2018 to 2019 Fees Report

The Honourable Seamus O’Regan, PC, MP.
Minister of Natural Resources

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources, 2019

Catalogue No. M2-21E-PDF
ISSN 2562-1300
(PDF - 373 KB)

This document is available in alternative formats upon request.

Table of Contents

Minister’s message

The Honourable Seamus O’Regan, PC, MP. Minister of Natural Resources

On behalf of Natural Resources Canada, I am pleased to present our report on fees for fiscal year 2018 to 2019, my organization’s second annual report under the Service Fees Act.

The act provides a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services and, through better reporting to Parliament, improves transparency and oversight.

Last year, a detailed listing of individual fees under the department’s authority, along with anticipated increases, was added to the reporting requirements.

This year’s report provides more detail on each fee, such as the type and rate of adjustment, the service standard and the performance result. This information provides additional context on each fee, in the spirit of open and transparent fee management.

I welcome the increased transparency and oversight that the Service Fees Act’s reporting regime embodies. I will continue to lead my department’s transition to this modern framework.

The Honourable Seamus O’Regan, PC, MP.
Minister of Natural Resources

About this report

This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act Footnote 1 and section 4.2.8 of the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees that Natural Resources Canada had the authority to charge in the 2018 to 2019 fiscal year.

This report contains information about all fees that are under Natural Resources Canada’s authority, even if some or all of the fees are collected by another department.

The information reported includes fees that:

  • fall under the Service Fees Act
  • are exempt from the Service Fees Act

The information covers fees set by:

  • contract
  • market-base, auction or both
  • act, regulation or fees notice

For fees set by the following mechanisms, the report provides totals only:

  • contract
  • market-base, auction or both

For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, the report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each individual fee.

Although the fees charged by Natural Resources Canada under the Access to Information Act are subject to the Service Fees Act, they are not included in this report. Information on Natural Resources Canada’s access to information fees for fiscal year 2018 to 2019 can be found in our access to information report, which is posted on Natural Resources Canada website.


A remission is a partial or full return of a fee to a fee payer who paid for a service for which a department deemed that the service standard was not met.

Under the Service Fees Act, departments must develop policies for determining whether a service standard has been met and for determining how much of a fee will be remitted to a fee payer. This requirement does not take effect until April 1, 2020. This report therefore includes only those remissions issued under Natural Resources Canada’s enabling legislation. It does not include remissions issued under the Service Fees Act.

Overall totals, by fee type

The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that Natural Resources Canada had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2018 to 2019, by fee type.

Overall totals for fiscal year 2018 to 2019, by fee type
Fee type Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
Fees set by contract 15,328,642 15,706,969 Remissions do not apply to fees set by contract.
Fees set by market base, auction or both 0 0 Remissions do not apply to fees set by market base, auction or both.
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice 3,941,075 6,444,721 0
Total 19,269,717 22,151,690 0

Totals for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, by fee grouping

The following table presents, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that Natural Resources Canada had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2018 to 2019 that are set by any of the following:

  • act
  • regulation
  • fees notice

A fee grouping is a grouping of all of the fees that a department has the authority to charge for activities relating to a single business line, directorate or program.

Explosives licence and inspection: total for fiscal year 2018 to 2019
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
1,717,034 3,900,000 0
Other services and products: total for fiscal year 2018 to 2019
Fee grouping Other services and products
Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
2,224,041 2,544,721 0

Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice

This section provides detailed information on each fee that Natural Resources Canada had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2018 to 2019 and that was set by any of the following:

  • act
  • regulation
  • fees notice
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Authorization for an indefinite period
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)Footnote 1
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $12.00 per year per explosive;

$125.00 Min - $2,500.00 Max

Total fee revenue ($) $158,875.23
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $12.50 per year per explosive;

