Departmental Performance Reports 2013–14

User Fees

User Fee: Explosives licence and inspection fees

Fee Type: Regulatory (R)

Fee-Setting Authority: Explosives Act and Part 19 of the Explosives Regulations, 2013

Year Last Modified: 2009

Performance Standards:
95% of the time, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all other licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a complete request.

Performance Results:
Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate the performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of the time.

2013-14 ($ thousands) Planning Years ($ thousands)
Forecast Revenue Actual Revenue Full Cost Fiscal Year Forecast Revenue Estimated Full Cost
1,800 1,818 5,178 2014-15 1,850 5,282
2015-16 1,800 5,383
2016-17 1,800 5,491

User Fee: Map products

Fee Type: Other Products and Services (O)

Fee-Setting Authority: Resources and Technical Surveys Act, section 8(2) Recovery of expenditures; Canada Land Surveys Act, section 4(2) Tariff of Fees

Year Last Modified: 2004

Performance Standards:
National Topographic System and Atlas of Canada maps – NRCan sells maps on a wholesale basis from the Canada Map Office to a limited distribution network, and service standards reflect this. Response time for information requests is two working days. Order processing time: the Canada Map Office will strive to fill orders received from the Regional Distribution Centres within five working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays in the province of Ontario), upon approved credit and provided that the account is in good standing. Hours of operation: 08:00 - 16:00 EST.

Performance Results:
The service standard of five working days is met 95% of the time. The Centre for Topographic Information of the Mapping Services Branch is certified ISO 9001:2000; hence it undergoes a regular management review of quality objectives, discrepancy reporting processes, and client consultation. Performance issues are addressed through Quality Objectives, which are updated each year to address issues that may arise. Aggregate annual data are available on request.

It should be noted that the sale of map products is done through the Geomatics Canada Revolving Fund (GCRF). The GCRF is governed by Treasury Board’s Special Revenue Spending Authority. The objective of a Revolving Fund is to fully cost recover over the life cycle of its business operations (multiple years). The GCRF financial statements are audited (externally) annually. The GCRF has obtained a clean unqualified audit opinion (external auditors) since its inception.

2013-14 ($ thousands) Planning years ($thousands)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost Fiscal year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
75 61 61 2014-15 60 60
2015-16 60 60
2016-17 60 60

Other information:

User Fee: Air Photo Products

Fee Type: Other Products and Services (O)

Fee-Setting Authority: Resources and Technical Surveys Act, section 8(2) Recovery of expenditures

Year Last Modified: 2004

Performance Standards:
Aerial Photography - Order processing time by the National Air Photo Library is ten working days, priority service five working days; response time for information requests of ten working days 80% of the time; production error rate of 2% or less; hours of operation, 08:00 - 16:00 EST.

Performance Results:
The service standard is met 80% of the time. Performance issues are addressed through ISO Quality Objectives, which are updated each year to address issues that arise. Performance results are monitored continuously. Aggregate annual data are available on request.

It should be noted that the sale of air photo products is done through the Geomatics Canada Revolving Fund (GCRF). The GCRF is governed by Treasury Board’s Special Revenue Spending Authority. The objective of a Revolving Fund is to fully cost recover over the life cycle of its business operations (multiple years). The GCRF financial statements are audited (externally) annually. The GCRF has obtained a clean unqualified audit opinion (external auditors) since its inception.

2013-14 ($ thousands) Planning years ($ thousands)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost Fiscal year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
450 356 332 2014-15 400 400
2015-16 400 400
2016-17 400 400

Other information:

User Fee: Other Products of the Earth Sciences Sector

Fee type: Other Products and Services (O)

Fee–setting authority: Resources and Technical Surveys Act, section 8(2) Recovery of Expenditures

Year last modified: 2004

Performance standards:
Previously, the Geoscience Data Centre (GDC) of the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) provided a maximum 10 day turnaround on external requests for aeromagnetic, radiometric and gravity data. NRCan will continue to provide on-line access through the Geoscience Data Repository for Geophysical and Geochemical Data (GDRGG). However, as this is now open data through the website, the Geological Survey of Canada no longer collects fees for this type of information, rendering this service no longer applicable.

