2017 to 2018 Fees Report

The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Natural Resources

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources, 2019

Cat. No. M2-21E-PDF
ISSN 2562-1300
(PDF - 880 KB)

Aussi disponible en français sous le titre: Rapport sur les frais, Ressources naturelles Canada: 2017 à 18

Table of Contents

Minister’s message

On behalf of Natural Resources Canada, I am pleased to present the 2017 to 2018 Report on Fees.

On June 22, 2017, the Service Fees ActFootnote 1 received royal assent, thereby repealing the User Fees ActFootnote 2.

The Service Fees Act introduces a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services and, through enhanced reporting to Parliament, improved transparency and oversight. The act provides for:

  • a streamlined approach to consultation and the approval of new or modified fees
  • a requirement for services to have service standards and reporting against these standards, along with a policy to remit fees to fee payers when standards are not met
  • an automatic annual fee adjustment by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to ensure that fees keep pace with inflation
  • annual detailed reporting to Parliament in order to increase transparency

This 2017 to 2018 Fees Report is the first report to be prepared under the Service Fees Act.  The report includes new information such as a detailed listing of all fees along with future year fee amounts. Additional fee information will be included starting next fiscal year, once Natural Resources Canada fully transitions to the Service Fees Act regime.

I welcome the increased transparency and oversight that the Service Fees Act’s reporting regime embodies, and I am fully committed to transitioning my department to this modern framework.

The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Natural Resources

General fees information

The tables that follow provide information on each category of fees, including:

  • the name of the fee category
  • the date that the fee (or fee category) was introduced and last amended (if applicable)
  • service standards
  • performance results against these standards 
  • financial information regarding total costs, total revenues and remissions

In addition to the information presented by fee category, there is a summary of the financial information for all fees as well as a listing of fees under the department’s authority. This listing includes the existing fee dollar amounts and the adjusted dollar fee amount for a future year.

General and financial information by fee category

General information
Fee category Fees for processing requests filed under the Access to Information Act
Fee-setting authority Access to Information Act
Year introduced 1988
Year last amended 1992
Service standard A response is provided within 30 days following receipt of a request; the response time may be extended under section 9 of the Access to Information Act.
Performance results The department met the prescribed legislative standards 98.5% of the time. From the 901 files closed, 884 files were closed within their legislative timeframe.
Other information During fiscal year 2017-2018, application fees totalling an amount of $1,895 were collected from applicants. Fees waived during 2017–2018 represented $2,520.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Cost* 2017 to 2018 Remissions
1,585 1,895 1,363,517 Not applicable

* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.

A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with their authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

General information
Fee category Air Photo products fees
Fee-setting authority Resources and Technical Surveys Act, section 8(2) Recovery of Expenditures
Year introduced 1994
Year last amended 2008
Service standard Aerial Photography – Order processing time by the National Air Photo Library is ten working days, priority service is five working days; response time for information requests of ten working days 80% of the time; production error rate of 2% or less; hours of operation: 08:00 - 16:00 EST.
Performance results The service standard of 10 working days was met 90% of the time (for regular orders) and 100% of the time for priority service orders. Performance issues are addressed through ISO Quality Objectives, which are updated each year to address issues that arise. Performance results are monitored continuously. Aggregate annual data are available on request.
Other information It should be noted that the sale of air photo products is done through the Geomatics Canada Revolving Fund (GCRF). The GCRF is governed by Treasury Board’s Special Revenue Spending Authority. The objective of a Revolving Fund is to fully cost recover over the life cycle of its business operations (multiple years). The GCRF financial statements are audited (externally) annually. The GCRF has obtained a clean unqualified audit opinion (external auditors) since its inception.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Cost* 2017 to 2018 Remissions
336,927 481,439 616,498 0

* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.

A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with their authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

General information
Fee category Map products fees
Fee-setting authority Resources and Technical Surveys Act, section 8(2) Recovery of Expenditures; Canada Land Surveys Act, section 4(2) Tariff of Fees
Year introduced 1994
Year last amended 2004
Service standard National Topographic System and Atlas of Canada maps – NRCan sells maps on a wholesale basis from the Canada Map Office (CMO) to a limited distribution network, and service standards reflect this. Response time for information requests is five working days.
Performance results Order processing time: the CMO will strive to fill orders received from the Regional Distribution Centres (RDC) within five working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays in the province of Ontario), upon approved credit and provided that the account is in good standing. Hours of operation: 08:00 - 16:00 EST. The service standard of five working days was met 95% of the time. Performance issues are addressed through Quality Objectives, which can help inform the standard operating procedures in place.
Other information It should be noted that the sale of map products is done through the Geomatics Canada Revolving Fund (GCRF). The GCRF is governed by Treasury Board’s Special Revenue Spending Authority. The objective of a Revolving Fund is to fully cost recover over the life cycle of its business operations (multiple years). The GCRF financial statements are audited (externally) annually. The GCRF has obtained a clean unqualified audit opinion (external auditors) since its inception.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Cost* 2017 to 2018 Remissions
40,806 47,646 17,627 0

* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.

A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with their authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

General information
Fee category Fees for the Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body based on Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) / International Standards Organization (ISO) standards
Fee-setting authority Resources and Technical Surveys Act, Recovery of Expenditures
Year introduced 1960
Year last amended 2017
Service standard Client services provided by the National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB):
  • Candidates’ application forms are processed within two weeks of receipt. This period is advertised on application forms 'Instructions for Candidates', available in hard copy or electronically from the NRCan Non-Destructive Testing website. All candidates have this information before applying. (Note: Assessment of foreign applications or unusual training and experience situations may require more time.)
  • Examination results are usually available three weeks from the date of receipt of the examination package. This period is clearly specified in the 'letter of approval' issued to the candidate to permit him/her to challenge an examination.
Performance results The progress of each client application is recorded and tracked throughout the process: date of receipt, date of review, date of written responses. To summarize performance results against the stated Service Standard, fully completed client applications without errors, or omissions, are normally being processed within the stated standards approximately 80% of the time.
Of note, there has been a recent and significant increase in the number of new applicants for certification requests (almost doubling typical volume), which is being managed.
Other information N/A
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Cost* 2017 to 2018 Remissions
1,915,803 1,947,726 2,156,317 0

* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.

A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with their authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

General information
Fee category Explosives licence and inspection fees
Fee-setting authority Explosives Act and Part 19 of the Explosives Regulations, 2013
Year introduced 1950
Year last amended 2009
Service standard 95% of the time, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all other licences, permits and authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.
Performance results Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate the performance standards were met or exceeded 95% of the time.
Other information N/A
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Cost* 2017 to 2018 Remissions
1,740,074 1,709,056 3,804,000 0

* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.

A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with their authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Financial totals for all fee categories

Total revenues, cost and remissions (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Total revenue 2017 to 2018 Total revenue 2017 to 2018 Total cost 2017 to 2018 Total remissions
4,035,195 4,187,762 7,957,959 0

Note: the totals are the sums of the revenues, costs and remissions reported for all fee categories in the “Financial information” tables.