$130.30 Min - $2,606.10 Max

Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Authorization for a specified period, for use other than at a special event, tour or international competition
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $150.00
Total fee revenue ($) $7,061.13
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $156.37
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Authorization for a specified period for use at a special event, tour or international competition
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $500.00 Min - $2,500.00 Max
Total fee revenue ($) $10,597.69
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $521.22 Min - $2,606.10 Max
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Single use permit
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $160.00
Total fee revenue ($) $33,360.66
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $166.79
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Annual permit
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $20.00 per 1,000Kg Net Explosive Quantity;
$160.00 Min - $1,300.00 Max
Total fee revenue ($) $61,955.50
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $20.85 per 1,000Kg Net Explosive Quantity;
$166.79 Min -  $1,355.17 Max
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Initial division 1 factory licence to manufacture blasting or military explosives
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $800.00 each process unit,
$800.00 each Mobile Process Unit,
$17.00 each 1,000kg Net Explosive Quantity,
$225.00 each detonator;
$3,000.00 Min - $30,000.00 Max
Total fee revenue ($) $115,063.41
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $833.95 each process unit,
$833.95 each Mobile Process Unit,
$17.72 each 1,000kg Net Explosive Quantity,
$234.55 per detonator;
$3,127.32 Min - $31,273.20 Max
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Renewal of a division 1 factory licence to manufacture blasting or military explosives
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $575.00 each process unit,
$575.00 mobile per unit,
$17.00 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity storage,
$225.00 each detonator;
$3,000.00 Min - $30,000.00 Max
Total fee revenue ($) $512,555.19
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $599.40 per process unit,
$599.40 mobile per unit,
$17.72 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity storage,
$234.55 each detonator;
$3,127.32 Min - $31,273.20 Max
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Division 1 factory licence to manufacture any other explosives, and any other factory licence
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $800.00 each unit,
$17.00 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity;
$800.00 Min  -   $3,000.00 Max
Total fee revenue ($) $418,412.40
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $833.95 each unit,
$17.72 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity;
$833.95 Min  -   $3,127.32 Max
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Vendor magazine licence to store high explosives or initiation systems
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $25.00 each 1,000 Kg, $275.00 each detonator
Total fee revenue ($) $35,295.23
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $26.06 each 1,000 Kg, $286.67 each detonator
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $140.00* each retail establishment, $350.00 each distributor,   $700.00 each distribution repackaging
Total fee revenue ($) $132,777.28
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $143.08* each retail establishment, $364.85 each distributor, $729.71 each distribution repackaging
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.

* This fee was adjusted on April 1, 2019, however, it will be exempted from 2% adjustment on April 1, 2020 due to the Low-materiality Fees Regulations effective May 1, 2019.

Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee User magazine licence to store high explosives or initiation systems, other than high explosives and initiation systems stored by law enforcement agencies
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $140.00 per magazine, $280.00 Min
Total fee revenue ($) $7,413.20
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $145.94 per magazine, $291.88 Min
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee User magazine zone licence to store high explosives or initiation systems
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $200.00 per magazine, $400.00 Min
Total fee revenue ($) $5,172.00
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $208.49 per magazine, $416.98 Min
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee User magazine licence to store any other explosives, other than explosives stored by law enforcement agencies
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee‑setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $70.00
Total fee revenue ($) $4,654.80
Adjustment type Exempt
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $71.54
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date Exempt
Fee‑adjustment authority Exempt
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Certificate to manufacture blasting explosives
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $200.00 per month,
$800.00 Min - $1,600.00 Max
Total fee revenue ($) $0.00
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $208.49 per month,
$833.95 Min - $1,667.90 Max
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Certificate to mechanically blend ammonium nitrate and fuel oil for immediate use at a blast site
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $800.00
Total fee revenue ($) $28,030.20
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $833.95
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Any other manufacturing certificate
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $75.00
Total fee revenue ($) $56,909.80
Adjustment type Exempt
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $76.65
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date Exempt
Fee-adjustment authority Exempt
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Initial certificate
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $150.00
Total fee revenue ($) $77,339.90
Adjustment type Section 17 of the Service Fees Act (Consumer Price Index)
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $156.37
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date April 1, 2020
Fee-adjustment authority Service Fees Act
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Modification to or change of certificate
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $100.00
Total fee revenue ($) $21,912.97
Adjustment type Exempt
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $102.20
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date Exempt
Fee-adjustment authority Exempt
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Explosives licence and inspection
Fee Renewal of certificate
Fee-setting authority Explosives Regulations, 2013 (SOR/2013-211)
Year introduced 1950
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Fee type Licence
Fee amount ($) $100.00
Total fee revenue ($) $29,646.96
Adjustment type Exempt
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $102.20
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date Exempt
Fee-adjustment authority Exempt
Service standard 95% of the time High Explosives, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all High Explosives licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance result Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate High Explosives performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of High Explosives time.
Fee grouping Other services and products
Fee National Air Photo Library Products - Aerial Photography
Fee-setting authority Minister's authority to enter into contract
Year introduced 1994
Last year fee-setting authority was amended N/A
Fee type Product
Fee amount ($) $4.95 to $149.00
Total fee revenue ($) $354,634.33
Adjustment type Exempt
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $4.95 to $149.00
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date Exempt
Fee-adjustment authority Exempt
Service standard Aerial Photography – Order processing time by the National Air Photo Library is ten working days, priority service is five working days; response time for information requests of ten working days 80% of the time; production error rate of 2% or less; hours of operation: 08:00 - 16:00 EST.
Performance result The service standard of 10 working days was met 90% of the time (for regular orders) and 100% of the time for priority service orders. Performance results are monitored continuously.
Fee grouping Other services and products
Fee Canada Map Office Products - Maps
Fee-setting authority Minister's authority to enter into contract
Year introduced 1994
Last year fee-setting authority was amended N/A
Fee type Product
Fee amount ($) $10.75 to $11.45
Total fee revenue ($) $25,319.14
Adjustment type Exempt
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $10.75 to $11.45
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date Exempt
Fee-adjustment authority Exempt
Service standard National Topographic System and Atlas of Canada maps – NRCan sells maps on a wholesale basis from the Canada Map Office (CMO) to a limited distribution network, and service standards reflect this. Response time for information requests is two working days.
Performance result Order processing time: the CMO will strive to fill orders received from the Regional Distribution Centres (RDC) within five working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays in the province of Ontario), upon approved credit and provided that the account is in good standing. Hours of operation: 08:00 - 16:00 EST.
Fee grouping Other services and products
Fee Forest Service products - Insects and diet
Fee-setting authority Minister's authority to enter into contract
Year introduced 1980
Last year fee-setting authority was amended N/A
Fee type Product
Fee amount ($) $5.00 to $100 per 1000 insects;
$20.00 per tray of diet
Total fee revenue ($) $24,035.00
Adjustment type Exempt
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) $5.00 - $100 per 1000 insects;
$20.00 per tray of diet
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) N/A
Adjustment date Exempt
Fee-adjustment authority Exempt
Service standard Exempt
Performance result Exempt
Fee grouping Other services and products
Fee Non-Destructive Testing Certification Services
Fee-setting authority Minister's authority to enter into contract
Year introduced 1960
Last year fee-setting
authority was amended
Fee type Service
Fee amount ($) $35.00 to $420.00
Total fee revenue ($) $1,820,052.30
Adjustment type Exempt
Adjustment rate
(% or formula)
2020 to 2021 fee
amount ($)
$35.00 - $420.00
Future fee-adjusted
amount ($)
Adjustment date Exempt
Fee-adjustment authority Exempt
Service standard

Client services provided by the National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB): Candidates’ application forms are processed within two weeks of receipt. This period is advertised on application forms 'Instructions for Candidates', available in hard copy or electronically from the NRCan Non-Destructive Testing website. All candidates have this information before applying. (Note: Assessment of foreign applications or unusual training and experience situations may require more time.)

Examination results are usually available three weeks from the date of receipt of the examination package. This period is clearly specified in the 'letter of approval' issued to the candidate to permit him/her to challenge an examination.

Performance result

The progress of each client application is recorded and tracked throughout the process: date of receipt, date of review, date of written responses. To summarize performance results against the stated Service Standard, fully completed client applications without errors, or omissions, are normally being processed within the stated standards approximately 80% of the time.

Of note, there has been a recent and significant increase in the number of new applicants for certification requests, which is being managed.