Departmental Results Report 2018–19

Horizontal initiative

Name of horizontal initiative Major Projects Management Office Initiative (MPMOI)
Lead department Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Federal partner departments
  • Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
  • Transport Canada (TC)
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
  • Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA)
Non‑federal and non‑governmental partners Not applicable
Start date of the horizontal initiative Second renewal start date of the horizontal initiative's funding allocation: April 1, 2015.
Original horizontal initiative's funding allocation start/end date: 2007-12
First renewal of the horizontal initiative's funding allocation start/end date: 2012-15
End date of the horizontal initiative March 31, 2020
Description of the horizontal initiative Established in 2007 to improve the performance of the review process for major natural resource projects, the MPMOI is a horizontal initiative across 12 federal departments and agencies. The Initiative was renewed in 2015 for $135 million over five years to ensure: that Canada remains a competitive and attractive location to invest; high environmental standards are upheld; and meaningful Indigenous consultations are conducted. The Major Projects Deputy Ministers' Committee serves as the governance body for the implementation of the Cabinet Directive on Improving the Performance of the Regulatory System for Major Resource Projects.
Governance structures The Cabinet Directive on Improving the Performance of the Regulatory System for Major Resource Projects establishes the governance framework for federal departments and agencies to facilitate the effective, coordinated and concurrent discharge of their statutory duties, functions and obligations related to the regulation of major resource projects. It encourages them to work together to identify areas where the federal regulatory system can be improved, and to drive system-wide improvements to the accountability, transparency, timeliness and predictability of the federal regulatory system for major resource projects.
The Minister of Natural Resources is the lead minister for the MPMOI. He works with his counterparts to report to Cabinet on improvements to the federal review process and reports to Parliament and the public through NRCan’s Annual Report.
The Major Projects Deputy Ministers' Committee governs the Initiative, providing direction to resolve project and policy matters in keeping with the Cabinet Directive. Members include Deputy Minister level representatives from: NRCan (Chair), Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Indigenous Services Canada, Health Canada, Transport Canada, Justice, Privy Council Office, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, and the National Energy Board.
Interdepartmental working groups of MPMOI partners at the Assistant Deputy Minister and working levels meet regularly to advance the coherent delivery of the MPMO mandate.
Total federal funding allocated (from start to end date) (dollars) $366,000,000 (since inception in 2007)
Total federal planned spending to date (dollars) $315,000000 (since inception in 2007)
$27,000000 (for FY 2018/19)
Total federal actual spending to date (dollars) $303,240,588
$25,240,588 (for FY 2018/19)
Date of last renewal of the horizontal initiative April 01, 2015
Total federal funding allocated at the last renewal and source of funding
$135,000,000 – Supplementary Estimates
Additional federal funding received after the last renewal (dollars) Not applicable
Funding contributed by non‑federal and non‑governmental partners (dollars) Not applicable
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation An evaluation of the initiative was completed in 2018-19.
The report is expected in 2019-20.
Shared outcome of federal partners Improved performance of the federal review process for major resource projects in support of sustainable resource development in Canada, and regulatory decisions that hold the confidence of Canadians.
Performance indicator(s) See Horizontal Results Table below
Target(s) See Horizontal Results Table below
Data source and frequency of monitoring and reporting See Horizontal Results Table below
Results See Horizontal Results Table below
Expected outcome of non‑federal and non‑governmental partners Not applicable
Name of Theme Not applicable
Theme outcome Not applicable
Theme performance indicator(s) Not applicable
Theme target(s) Not applicable
Theme data source and frequency of monitoring and reporting Not applicable
Theme results Not applicable
Performance highlights In February 2018, the Government tabled legislation to amend key sections of the Fisheries Act and the Navigation Protection Act, and repeal and replace the Canadian Environment Assessment Act and the National Energy Board Act. This legislation proposed amendments to the legislative cornerstone of the MPMOI.
As such, a focus of activity for this fiscal year was engaging Canadians and Indigenous Peoples on proposed legislative, regulatory and policy reforms.
In Fall 2018, the MPMO DM Committee identified a need and created a new temporary DM subcommittee, the DM steering Committee for Impact Assessment Implementation. This new subcommittee met regularly to address issues related to the transition to and implementation of the new impact assessment and regulatory process.
There were also 89 projects relevant to the MPMOI in the assessment and regulatory system over 2018-19. The MPMOI continued to ensure there was effective coordination and concurrent discharge of statutory duties, functions and obligations related to the regulation of major resource projects.
Contact information Erin O’Brien, Director General, Policy
Major Projects Management Office
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street, 12th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A0E4