Performance results:
Performance is aggregated against standards annually. 100% of requests are in compliance with standards.

The number of inquiries has dropped significantly since data have been made available free of charge through the GDRGG. Typically less than 10 requests for information are made to the GDC annually, and 10,000 to 15,000 downloads from the online service occur annually. The GDRGG is available 24/7, 365 days per year. No agreements are currently in place for 2015-16; therefore the forecasted revenue and cost remain zero.

2013-14 ($  thousands) Planning years ($  thousands)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost Fiscal year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
14 0 0 2014-15 0 0
2015-16 0 0
2016-17 0 0

User fee: Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act

Fee type: Other products and services (O)

Fee–setting authority: Access to Information Act

Date last modified: 1992

Performance standards:
Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request; response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the Access to Information Act.

Performance results: Met prescribed legislative standards 96% of the time.

2013–14 ($ thousands) Planning years ($ thousands)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost Fiscal year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
4 3 1,277 2014-15 4 1,578
2015-16 4 1,283
2016-17 4 1,283

Other information:
During 2013-14, $2,945 in application fees were collected from applicants. Under the Access to Information Act, fees under $25 may be waived when deemed to be in the public interest. Fees waived during 2013-14 represented $1,245.

User Fee: Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) / International Standards Organization (ISO) Non-Destructive Testing

Fee Type: Other Products and Services (O)

Fee-Setting Authority: Resources and Technical Surveys Act, Recovery of expenditures.

Year Last Modified: 2002

Performance Standards:
Client services provided by the National Non-Destructive Certification Body (NDT CB):

  • Candidates’ application forms are processed within two weeks of receipt. This period is advertised on application forms 'Instructions for Candidates', available in hard copy or electronically from the NRCan Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) website. All candidates have this information before applying. (Note: Assessment of foreign applications or unusual training and experience situations may require more time.)
  • Examination results are usually available three weeks from the date or receipt of the examination package. This period is clearly specified in the 'letter of approval' issued to the candidate to permit him/her to challenge an examination.

Performance Results: The progress of each client application is recorded and tracked throughout the process: date of receipt, date of review, date of written responses. To summarize performance results against the stated Service Standard, fully completed client applications without errors, or omissions are normally being completed within the stated standards at 80% of the time.