Fees under the department’s authority

Fee amounts for 2017 to 2018, 2019 to 2020 and a future fiscal year, as applicable (dollars)
Name of fee 2017 to 2018 Fee amount 2019 to 2020 Adjusted fee amount* Future fee amount and fiscal year
Air Photo products fees
Contact Prints
$14.99 Exempted Not Applicable
Contact Prints
(+15 consecutive images/roll)
$12.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Contact Prints
Monochrome (70mm negative)
$37.50 Exempted Not Applicable
Laser copies
$11.25 Exempted Not Applicable
Laser copies
$18.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Contact Print Enlargements
Monochrome 25cm (10")
$39.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 38cm (15") $49.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 50cm (20") $59.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 76cm (30") $79.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 101cm (40") $110.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 101cm x 152cm (40" x 60") $149.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Laser Copy Enlargements
$18.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Laser Copy Enlargements
$22.95 Exempted Not Applicable
Custom Mosaics
$69.00 + paper size (see Monochrome Contact Print Enlargement) Exempted Not Applicable
Digital Imagery Monochrome 300 dpi (1 to 10 images) $24.99 Exempted Not Applicable
Digital Imagery Monochrome 300 dpi (11+images) $22.49 Exempted Not Applicable
Digital Imagery Monochrome 600, 800, 1200 dpi (1 to 10 images) $32.49 Exempted Not Applicable
Digital Imagery Monochrome 600, 800, 1200 dpi (11+ images) $29.99 Exempted Not Applicable
Digital Imagery Colour 300, 600, 800, 1200 dpi (1 to 10 images) $37.49 Exempted Not Applicable
Digital Imagery Colour 300, 600, 800, 1200 dpi (11+ images) $34.99 Exempted Not Applicable
Scanned images from original negatives 2032 dpi (1 to 10 images) $37.49 Exempted Not Applicable
Scanned images from original negatives 2032 dpi (11+ images of the same roll) $33.75 Exempted Not Applicable
Transparencies Monochrome $18.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Transparencies Colour $27.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Transparencies Monochrome (from 70mm negative) $39.50 Exempted Not Applicable
Diapositives $15.50 Exempted Not Applicable
Miscellaneous Products
Technical services (per hour)
$50.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Miscellaneous Products
Calibration Report
$5.75 Exempted Not Applicable
Miscellaneous Products
Priority service (surcharge)
+50% Exempted Not Applicable
Miscellaneous Products
Letter of certification
$23.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Miscellaneous Products
Letter of Copyrights
n/c Exempted Not Applicable
Miscellaneous Products
Flight-line Index
$8.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Miscellaneous Products
Complex Search Fee (per hour)
$50.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Handling and Media
Handling charge
$4.95 Exempted Not Applicable
Handling and Media
Media charge (CD-ROM/DVD per disc)
$7.00 Exempted Not Applicable
Map products fees
Geographical products $10.75 Exempted Not Applicable
Topographical maps $11.45 Exempted Not Applicable
Fees for the Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body based on Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) / International Standards Organization (ISO) standards
Request for individual exam review / follow-up by examiner $60 Exempted Not Applicable
Request for re-assessment of exam results by additional examiner $145 Exempted Not Applicable
Expedited application processing $60 Exempted Not Applicable
Replacement of documentation $90 Exempted Not Applicable
Special administrative actions (i.e. processing requests for other Certification Bodies, special correspondence, verification and recognition of international credentials/qualifications, etc.) $180 Exempted Not Applicable
Reciprocal certification application from other Certification Bodies Same as CGSB NDT certification or XRF certification depending on scope Exempted Not Applicable
Other International Organization for Standardization (ISO) bester third-party NDT certification (i.e. condition monitoring, etc.) Same as CGSB NDT certification or XRF certification depending on scope Exempted Not Applicable
Revalidation of certification: Fee charged as a combination of renewal if applicable and recertification fees as required for individual requests As applicable Exempted Not Applicable
Special written exam center fee $45 Exempted Not Applicable
Special practical exam center request $145 Exempted Not Applicable
Request for recertification examination by shippable kit – candidate fee $190 Exempted Not Applicable
Request for recertification examination by shippable kit – Organization’s fee Per cost and charge-out Exempted Not Applicable
Request for recertification examination by shippable kit – Shipping fees Per cost Exempted Not Applicable
Request for recertification examination by equivalency acceptance of other practical assessment – candidate fee $145 Exempted Not Applicable
Request for recertification examination by equivalency acceptance of other practical assessment – proctoring location fee Per cost and charge-out Exempted Not Applicable
Authorized Examination Center and Recognized Training Organization application and renewal fees Per cost and charge-out Exempted Not Applicable
Audit for Authorized Examination Center and Recognized Training Organization Per cost and charge-out Exempted Not Applicable
Practical examination specimen cost recovery Per cost and charge-out Exempted Not Applicable
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 1 written examination $55 Exempted Not Applicable
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 2 written examination $75 Exempted Not Applicable
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 3 written examination (Basic paper, Written Procedure, Written Procedure Review) $75 Exempted Not Applicable
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 3 basic written (General, EMC Codes and Applications) $110 Exempted Not Applicable
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – RT method radiation safety written examination $55 Exempted Not Applicable
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 2 practical examination for surface method $500 Exempted Not Applicable
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 1 practical examination for volumetric method $250 Exempted Not Applicable
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 2 practical examination for volumetric method $1,000 Exempted Not Applicable
Financial Charges – NSF, recovery, etc. Per GoC/NRCan corporate fees Exempted Not Applicable
Non-standard special request Per charge-out Exempted Not Applicable
Non-standard special request for research activities Per charge-out Exempted Not Applicable
Electronic Exam Proctoring Fee - Online/Electronic Written Exam Live-Proctoring: on-site exam location fee $95 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Application Fee $420 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 1 written examination registration $70 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 1 written examination retest $70 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 2 written examination $90 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 2 written examination retest $90 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 3 written examination $110 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 3 written examination retest $110 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT radiation protection written examination $90 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 1 volumetric method practical examination $190 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 1 volumetric method practical retest $95 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 2 volumetric method practical examination $500 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 2 volumetric method practical examination retest $250 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 2 surface method practical examination $175 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT Level 2 surface method practical examination retest $90 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT certification renewal for 1 method $275 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT certification renewal for 2 methods $450 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT certification renewal for 3 methods $625 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT certification renewal for 4 methods $800 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT certification renewal for 5 methods $975 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT certification renewal for 6 methods $1,150 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT late renewal $120 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 2 surface method recertification examination $125 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 2 surface method recertification examination retest $90 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 3 surface method recertification examination $235 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 3 surface method recertification examination retest practical portion $90 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 3 surface method recertification examination retest written portion $110 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 1 volumetric method recertification examination $130 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 1 volumetric method recertification examination retest $95 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 2 volumetric method recertification examination $285 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 2 volumetric method recertification examination retest $250 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 3 volumetric method recertification examination $395 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 3 volumetric method recertification examination practical portion retest $250 Exempted Not Applicable
NDT level 3 volumetric method recertification examination written portion retest $110 Exempted Not Applicable
CEDO application for written examination $250 Exempted Not Applicable
CEDO retest for written examination $200 Exempted Not Applicable
CEDO photo card renewal $120 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF 5 year application $140 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF 1 year application $55 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF level 1 examination $55 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF level 1 examination retest $55 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF level 2 examination $35 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF level 2 examination retest $35 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF renewal $110 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF late renewal $55 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF recertification application $110 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF level 1 recertification examination $55 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF level 1 recertification examination retest $55 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF level 2 recertification examination $35 Exempted Not Applicable
XRF level 2 recertification examination retest $35 Exempted Not Applicable

* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation.

The “Future fee amount and fiscal year” is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.

Name of fee 2017 to 2018 Fee amount 2019 to 2020 Adjusted fee amount* Future fee amount and fiscal year
Explosives licence and inspection fees
Authorization for an indefinite period
  • $125 min per application
  • $2,500 max per year
  • $127.75 min per application
  • $2,555 max per year
Not Applicable
Authorization for a specified period not tour/comp
  • $150
  • $153.30
Not Applicable
Authorization – tour international comp
  • $500
  • $2,500 max
  • $511
  • $2,555 max
Not Applicable
Permit to import explosives – single use
  • $160
  • $163.52
Not Applicable
Annual permit
  • $160
  • +$20 for ea 1000 Kg NEQ $1,300 max
  • $163.52
  • $20.44 for ea 1000 Kg NEQ $1,328.60 max
Not Applicable
Factory Licence Initial
Div 1
  • $3,000 min
  • $800 for ea process unit & $800 /mpu
  • $17 for ea 1000 Kg NEQ
  • $225 per detonator
  • $3,066 min
  • $817.60 for ea process unit & $817.60 /mpu
  • $17.37 for ea 1000 Kg NEQ
  • $229.95 per detonator
Not Applicable
Renewal Div 1
  • $3,000 min
  • $30,000 max
  • $575 per process unit
  • $575 per mobile unit
  • $17 ea 1000 Kg NEQ storage
  • $225 ea detonator
  • $3,066 min
  • $30,660
  • $587.65 per process unit
  • $587.65 per mobile unit
  • $17.37 ea 1000 Kg NEQ storage
  • $229.95 ea detonator
Not Applicable
Div 1 Factory Licence – Non HE or other products
  • $800 min
  • $3000 max
  • $800 ea process unit
  • $17 ea 1000 Kg NEQ
  • $817.60 min
  • $3,066 max
  • $817.60 ea process unit
  • $17.37 ea 1000 Kg NEQ
Not Applicable
Vendor Magazine Licence – HE or initiation systems
  • $25 ea 1000 Kg NEQ
  • $275 ea detonator
  • $25.55 ea 1000 Kg NEQ
  • $281.05 ea detonator
Not Applicable
Vendor magazine licence to store other explosives
  • $140 ea retail est.
  • $350 ea dist
  • $700 ea dist repkging
  • $143.08 ea retail est
  • $357.70 ea dist
  • $715.40 ea dist repkging
Not Applicable
User Magazine Licence – HE or initiation systems
  • $140 per magazine ($280 min)
  • $143.08 per magazine ($286.16 min)
Not Applicable
User Magazine Licence – zone licence
  • $200 per magazine ($400 min)
  • $204.40 per magazine ($408.80 min)
Not Applicable
User Magazine Licence – non law enforcement
  • $70
  • $71.54
Not Applicable
Manufacturing Certificate – blasting explosives
  • $200 per mon min
  • $800 - $1,600 max
  • $204.40 per mon min
  • $817.60 - $1,635.20 max
Not Applicable
mechanically blend ANFO
  • $800
  • $817.60
Not Applicable
Any other manufacturing certificate
  • $75
  • $76.65
Not Applicable
Fireworks op cert – initial
  • $150
  • $153.30
Not Applicable
  • $100
  • $102.20
Not Applicable
Renewal of certificate FW
  • $100
  • $102.20
Not Applicable

* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation.

The “Future fee amount and fiscal year” is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.