Key Objective Area (KOA) 1: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Review, Decision Making and Post-Approval Follow-Up and Compliance Monitoring (Scientific/Technical Expert Capacity; Proponent Support and System Integration; Policy and Reporting; Legal Services)Footnote 1

Table 1a: Horizontal Initiative Activities and Financial Information
Federal organization Link to the department’s Program Inventory Horizontal initiative activities Total federal allocation (from start to end date) (dollars) 2018–19 Planned spending (dollars) 2018-19 Actual spending (dollars)
CEAA Environmental Assessment Delivery Determining whether an EA is required, undertaking analysis of potential impacts of a designated project on the environment and Indigenous rights and treaty rights, undertaking Indigenous consultations, preparing EA decision statements, and compliance and enforcement 33,783,460 6,756,692 7,351,299
Environmental Assessment Policy Supporting development of horizontal policies or procedures and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the EA process for major projects 3,562,295 712,459 275,797
DFO Fisheries Protection Program Providing information or knowledge on fish, fish habitat, and aquatic species at risk in support of EAs, applying regulatory review and permitting processes under the Fisheries Act and Species at Risk Act, supporting development of horizontal policies and procedures and ensuring departmental implementation of ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects 26,436,064 5,314,820Footnote 2 5,124,778
NRCan Major Projects Management Office Initiative Providing a single window for proponents and overarching management of major project reviews and providing horizontal leadership across the federal government to advance improvements to the major project review process 19,662,979 3,932,642 3,458,093
TC Environmental Stewardship of Transportation Providing information or knowledge on transportation-related environmental impacts during the EA process 6,920,099 1,384,020 1,286,198
Marine Safety (Navigation Protection Program) Providing information or knowledge on impacts to navigable waters during the EA and regulatory permitting processes and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects 4,858,921 971,784 754,703
ECCC Habitat Conservation and Protection Providing expertise on wildlife and habitat during the EA and regulatory permitting processes 2,442,362 488,472 445,242
Hydrological Services Providing expertise on hydrologic, water quantity and hydraulic impacts during the EA process 531,142 106,228 106,422
Environmental Assessment Providing information or knowledge on environmental impacts during the EA process and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects 2,128,549 425,709 429,531
Climate Change Adaptation Providing information or knowledge on hydrological and climate change impacts during the EA process 531,142 106,228 106,226
Substances and Waste Management Providing information or knowledge on mining and processing during the EA and regulatory permitting processes 2,545,149 509,029 502,051
Clean Growth and Climate Change

Substances and Waste Management Air Quality
Providing support on climate modeling and GHG gas emissions during the EA process 693,487 138,697 184,602
CIRNAC and ISC Petroleum and Minerals Providing information or knowledge on land management and Indigenous title and consultation in the North during the EA process and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects 1,607,852 323,853 208,253
Strategic Partnerships Implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects 872,034 188,261 249,920
Land and Economic Development Services Providing information or knowledge on land management and Indigenous title and consultation during the EA process and developing and implementing ongoing improvements to the review process for major projects 2,193,009 431,296 219,617
Total for all federal organizations - - 108,768,544 21,790,190 20,702,732
Note: Some of these resources reported under KOA #1 (related to the four business lines listed above) may also support KOA #2 (Indigenous consultation).
Table 1b: Performance information
2018–19 Expected results 2018–19 Performance indicators 2018–19 Targets Date to achieve target 2018-19 Actual results
  1. Timely EA and regulatory decisions for major projects
  2. Federal roles and responsibilities for major project reviews are clear and predictable
  3. Improved performance of the federal review process for major resource projects in support of sustainable resource development in Canada, and regulatory decisions that hold the confidence of Canadians.
  4. Integrated and robust advice supports improvements to the major project review process
  5. High quality EAs
    1. Percentage of major project EAs that meet legislated timelines (CEAA, NEB, CNSC reviews)
    2. Percentage of major project regulatory permitting processes that meet their service standards or regulated timelines
  1. Percentage of major project reviews for which the MPMOI has set out clear and predictable federal roles and responsibilities
  2. Percentage of resource development project decisions on target as per timelines
  3. MPMO DMs are satisfied or very satisfied with how advice is advanced on horizontal issues
    1. Proportion of relevant federal departments providing information/knowledge/advice to CEAA for standard EAs
    2. Proportion of relevant federal departments participating in CEAA Review Panel/NEB/CNSC public hearings
    3. Percentage of projects undergoing follow-up and monitoring for which CEAA received a report during the reporting period that indicated that the mitigation measures set out in the EA decision statement would effectively address the environmental effects of the project
    4. Percentage of projects where adaptive management measures undertaken by the proponent and reported to CEAA led to effectively addressing the environmental effects of the project
    1. 100% of major project EAs meet legislated timelines (CEAA, NEB, CNSC reviews)
    2. 90% of major project EAs meet service standards; and 100% meet regulated timelines
  1. MPMOI has set out clear and predictable federal roles and responsibilities for 100% of major project reviews.
  2. 100% of major resource projects EA and regulatory decisions involving multiple federal departments/agencies are completed within the legislated timelines
  3. 70% of MPMO DMs are satisfied or very satisfied with how advice is advanced on horizontal issues
    1. 100% of relevant federal departments provide information/ knowledge/advice to CEAA for standard EAs.
    2. 100% relevant federal departments participate in CEAA Review Panel/NEB/CNSC public hearings.
    3. 90% of projects undergoing follow-up and monitoring for which CEAA received a report during the reporting period that indicated that the mitigation measures set out in the EA decision statement would effectively address the environmental effects of the project.
    4. 90% of projects where adaptive management measures undertaken by the proponent and reported to CEAA led to effectively addressing the environmental effects of the project
    1. 100% of EAs conducted by CEAA, NEB and CNSC adhered to legislated timelines.
    2. As of March 31, 2019, for major projects:
      • 100% of EAs met service standards;
      • 100% of permitting processes under the Fisheries Act met regulated timelines;
      • 100% of regulatory permitting under ECCC met regulated timelines; and,
      • 100% of permitting processes under the Explosives Act met regulated timelines.
  1. As of March 31, 2019, the MPMOI had 89 projects under its management and oversight. All projects met the target. Results can be attributed, in part, to projects receiving one-on-one guidance from the MPMO throughout all stages of the project review process.
    Project issues were tracked on a daily basis and summaries of project issues were regularly shared with MPMO DM and ADM Committee members for their discussion and resolution. There were 7 Deputy Head MPMO meetings, 10 ADM MPMO meetings, and 25 meetings of the DM Steering Committee for Impact Assessment Implementation during the 2018-19 fiscal year.
  2. 100% of major resource projects EA and regulatory decisions involving multiply federal departments/agencies adhered to legislated timelines.
  3. A survey of MPMO DMs conducted in 2016-17 found that 80% of MPMO DMs were satisfied or very satisfied with how advice is advanced on horizontal issues.
    1. In accordance with section 20 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 federal departments must make available to the Agency expert knowledge and information. During the 2018-19 fiscal year, 100% of federal departments provided information and knowledge into the environmental assessment process as required.
    2. During the 2018-19 fiscal year, 100% of relevant federal departments participated in CEAA Review Panel/NEB/CNSC Public Hearings. Review panel and public hearings were held for the following projects:
      • Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline Project
      • Bruce A and B Nuclear Generating Stations
      • Pickering Nuclear Generating Station
      • Frontier Oil Sands Mine
      • Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Line
    3. 100% of projects undergoing follow-up and monitoring for which CEAA received a report during the reporting period indicated that the mitigation measures set out in the EA decision statement effectively address the environmental effects of the project.
      The Agency reviewed 5 reports, all of which demonstrated that the mitigation measures set out in the EA decision statement would effectively address the environmental effects of the project
    4. Of the 5 reports reviewed in 2018-19, no proponent had indicated that adaptive management measures were implemented, as the projects were in the early stages of development.

Key Objective Area (KOA) 2: Indigenous ConsultationFootnote 3

Table 2a - Horizontal Initiative Activities and Financial Information
Federal organizations Link to department’s Program Inventory Horizontal Initiative activities Total allocation (from 2015-16 to 2019-20) 2018-19 Planned spending (dollars) Actual spending (dollars)
DFO Fisheries Protection Program Supporting consultations during EAs and undertaking consultations in relation to regulatory decisions under the Fisheries Act and Species at Risk Act to meet duty to consult obligations 6,558,190 1,311,638 1,183,121
TC Environmental Stewardship of Transportation Supporting consultations during EAs to meet duty to consult obligations 2,750,420 550,084 456,022
ECCC Environmental Assessment Supporting consultations during EAs and undertaking consultations in relation to regulatory decisions under the Fisheries Act, the Migratory Birds Convention Act, the Species at Risk Act and the International River Improvements Act to meet duty to consult obligations 2,463,524 492,708 428,793
CIRNAC and ISC 3.2.1 Lands and Economic Development Services Note: This sub-program area may be subject to change in the future Providing early engagement and developing partnerships in the project development stage and prior to a major project reviews, and analyzing economic development opportunities respecting major projects 1,462,443 297,682 215,650
4.3.1 Petroleum and Minerals Providing early engagement and developing partnerships in the project development stage and prior to a major project reviews, and analyzing economic development opportunities respecting major projects 921,294 185,375 154,983
1.2.3 Consultation and Accommodation Providing information, analysis, training and guidance on issues to facilitate a whole-of-government approach to consultations 1,257,368 254,847 204,514
Total for all federal organizations - - 15,413,239 3,092,334 2,643,083
Table 2b: Performance Information
2018-19 Expected results 2018-19 Performance indicators 2018-19 Targets Date to achieve target 2018-19 Actual result
  1. Indigenous consultation activities for major projects are fulfilled in a consistent, adequate and meaningful manner, and meet the Crown's legal duty to consult.
    1. Percentage of major project reviews that have an Aboriginal consultation work plan
    2. Percentage of major project reviews for which DOJ, when requested, assesses the legal risk arising as a result of federal consultation efforts as low to medium.
    3. Percentage of legal challenges to major project reviews (including Aboriginal consultation) where the Crown is not successful.
    1. 100% of major project reviews with a Crown consultation component that have an Indigenous consultation work plan.
    2. 100% of major project reviews for which DOJ, when requested, assesses the legal risk arising as a result of federal consultation efforts as low to medium.
    3. Decreasing trend of legal challenges to major project reviews (including Indigenous consultation) where the Crown is not successful
    1. During 2018-19, 10 major projects entered the regulatory permitting phase of the project review process (see list below). 100% of these projects had an Indigenous consultation plan.
      • Howse Property Iron Ore Mine
      • Red Mountain Gold Mine
      • Magino Gold Mine
      • Burnco Aggregate Mine Project
      • North American Lithium Spodumene Mine Project
      • Ajax Mine
      • Hammond Reef Gold Project
      • Cote Gold Mine
      • Hardrock Gold Mine
      • Akasaba West Copper-Gold Mine
    2. 2 of the 10 projects that entered the regulatory permitting phase of the project review process in 2018-19 had a legal risk assessment conducted. Of these, 100% had a legal risk assessment of low to medium.
    3. There were 0 legal challenges for the 10 projects that entered the regulatory permitting phase process in 2018-19.

Internal Services (IS)

Federal Organization Total Allocation (from start to end date) (dollars) 2018-19 Planned spending (dollars) 2018-19 Actual spending (dollars)
CEAA 2,654,245 530,849 372,904
DFO 2,005,746 373,542 373,542
NRCan 1,337,021 267,358 267,358
TC 2,970,560 594,112 529,354
ECCC 1,164,645 232,929 232,929
CIRNAC and ISC 686,000 118,686 118,686
Total IS 10,818,217 2,117,481 1,894,773
(Theme 1, Theme 2 and IS)
135,000,000 27,000,000 25,240,588