonnes (Mt) CO2e per year March 31, 2031 (results to be reported in 2032-33 Departmental Results Report)


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

Projected long-term (2050) GHG emission reductions Projected emission reduction of 2-4 megatonnes (Mt) CO2e per year by 2050 March 31, 2031 (results to be reported in 2032-33 Departmental Results Report)


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

Land area supporting reduced GHG emissions is increased Cumulative total area restored Annually increasing, reaching cumulative total of 0.22 to Mha of area restored March 31, 2031


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

Cumulative total area conserved Annually increasing, reaching cumulative total of 0.006 Mha of area conserved March 31, 2031


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

Achieve human wellbeing co-benefits through climate smart activities Number of direct jobs 41 direct jobs in year 1, 55 in year 2, 10-year target of 746 to 1,459 jobs; 75 to 146 people directly employed each year, starting in 2023 (to be confirmed by March 31, 2024) Annual, starting in 2023


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

Theme 2 Horizontal Initiative ActivitiesFootnote 14

Departments: ECCC

Link to department’s Program Inventory: Clean Growth and Climate Change Mitigation; Habitat Conservation and Protection

Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding allocated to each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Actual spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Horizontal initiative activity expected result(s) 2022-23 Horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s) 2022-23 Horizontal initiative activity target(s) Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target Footnote 15 2022-23 Actual results
NSCSF Activity 1: Science for Initiative Delivery and Accountability $155,747,194 $6,301,593 $5,994,608 Improved methodologies in the land sector of the GHG National Inventory Report (NIR) Number of methodological improvements for the land sector implemented in each annual edition of the NIR 8 methodological improvements over 10 years March 31, 2031 Four improvements relevant to NSCF have been completed that are directly relevant to the 2022-2023 inventories
NSCSF Activity 2: Place-based Actions $462,035,899 $49,462,592 $44,201,365 Partners carry out place-based climate smart ecosystem activities Total area stewarded for GHG mitigation 2,200 km2 March 31, 2031


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

Total area secured for GHG mitigation 63 km2 March 31, 2031


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

NSCSF Activity 2: Place-based Actions $78,110,156 $5,163,966 $4,015,117 Indigenous partners are engaged in climate smart ecosystems Number of indigenous-led projects supported TBD by March 31, 2024 Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031 ECCC is not required to report on this indicator until March 2024
NSCSF Activity 3: Sector-based Policy $100,080,696 $5,260,379 $5,238,999 Sector-based approaches influence partners to minimize land conversion (Sectors include: agriculture, forest, urban development, mining, oil and gas) Net change in policies driving ecosystem conversion relative to the land-base Positive trend in “policy-hectares” Interim target by March 31, 2026; final target by March 31, 2031; Reported at least twice during the initiative


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

NSCSF New Activity 2: Emission Reduction Activities $615,118,202 N/A N/A Expected results, indicators, and targets for this activity will be published in the 2024-25 Departmental Plan.


ECCC will report once projects have final reports. No projects were completed last year.

Theme 3 DetailsFootnote 16

Name of theme: Agricultural Climate Solutions

Total federal theme funding allocated (dollars): $385,000,000

2022-23 Federal theme planned spending (dollars): $105,332,242

2022-23 Federal theme actual spending (dollars): $109,467,810

Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme targetFootnote 17 2022-23 Actual results
Reduce GHG emissions in Canada through climate smart ecosystems Annual GHG emission reductions in 2030 (Mt) Annually increasing emission reductions, reaching 0.2-1.78 megatonnes (Mt) CO2e per year March 31, 2031 (results to be reported in 2032-33 Departmental Results Report)


Annual performance report data unavailable at the time of reporting

Projected long-term (2050) GHG emission reductions Projected emission reduction of 0.2-1.78 megatonnes (Mt) CO2e per year by 2050 March 31, 2031 (results to be reported in 2032-33 Departmental Results Report)


Annual performance report data unavailable at the time of reporting

Land area supporting reduced GHG emissions is increased Cumulative total area under improved management Annually increasing, reaching cumulative total of 0.14-0.2 Mha under improved management March 31, 2031


Annual performance report data unavailable at the time of reporting

Theme 3 Horizontal Initiative Activities

Departments: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Link to department’s Program Inventory: Environment and Climate Change Programs

Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding allocated to each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Actual spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2022-23 Horizontal initiative activity expected result(s) 2022-23 Horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s) 2022-23 Horizontal initiative activity target(s) Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target 2022-23 Actual results
Establishment of a pan-Canadian wide network of Living Labs $185,000,000 $14,073,775 $10,527,029 Establishment of partnerships to encourage diversity in engagement and participation in co-development Number of partnerships established, including breakdown for under-represented groups TBD by March 31, 2024 March 31, 2031


Annual performance report data unavailable at the time of reporting

Producers’ adoption of carbon sequestering BMPs is increased Percentage of farms adopting carbon sequestering BMPs in priority locations TBD by March 31, 2024 March 31, 2031


Annual performance report data unavailable at the time of reporting

Sequestration of GHGs on Canadian agricultural lands is increased Increase in annual Land Sector GHG sink due to ACS by March 31, 2031 0.2-1.78 MtCO2e March 31, 2031


Annual performance report data unavailable at the time of reporting

Data strategy allowing for reporting of carbon sequestration and environmental co-benefits Incorporation of targeted farm practices into Canada’s GHG National Inventory Report (NIR) Number of additional farm practices that are included in Canada’s NIR Incorporate the following by 2026 NIR: Conservation Tillage, Summer Fallow and Perennial/ Annual Crop Mix; Cover Cropping, Crop Rotations, Fertilizer Use, and Small Scale Features (shelterbelts, etc.) March 31, 2031


Annual performance report data unavailable at the time of reporting

On-Farm Climate Action FundFootnote 18 $200,000,000 $91,258,467 $98,940,781 Increased adoption of beneficial management practices (fertilizer and nitrogen management, cover cropping, and rotational grazing) Cumulative total land area under improved management

Preliminary analysis suggests that the program could lead to up to 792,000 hectares (1.96 million acres) of land under improved management. With the top-up this number is increased to 894,960 (2.21 million acres).

The target will be finalized based on this preliminary analysis and the first year of performance reporting which will not be submitted until the end of May 2023.

Targets will be established by September 2023.

March 31, 2024


Annual performance report data unavailable at the time of reporting

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are reduced in the Canadian agriculture sector.

Projected carbon sequestered in agricultural soils to 2030 due to adoption of BMPs in two areas:

  • through adoption of cover crop BMPs
  • through adoption of rotational grazing BMPs

GHG emissions reduction projected to 2030 due to adoption of BMPs in two areas:

  • through adoption of improved fertilizer/nitrogen management BMPs
  • through adoption of cover crop BMPs
Preliminary analysis suggests that the Fund could lead to annual reductions of up to 1.13 Mts CO2e of GHG emissions by 2024. March 31, 2024


Annual performance report data unavailable at the time of reporting

Internal Services (IS)

Theme (Federal Organization) Total federal funding allocated (dollars) 2022-23 Total federal planned spending (dollars) 2022-23 Actual spending (dollars)
2 Billion Trees (NRCan) $10,099,426 $1,086,098 $1,086,098
Nature Smart Climate Solutions (ECCC) $29,051,639 $2,025,535 $2,025,535
Agricultural Climate Solutions (AAFC) ACS – Living Labs: $6,284,033
ACS – OFCAF: $2,665,386
TOTAL: $8,949,419
ACS – Living Labs: $567,230
ACS – OFCAF: $881,628
TOTAL: $1,448,858
ACS – Living Labs: $567,230
ACS – OFCAF: $881,628
TOTAL: $1,448,858
Total $48,100,484 $4,560,491 $4,560,491

Total Spending, All Themes

Theme Total federal funding allocated (dollars) 2022-23 Total federal planned spending (dollars) 2022-23 Total federal actual spending (dollars)
2 Billion Trees $3,199,392,648 $213,719,005 $82,260,487
Nature Smart Climate Solutions $1,411,092,147 $66,188,530 $59,450,089
Agricultural Climate Solutions ACS – Living Labs: $185,000,000
ACS – OFCAF: $200,000,000
TOTAL: $385,000,000
ACS – Living Labs: $14,073,775
ACS – OFCAF: $91,258,467
TOTAL: $105,332,242
ACS – Living Labs: $10,527,029
ACS – OFCAF: $98,940,781
TOTAL: $109,467,810
Total $4,995,484,795 $385,239,777 $251,178,386