2013-14 ($ thousands) Planning years ($ thousands)
Forecast Revenue Actual Revenue Full Cost Fiscal Year Forecast Revenue Estimated Full Cost
1,200 1,484 1484 2014-15 1,575 1,575
2015-16 1,575 1,575
2016-17 1,575 1,575
External Fee Service Standard Performance Results Stakeholder Consultation
ISO non-destructive testing Client services provided by the National Non-Destructive Certification Body (NDT CB):
* Candidates’ application forms are processed within two weeks of receipt. This period is advertised on application forms 'Instructions for Candidates', available in hard copy or electronically from the NRCan Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) website. All candidates have this information before applying. (Note: Assessment of foreign applications or unusual training and experience situations may require more time.)
Examination results are usually available three weeks from the date or receipt of the examination package. This period is clearly specified in the 'letter of approval' issued to the candidate to permit him/her to challenge an examination.
The progress of each client application is recorded and tracked throughout the process: date of receipt, date of review, date of written responses. To summarize performance results against the stated Service Standard, fully completed client applications without errors/omissions are normally being completed within the stated standards ~80% of the time.
(Of note, there has been a recent and significant increase in the number of new applicants for certification requests (almost doubling typical volume), which is being actively managed and resolved with the various industry stakeholders consultations.)
Stakeholder consultations on the Service Standard and user feedback were regularly obtained via various committee meetings with the industry and user groups, and at least three meetings are held annually (the Canadian General Standards Board 48/2 Committee, the CanmetMATERIALS Non-Destructive Testing Advisory Committee, and the NDT Certification Body Scheme Committee). These active consultations are held on various aspects of the certification services that the NDT CB provides.  For service delivery and performance improvements, feedback was solicited as it was noted that an increasing number of new applications (~60-70%) were being rejected due to improper completion or missing submissions of requisites by the candidates.
In response, working collaboratively with the user groups, the NDT CB established a streamlined process that further improves on the turnaround times for coordinating the certification requirements.  This was very well received by the user groups when it was implemented in 2014 March-April timeframe.
The current price structure associated was put into effect and not changed since 2002.
There is general agreement from the consultations that the established Service Standards are reasonable.
User Fee Totals
  2013-14 ($ thousands)  Planning Years ($ thousands)
Forecast Revenue Actual Revenue  Full Cost Fiscal Year Forecast Revenue Estimated Full Cost
Subtotal Regulatory 1,800 1,818 5,178 2014-15 1,850 5,282
2015-16 1,800 5,383
2016-17 1,800 5,491
Subtotal Other Products and Services 1,743 1,904 3,154 2014-15 2,039 3,613
2015-16 2,039 3,318
2016-17 2,039 3,318
Total 3,543 3,722 8,332 2014-15 3,889 8,895
2015-16 3,839 8,701
2016-17 3,839 8,809
External Fees (Policy on Service Standards for External Fees)
External fee Service standard Performance results Stakeholder consultation
2013-14 or prior
Explosives licence and inspection fees 95% of the time, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all other licences/permits/certificates will be processed within 30 days of a complete request. Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate the performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of the time. Stakeholder groups were consulted in 2008-2009 on the Explosives Act user fees as part of a formal consultation process as required by the User Fees Act, including for the service standard. No formal complaints to this proposal have been received.
Map products National Topographic System and Atlas of Canada maps – NRCan sells maps on a wholesale basis from the Canada Map Office to a limited distribution network, and service standards reflect this.
Response time for information requests is two working days. Order processing time: The Canada Map Office will strive to fill orders received from the Regional Distribution Centres within five working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays in the province of Ontario), upon approved credit and provided that the account is in good standing. Hours of operation: 08:00 - 16:00 EST.
Service standard of five working days is met 95% of the time. Service standards are included in the annual management review of Quality Objectives under ISO 9001:2000. ISO Quality Objectives are updated each year to address issues as they arise. Annual discussions and meetings are held with stakeholders (Regional Distribution Centres). Service standards are reviewed continuously and included as part of the Discrepancy Management Reports. Ongoing client and service feedback is used to ensure constant improvement as part of ISO 9001 quality system.
Air Photo products Aerial Photography – Order processing time by the National Air Photo Library is 10 working days, and priority service is 5 working days; response time for information requests of 10 working days 80% of the time; production error rate of 2% or less; hours of operation: 08:00 - 16:00 EST. Service standard of 10 working days is met 80% of the time. Service standards are included in annual management review of Quality Objectives under ISO 9001:2000. ISO Quality Objectives are updated each year to address issues as they arise. Through daily standard operating procedures, NAPL staff and the NAPL manager are required to deal directly with clients and participate in client consultations. The ongoing client feedback is used to ensure continued service improvement.  No specific or formal consultation on prices/fees was conducted in 2013-2014 as NAPL prices have been unchanged for the last 6 years.

However, as changes were made to the Web online application used by users/clients for discovering, searching and ordering NAPL products, users and clients were consulted to test the usability of the Web prototype before the final prototype was approved.
See the “Usability Testing of Earth Observation Data Management System Prototype-II” (March 2014).
Other Products of the Earth Sciences Sector Previously, the Geoscience Data Centre (GDC) of the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) provided a maximum 10-day turnaround on external requests for aeromagnetic, radiometric and gravity data. NRCan will continue to provide on-line access through the Geoscience Data Repository for Geophysical and Geochemical Data (GDRGG). However, as this is now open data through the website, NRCan no longer collects fees for this type of information, rendering this service no longer applicable. Performance is aggregated against standards annually. 100% of requests are in compliance with standards. No specific or formal consultation on prices/fees was conducted as these products are available free of charge.

Other information: