NRCan 2023–24 Departmental Plan

Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5M or more

Table of Contents
Contributions for Accommodation Measures for the Trans Mountain Expansion project (voted)
Start date July 31, 2019
End date* March 31, 2024
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20
Link to departmental result Canadians are engaged in the future of the new and inclusive resource economy
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Indigenous Partnerships Office
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The objective of this program is to support active and meaningful Indigenous involvement in issues related to the Trans Mountain Expansion project to address potential project-related impacts and cumulative effects.

This Transfer Payment Program does not include any repayable contributions.

Expected results

Expected results include:

  • Building capacity in Indigenous communities and providing opportunity for co-development of initiatives;
  • Supporting long-term relationship building and meaningful two-way dialogue between Indigenous groups and the Government of Canada;
  • Addressing cumulative effects in the terrestrial environment.

In 2023-24, this funding will support Indigenous-led projects related to cumulative effects.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2022-23
General targeted recipient groups

Eligible recipients include:

  • Indigenous recipients on the Crown consultation list for the Trans Mountain Expansion project.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients include direct outreach, engagement sessions and workshops.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $4,443,125 $6,000,000 $0 $0
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $4,443,125 $6,000,000 $0 $0
Payments to the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (statutory)
Start date 1985-86
End date* Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation

Statutory: Contribution to the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act)

Fiscal year for terms and conditions Not applicable
Link to departmental result Access to new and priority markets for Canada’s natural resources is enhanced
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Statutory Offshore Payments
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

NRCan pays 50% of the operating costs of the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board. The province pays the other 50%. This is done pursuant to section 27 of the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act. The funds are drawn from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Cost recovery regulations put in place in 2016 allow the Board to cost recover up to 100% of eligible costs from industry, which are remitted to the government of Canada and the province of Newfoundland and Labrador on a 50-50 basis.

This transfer payment program does not have any repayable contributions.

Expected results NRCan’s share of the Offshore Board’s operating budget is made in four quarterly payments throughout the course of each fiscal year.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable – Statutory payments are exempt from evaluation.
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Not applicable
General targeted recipient groups Joint federal-provincial board (independent regulator)
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients In respect of each fiscal year and pursuant to the Accord Acts, the Offshore Board is required to submit a budget request to Governments for approval by the Minister of NRCan and his provincial counterpart. NRCan officials engage with the Board to understand the budgetary request and also consult with the province.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $0 $0 $0 $0
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $11,805,000 $11,805,000 $11,805,000
Total program $0 $11,805,000 $11,805,000 $11,805,000
Grants and Contributions for Capacity Building for Growing Canada’s Forests - 2 Billion Trees Program (voted)
Start date 2021-22
End date* 2030-31
Type of transfer payment Grants and Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2021-22
Link to departmental result(s) Communities and industries are adapting to climate change
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Forest Climate Change
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program operationalizes the federal commitment to plant two billion incremental trees by funding a range of recipients to plant trees across Canada, contributing to Canada’s GHG emission reduction target in 2030 and net zero emissions target in 2050. 2BT also has the objective of achieving co-benefits, such as restoring habitat for species at risk and other species of interest, increasing forest resilience to climate change, and job creation.
Expected results

OUTCOME 1 - Reduce GHG emissions in Canada through planting 2 billion incremental trees:


  • Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted.
  • Cumulative total area planted with incremental trees.
  • Annual GHG emission reductions.
  • Projected long-term (2050) GHG emission reductions.

OUTCOME 2 - Achieve environmental co-benefits through tree planting:


  • Cumulative total area planted that contributes to habitat restoration for species at risk and other species of interest.
  • Cumulative total area planted that contributes to increased forest resilience to climate change.

OUTCOME 3 - Achieve human wellbeing co-benefits through tree planting:


  • Number of aggregate direct, indirect and induced jobs created.
  • Percent of large (500+ FTEs) and medium (100-499 FTEs) organization funding recipients that have Diversity and Inclusion Plans.
  • Percent of under-represented groups in the tree planting and related activity workforce of large and medium organization funding recipients.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2024-25
General targeted recipient groups

Eligible recipients are:

  • Provincial and territorial governments and their agencies including public sector bodies established by or under provincial or territorial statute or by regulation;
  • Municipal and local governments and their agencies, and regional municipal organizations;
  • Not-for-profit organizations, such as charitable organizations, volunteer organizations, community, professional, industry and other associations, land conservation organizations, and non-government organizations;
  • For-profit organizations; and,
  • Indigenous organizations (for profit and not-for-profit) and communities.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Efforts to directly engage with program recipients and potential applicants are ongoing, to help understand their needs and interest in the program, as well as communicate updates. Proactive communication with the public and the media in multiple formats is also a key focus to effectively report on the program’s outcomes and progress. Ongoing engagement activities from 2022-23 will be continued into 2023-24, and new initiatives will be implemented as needed. Planned activities include:

  • Launch a new online application system (the 2BT portal) for applicants to submit their applications, and for program officials to manage the projects and collect the data;
  • Revamp 2BT website to provide guidance to applicants on program parameters to support the ongoing CFP;
  • Targeted outreach and webinars to build awareness and buy-in with priority stakeholder groups in support of the ongoing CFP;
  • Updates to the 2BT website and associated webpages to provide annual program statistics, information, and progress on various program components such as provincial and territorial agreements and advisory committee activities;
  • Distribute a 2BT newsletter approximately 3 times per year to the 2BT email list. The newsletter provides program updates and related announcements directly to interested stakeholders;
  • Develop an annual 2BT factbook to synthesize the large volumes of data collected by the program;
  • Develop infographics to explain key topics related to the program to external stakeholders and the public; and
  • Ongoing collaboration with the Knowledge Mobilization group to ensure that program recipients and collaborators have the knowledge and tools they need, including National Webinar series.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000
Total contributions $89,000,000 $282,500,000 $338,000,000 $353,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $91,000,000 $284,500,000 $340,000,000 $355,000,000
Grants and Contributions in support of Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities (voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date* March 31, 2034
Type of transfer payment Grants and Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2018-19
Link to departmental result Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory
  • Electricity Resources
  • Energy Innovation and Clean Technology
  • Forest Sector Competitiveness
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The program will reduce reliance on diesel and fossil fuels in Indigenous, rural, and remote communities by deploying and demonstrating renewable energy projects, encouraging energy efficiency and building skills and capacity.

Contribution payments made under this program are non-repayable.

Expected results

Expected results for this program include:

  • Deployment project funding leveraged at an average of 2:3 ($81M: $121M), total from 2018-19 to 2026-27.
  • Demonstration project funding leveraged at an average of 3:2 ($55M: $37M), total from 2018-19 to 2026-27.
  • 10-15 renewable energy demonstration projects supported from 2018-19 to 2026-27.
  • 41 bioheat projects supported (of which 17 are completed to date) from 2018-19 to present.
  • Maintain 2 co-operative arrangementsFootnote 1 on information products and expertise on energy efficiency with other federal departments (annually from 2018-19 to 2026-27).
  • 40 megawatts of renewable energy capacity across all projects by 2027.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2022-23
General targeted recipient groups

Targeted recipient groups include:

  • remote communities
  • Indigenous communities
  • remote industrial sites, regional and community development corporations, utilities
  • provinces and territories

Capacity building and bioheat streams also target rural communities as well as remote communities.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The program continues to engage actual and potential applicants through the Remote Energy Inbox, calls with potential applicants when requested, and engagement sessions at conferences and through other platforms, such as the Pan-Canadian Framework.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $5,872,581 $7,934,000 $7,500,000 $7,500,000
Total contributions $49,962,289 $51,806,077 $44,939,505 $35,472,776
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $55,834,870 $59,740,077 $52,439,505 $42,972,776
Contributions in support of the Clean Fuels Fund and Codes and Standards Program (voted)
Start date June 16, 2021
End date* March 31, 2026
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2021-22
Link to departmental result(s) Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Lower Carbon Transportation
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

To meet our net-zero goal, Canada’s economy will need to be powered by two equally important energy sources – clean power and clean fuels (e.g. clean hydrogen, advanced biofuels, liquid synthetic fuels, and renewable natural gas). Clean fuels are expected to play a critical role in ‘hard-to-decarbonize’ sectors such as industry and medium- and heavy-duty freight. Clean fuels make up less than 6% of Canada’s total energy supply, but between 10%-51% or more (up to 60% according to some projections) of Canada’s national energy demand is expected to be met with clean fuels in 2050 to reach its net-zero goal. The rapid and steady deployment of clean fuels will be necessary for Canada to meet its GHG mitigation targets for 2030 and 2050. To achieve the ambitious climate targets and grow the economy, Canada has introduced key measures to incentivize the production and use of clean fuels, such as the Clean Fuels Fund.

The Clean Fuels Fund provides the private sector with cost-shared, conditionally repayable contributions to support the build out of new or retrofit or expand existing, clean fuel production facilities in Canada.

The Clean Fuels Fund has also established a dedicated funding stream for Indigenous-led clean fuel production projects.

Non-repayable contributions are also available for feasibility studies, basic engineering studies and detailed front-end engineering studies for new facilities, facility expansions or facility conversions.

To ensure clean fuel producers have access to a consistent supply of biomass feedstocks, conditionally repayable support is also available for the establishment of biomass supply chains to improve logistics for the collection, supply, and distribution of biomass materials (e.g., forest residues, municipal solid waste, and agriculture crop residues) as a feedstock in clean fuel production facilities.

Non-repayable contributions are also available to address gaps and misalignment in codes, standards and regulations related to the production, distribution and end-use of clean fuels. This support ensures that, as new technologies evolve and enter the market, they can do so reliably, efficiently and effectively production, distribution, and use of clean fuels while ensuring they are compatible across jurisdictions.

Expected results

By March 2026, the program aims to support:

  • Liquid production: 6 - 8 projects – 2.5 – 3.0 Billion Litres new annual capacity
  • Hydrogen production: 10 projects - 0.5 – 0.75 Million Tonnes new annual capacity
  • 7 biomass hubs
  • 40-50 new or revised codes, standards, regulation and best-practices.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2025-26
General targeted recipient groups
  • For-profit organizations
  • Utilities
  • Not-for profit organizations
  • Indigenous recipients
  • International (non-government)
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients
  • The Program has undertaken a comprehensive approach to engaging potential applicants.
  • Before the program officially launched, information sessions were held to finalize elements of program design, and to signal that calls for proposals would be forthcoming.
  • Information sessions were held on the day of program launch, as well as twice during the call for proposals, to address questions from the potential applicants.
  • A comprehensive social media campaign was also undertaken, to raise awareness at each stage of the process.
  • The program has a dedicated funding stream for Indigenous led projects, and also delivered several Indigenous engagement sessions to build awareness and address questions.
  • When projects are selected and activities begin, the program will also undertake quarterly meetings with all proponents, to review progress.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $205,763,250 $380,200,000 $376,940,000 $314,300,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $205,763,250 $380,200,000 $376,940,000 $314,300,000
Contribution in support of the clean-up of the Gunnar uranium mining facilities (voted)
Start date March 7, 2007
End date* March 31, 2056
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2006-07
Link to departmental result Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Electricity Resources
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

To advance the decommissioning of legacy uranium mine and mill tailings in the Province of Saskatchewan according to current regulatory standards.

To provide financial contributions to the Government of Saskatchewan for it to undertake decommissioning activities at the Gunnar uranium mine site. **

This program does not contain any repayable contributions.

Expected results That cost effective and timely action be taken to address the current environmental condition associated with the Cold War Legacy Uranium Mine and Mill Sites.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2012-13
Decision following the results of last evaluation Project funding will be expended as per the terms in the Memorandum of Agreement.
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation No evaluation is currently planned for this program, as it is low materiality. The program will continue to be considered in NRCan’s annual departmental evaluation planning exercise, in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups Province of Saskatchewan
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Yearly meetings between NRCan and Government of Saskatchewan officials to discuss progress on the project.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority that may be different from the actual funding end date.

**Canada is not required to provide any funding for the Lorado project. Under the terms of the 2006 Memorandum of Agreement, all funding for the remediation of the Lorado Mill site is to be provided by third parties. Subsequent to the signing of the MOA, EnCana Corporation, which held the mining leases for the Lorado site, provided funding to Saskatchewan for remediation. Saskatchewan then proceeded with remediation of the Lorado Mill site under a separate project. The Saskatchewan Research Council began remediation of the Lorado Mill Site in June 2014. For more information, please contact the Government of Saskatchewan.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $0 $11,170,000 $0 $0
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $0 $11,170,000 $0 $0
Contributions in support of Climate Change Adaptation (voted)
Start date April 1, 2008
End date* March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18
Link to departmental result(s) Communities and industries are adapting to climate change
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Climate Change Adaptation
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The objective of the program is to position regions and sectors to undertake measures that will enable them to adapt to a changing climate. This program does not have repayable contributions.
Expected results Expected results for FY23-24 are completion of a Call for Proposals and establishment of contribution agreements with all selected projects.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015-2016
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2021-2022 (started)
General targeted recipient groups

Canadian academia and public institutions; government; industry, not for profit organizations, for profit organizations research, and professional associations; Aboriginal recipients; and individuals. Other Canadian organizations such as professional associations.

International not-for-profit non-governmental organizations.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Adaptation Platform, a national network of decision-makers and researchers in regions and natural resource sectors, will be engaged in identifying information needs that will be addressed through the program. A subset of the membership will also be interviewed during the program evaluation. Insights on program design and reporting processes were collected from recipients in the previous phase of the program and those insights will be integrated into program design.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $0 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $0 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000
Grants and Contributions in support of Critical Minerals (voted)
Start date November 15, 2021
End date* March 31, 2024
Type of transfer payment Grants and Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2021-22
Link to departmental results Natural resource sectors are innovative
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Green Mining Innovation (GMI)
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Contributions are targeted to support pilot plant projects and demonstration for critical minerals.

Grants are going to primarily targeted to prize challenge.

Expected results Technologies for the production of Critical Minerals have been piloted and demonstrated.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation To be determined in the next Departmental Evaluation Plan in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups
  • For-profit organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations and charities:
  • Academia and public institutions:
  • Aboriginal recipients:
  • Government
  • International (non-government)
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Industry associations have been consulted in the design and scoping of the program. The program engaged with consulting committees such as FPT and Green Mining advisory committee.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $3,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 $0
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $3,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 $0
Contributions in support of Electricity Pre-Development Projects (voted)
Start date December 2022
End date* 2026
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2022-23
Link to departmental result(s) Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Electricity Resources
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program This program is intended to support predevelopment activities associated with nationally and regionally significant, large-scale non-emitting clean electricity infrastructure projects (generation projects, transmission and grid infrastructure) with significant predevelopment requirements to advance the projects.
Expected results

EPP will look to allocate funding via contribution agreements to fund eligible predevelopment activities, including engineering assessments, community engagement, and environmental and regulatory studies.

Beyond the completion of select studies and related knowledge creation for utilities, EPP has no targets or expected results before FY 2026-2027, given the long-term nature of its program objectives (i.e., physical construction of large-scale non-emitting clean electricity infrastructure projects).

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation To be determined in the next Departmental Evaluation Plan in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups Proponents of large-scale clean electricity infrastructure projects of national significance, which could include Canadian Utilities, Canadian energy and clean tech companies
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients After the initial invitation and following receipt of an application, NRCan will remain in contact with and engage the applicant as appropriate to guide them through the application process. NRCan will not be conducting additional engagement related to EPP beyond that considered standard for a program of this scope.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $10,000,000 $75,000,000 $70,000,000 $43,645,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $10,000,000 $75,000,000 $70,000,000 $43,645,000
Contributions in support of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program (voted)
Start date April 14, 2016
End date* March 31, 2029
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18
Link to departmental results
  • Natural resource sectors are innovative
  • Clean technologies and energy efficiencies enhance economic performance
  • Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Energy Innovation and Clean Technology
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration (EVID) Program supports the demonstration of innovative solutions to technical challenges and other barriers for the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure in numerous applications, including in the urban environment, for fleets, and for public transit.

Key outcomes from the program are expected to address potential technical and non-technical barriers for the deployment of charging and refuelling infrastructure for zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs). Outcomes for the EVID Program include:

  • Reduced cost and improved performance (e.g. speed), operational safety, and interoperability of charging stations in Canadian climatic conditions;
  • Improved performance, operational safety and reliability of H2 refuelling systems for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in Canadian climatic conditions;
  • Increased knowledge of non-technical barriers and innovative approaches, leading to improved business cases.

Contribution payments made under this program are non-repayable.

Expected results

This program will build on results achieved by previous NRCan programs which contributed significantly to the early demonstration of charging infrastructure in Canada to date. Expected results in 2023-24 include:

  • Project funding leveraged at an average of 1:1

Longer-term results include:

  • At least one replication per technology demonstrated by 2025
  • 5-8 demonstration projects, completed by 2024

The program is expected to result in real world demonstration of ZEV infrastructure and/or solutions to technical challenges and other barriers for the uptake of ZEVs in numerous applications.

Examples include: load management at multi-unit residential buildings and workplaces; curbside charging; charging infrastructure for autonomous vehicles; bi-directional charging with energy storage; fast-charging in a Northern community; standards development for electric bus overhead charging; and repurposing e-bus batteries for fast-charging.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Pending
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2021-22
General targeted recipient groups

Funding is open to Canadian and international eligible recipients provided they meet established criteria.

Eligible recipients will include, but are not limited to, legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada or abroad, such as:

  • Private sector and not-for-profit organizations such as producers, shippers, industry associations, research associations, and environmental non-governmental organizations;
  • Indigenous organizations and groups;
  • Community groups;
  • Academic institutions; and
  • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies, where applicable.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The program team engages with industry, associations, provinces, territories, and research and policy groups through various forums (such as working groups, workshops, conferences and International Energy Agency meetings) to identify barriers and priorities, which helps inform the design and scope of calls for proposals.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $6,329,311 $6,352,982 $0 $0
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $6,329,311 $6,352,982 $0 $0
Contributions in support of the Emerging Renewable Power Program (voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date* March 31, 2033
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2018-19
Link to departmental results Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Electricity Resources
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

This Program will help expand the portfolio of renewable energy technologies available to reduce emissions in Canada’s electricity sector and provide job opportunities along the entire length of their supply chains.

The Emerging Renewable Power Program funding is conditionally repayable should the project yield a return on investment above and beyond the total project costs less the federal contribution.

Expected results

The expected results for the 2023–24 period, performance measures and performance indicators for monitoring and reporting, as established under the approved terms and conditions:

  • The DEEP geothermal project in SK will have completed drilling all wells and have their facility constructed ready for commissioning in the following year
  • The instream tidal energy project developed by Sustainable Marine Canada will have demonstrated a 420 kW floating tidal energy platform
  • Projects using at least three different technologies are supported by the program;
  • Increase in the deployment of Emerging Renewable Power Projects in Canada by 2026-2028;
  • Increase in renewable technology supply chains in Canada;
  • Increase in awareness and understanding of regional energy resources and impacts from emerging renewable power projects; and,
  • Improved environmental performance through GHG reductions of Canadian electricity sector.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2022-23
General targeted recipient groups
  • Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada, including for profit and not-for-profit organizations, system operators and transmission owners and operators, local distribution companies, industry associations, research associations, regional, and community development corporations.
  • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments, and their departments and agencies, where applicable. Indigenous communities, councils or governments and Indigenous for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Departmental officials have contacted industry organizations, spoken to individual developers upon request, and have attended industry events. In addition, the Department has contacted provincial government representatives, both at the working and management level to solicit general feedback or verify project acceptance and priority alignment.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $17,846,467 $13,066,123 $10,066,124 $4,008,180
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $17,846,467 $13,066,123 $10,066,124 $4,008,180
Grants and Contributions in support of Energy Efficiency (voted)
Start date April 1, 2017
End date* Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grants and Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions

2017-18 (Innovation and Clean Growth in the Natural Resource Sectors Terms and Conditions)

2022-23 (Terms and Conditions for Grants and Contributions in support of Energy Efficiency)

Link to departmental result(s)
  • Clean technologies and energy efficiencies enhance economic performance
  • Natural resource sectors are innovative
  • Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Innovation and Clean Technology
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The objectives of the program are to:

  • increase the energy efficiency of consumer and commercial products
  • enhance commercial, institutional and residential building sector performance
  • encourage the implementation of cleaner and more energy efficient technologies and practices in the industrial sector
  • support low carbon options for the on-road transportation sector.
  • accelerate the development of cost-effective energy efficient technologies, design and construction

Contribution payments made under this program are non-repayable.

Expected results

Outcomes of the program may include the following:

  • Awareness and capacity to access and adopt energy efficient practices and tools;
  • Increased availability and uptake of more-affordable, higher-efficiency consumer and commercial products;
  • Improved affordability and accessibility of clean energy and energy efficient technologies;
  • Improved energy performance in new and existing commercial, residential, and institutional/public buildings across Canada;
  • Demonstrate new energy efficient building solutions that will help achieve Canada’s 2030 and 2050 climate change objectives;
  • Accelerated adoption of energy management practices in the industrial sector; and,
  • Reduced GHG emissions and increased energy savings for Canadians.

Key performance measures may include but are not limited to:

  • Energy savings;
  • Implementation of energy saving opportunities; and
  • Number of new energy efficient building technologies demonstrated.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2020-21
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2024-25
General targeted recipient groups

Eligible recipients include:

  • For-profit organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations and charities
  • Academia and public institutions
  • Indigenous recipients
  • Government
  • International (non-government)
  • Individual or sole proprietorships
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Energy Efficiency Program

Working closely with provinces and territories, industry, associations, and research groups, NRCan advances long-term energy efficiency efforts that drive Canada’s transformation to a low-carbon economy.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients include:

  • hosting roundtables, workshops and webinars;
  • undertaking targeted outreach and engagement, including through web portals (e.g. The Canada Green Buildings Strategy) engagement sessions and award recognition nominations; and,
  • knowledge and capacity-building activities such as case studies.

Energy Efficient Buildings Research Development and Demonstration Program

The program has fully allocated the funds available to a total of 20 RD&D projects. Engagement with recipients will now focus on discussing their results and ensuring their broader dissemination, leading to the publication of case studies and lessons learned to inform key stakeholders on successful approaches to constructing and renovating buildings to higher energy efficiency performance.

Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program (GNPP)

The GNPP was designed using several guiding documents, presentations, and knowledge-sharing events in the past year from key stakeholder groups, which underscored the importance of federal leadership in this sector. The program will hold a phased intake to first establish Contribution Agreements with Market Development Teams (MDTs) that will convene and coordinate supply- and demand-side actors to identify opportunities for aggregated deep energy retrofit projects, find solutions to regional gaps and barriers, and drive market transformation in their regions. Prior to launching the intake call, NRCan has engaged with key stakeholders to inform program design, including with indigenous organizations.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $430,899 $391,000 $391,000 $391,000
Total contributions $13,192,250 $59,073,023 $144,305,428 $155,015,203
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $13,623,149 $59,464,023 $144,696,428 $155,406,203
Grants and Contributions in support of the Energy Innovation Program (voted)
Start date April 14, 2016
End date* Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grants and Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18
Link to departmental result(s)
  • Natural resource sectors are innovative
  • Clean technologies and energy efficiencies enhance economic performance
  • Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Energy Innovation and Clean Technology
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The Energy Innovation Program (EIP) advances clean energy technologies that will help Canada meet its climate change targets while supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. It funds research, development and demonstration projects and other related scientific activities. In the near term, the EIP will help to de-risk and improve cost and performance of existing technologies to help to meet Canada’s 2030 climate goals, while accelerating the readiness of pre-commercial technologies and enable energy system transformations required for Canada to achieve its 2050 net-zero goals.

The EIP runs targeted calls and other strategic collaboration and investment programs. Clean energy innovation funded by the EIP is supporting decarbonization of Canada’s most energy-intensive sectors: industry, transportation and communities. Budget 2021 announced new funding under the EIP to focus on carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). Further, Budget 2022 committed to renewing and consolidating the Clean Growth Program and the Impact Canada Cleantech Initiative under the EIP.

Contributions under this program are non-repayable, since the activities and benefits from the contributions are pre-commercial.

Expected results

Activities are expected to contribute to new R&D; demonstration projects and associated codes and standards; and new knowledge products, including studies and analyses.

Expected results in 2023-24 include:

  • Average of at least one partner other than NRCan or the proponent per project
  • Project funding leveraged at least 1:1

Expected longer-term results include:

  • New knowledge, intellectual property, and influence on regulations, codes and standards
  • Clean energy solutions advance towards commercial readiness
  • 4.25 Mt direct GHG reductions per year by 2030
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2019-20
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2023-24
General targeted recipient groups

Eligible Canadian recipients could include legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada, including:

  • for-profit and not-for-profit organizations such as electricity and gas utilities, companies, industry associations, research associations, and standards organizations;
  • Indigenous organizations and groups;
  • community groups;
  • Canadian academic institutions; and,
  • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies, where applicable.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Under the EIP, NRCan has carried out extensive engagement with industry, associations, provinces and territories, and research and policy groups to help inform the scope of calls for proposals. Requests for project proposals are solicited from a broad range of eligible recipients including industry, academia and consortia via open, advertised proposal calls; non-advertised direct requests for proposals; and unsolicited proposals.

To increase awareness about proposal solicitations, program officers:

  • Present at conferences, workshops and sector meetings;
  • Use NRCan’s Clean Growth Collaboration Community, an online integrative platform, to share information and encourage potential applicants to connect with other partners;
  • Leverage social media platforms, amplified by partners;
  • Host stakeholder engagement webinars and calls with involvement from provinces and territories;
  • Provide input and updates in the regularly circulated Clean Growth Hub Newsletter and the OERD-led Energy Innovation Newsletter; and,
  • Host Accelerator Events and Expert Discussion Sessions (through the Breakthrough Energy Solutions Canada program).

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $1,445,600 $1,894,000 $1,894,000 $1,744,000
Total contributions $32,625,221 $54,310,000 $50,310,000 $47,310,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $34,070,821 $56,204,000 $52,204,000 $49,054,000
Contributions in support of Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate (voted)
Start date June 16, 2022
End date* March 31, 2027
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2022-2023
Link to departmental result(s) Communities and officials have the tools to safeguard Canadians from natural hazards and explosives
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Wildfire Risk Management
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The purpose of the program is to:

  • Enhance whole-of-society collaboration and governance to strengthen resilience.
  • Enhance disaster response capacity and coordination and foster the development of new capabilities to:
    • increase capacity to prepare for and respond to wildfires

Under the FMWCC, NRCan provides funding to support:

Stream 1 – Equipment Fund: Strengthening capacities and capabilities in fire management across Canada by improving prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response.

Stream 2 – Training Fund: Increasing, by 1,000, the number of and access to trained firefighters and specialized fire management personnel, particularly in Indigenous communities that are at highest risk to wildland fires.

There are no repayable contributions under this program.

Expected results

To increase capacity to prepare for and respond to wildfires

Stream 1 - Equipment Fund:

Results (1)

Wildfire response capacity is increased in Canada

Indicators (1.1)

Number of provinces and territories with funding agreements in place

Indicators (1.2)

Total incremental investment in equipment

Stream 2 – Training Fund:

Results (1)

Wildfire response capacity is increased in Canada

Indicators (1.3)

Number of people receiving training and/or employment support

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation To be determined in the next Departmental Evaluation Plan in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups

Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including:

  • Not for profit organizations
  • Indigenous organizations, groups and communities;
  • Canadian academic institutions;
  • For profit organizations
  • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Stream 1 – Equipment Fund:

In 2023-24, NRCan will continue to engage in bilateral discussions with provinces and territories to put in place multi-year agreements to repair and replace needed equipment, including larger scale and specialized equipment.

Stream 2 – Training Fund:

In 2023-24, NRCan will launch a call for proposals. The call will be informed by the results of the two-year pilot (2022-2024).

Stream 1 and 2:

Recipients and prospective applicants will be engaged on an ongoing basis through various existing multi-stakeholder forums such as the:

  • Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre Board of Directors, committees and technical working groups
  • Engagements with recipients from the Wildfire Training Pilot of 2022-2024

Public virtual information session to launch stream 2

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $11,600,000 $41,600,000 $65,600,000 $80,600,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $11,600,000 $41,600,000 $65,600,000 $80,600,000
Grants and Contributions in support of the Green Freight Program (voted)
Start date 2022
End date* March 31, 2027
Type of transfer payment Grants and contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2022-2023
Link to departmental result(s) Canada’s Natural Resources are Sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Lower Carbon Transportation
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program Green Freight Program (GFP) objective is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from on-road freight through fleet energy assessments, fleet retrofits, engine repowers, best-practice implementation and the purchase of low carbon vehicles.
Expected results

For 2023-2024, nearly $41 million is expected to be delivered via grants and contributions to contribute to:

  • Fleet assessments to help organizations who do not have the capacity undertake this in-depth analysis of their operations, or the experience to make decisions on the best fit-retrofits for their fleet;
  • Truck and trailer retrofits with energy efficient technologies or other GHG reducing practices;
  • Fuel-switching, engine repowers and large scale improved logistical best-practice projects.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation To be determined in the next Departmental Evaluation Plan in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups

Target recipient groups include:

  • Companies;
  • Industry associations;
  • Research associations;
  • Standards organizations;
  • Indigenous and community groups;
  • Canadian academic institutions; and
  • Provincial, territorial, regional, or municipal
  • governments or their departments or agencies where applicable.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Key Stakeholder engagement

  • Stakeholder consultation sessions to gather feedback on new iteration of GFP;
  • Inform third-party fleet assessors of changes to the program, gauge their capacity for intake, share new assessment reporting guidelines;
  • Engage utility stakeholders;
  • Engage with technology manufacturers and suppliers;
  • Engage with Federal, Provincial and Regional Associations and Organizations to provide an overview of the new details regarding assessments;
  • Engage with Provincial and Municipal government;
  • Leverage internal/GOC networks – ZEVIP, TC, NRC, ISED, BDC, EDC;
  • Launch national media awareness campaign with NRCan Communications Division;
  • NRCan issues call for applications for Stream 1 and 2, with Stream 1 to be closed upon exhaustion of fiscal year 2023-24 funds;
  • Social media messaging (via Twitter and LinkedIn);
  • Host webinars to share an overview of the Program, application procedures and answer any questions;
  • Commitment to an annual review of the program to ensure that it is meeting industry needs.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $19,546,061 $34,800,000 $42,100,000 $36,200,000
Total contributions $0 $6,109,223 $6,719,376 $8,743,657
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $19,546,061 $40,909,223 $48,819,376 $44,943,657
Grants and Contributions in support of Home Retrofits (voted)
Start date December 1, 2020
End date* 2026-27
Type of transfer payment Grants and contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2022-23
Link to departmental result(s) Clean technologies and energy efficiencies enhance economic performance
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Energy Efficiency
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Helping Canadians make their homes more energy efficient reduces energy demand and supports Canadian environmental objectives while making homes more comfortable and more affordable to maintain, as well as creating good, middle-class jobs in their communities.

The program will provide up to 700,000 grants of up to $5,000 to help homeowners undertake energy-efficient improvements to their homes supported by EnerGuide evaluations, which qualify for reimbursement of up to an additional $600.

Expected results Improved energy efficiency and reduced GHG emissions. Support economic recovery/growth through cost savings to Canadians and job creation.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2024-25
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit organizations and charities
  • Academia and public institutions
  • Indigenous recipients
  • Government
  • Individual or sole proprietorships
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Ongoing engagement with National Indigenous Organizations and Indigenous groups on the Indigenous approach to program delivery to ensure that the program continues to meet community needs.

Ongoing engagement and customer support through the Canada Greener Homes Initiative Web Portal, with direct follow up with homeowners for more complex or technical questions.

Engagement with PT co-delivery partners to ensure alignment with federal objectives in program delivery. Ongoing discussions, negotiation and signing of contribution agreements with additional PTs who choose to opt-in to the program.

Additional calls for proposals for Energy Advisor recruitment, training and mentorship initiatives may be launched over the course of the delivery of the program to ensure demand for Energy Advisors is being met.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $206,185,958 $804,000,000 $805,000,000 $278,587,350
Total contributions $82,925,015 $3,375,565 $2,000,000 $1,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $289,110,973 $807,375,565 $807,000,000 $279,587,350
Contributions in support of Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committees for Energy Infrastructure Projects (voted)
Start date June 8, 2017
End date* March 31, 2028
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18
Link to departmental result(s) Canadians are engaged in the future of the new and inclusive resource economy
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Nòkwewashk
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

To make funding available to Indigenous groups potentially impacted by the Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline Project (TMX) and the Line 3 Replacement Project (Line 3) to:

  • Enhance their capacity to participate in the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committees;
  • Pursue other Committee objectives including those supporting their mandate to provide advice to regulators on environmental, safety, and socio-economic issues related to the performance of the projects and compliance with conditions; and
  • Address other environmental concerns related to the broader pipeline corridor over the full lifecycle of development.

This transfer payment program has non-repayable contributions.

Expected results

Effectively respond to Indigenous issues and priorities related to the TMX and Line 3 pipeline projects through the provision of capacity and other supports that address objectives identified by Indigenous groups involved in the monitoring of these projects.

The expected result is evaluated by monitoring and reporting on the “% of priorities or issues identified by the Committees or Indigenous communities impacted by the Trans Mountain Expansion Project or Line 3 Replacement Program that are being (or have been) addressed through Committee or related federal actions or investments.”

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2021-22 (started)
General targeted recipient groups

Eligible recipients include:

Indigenous recipients

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Outreach is undertaken with the Committees and Indigenous communities identified as potentially impacted by the projects to inform program design and delivery.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $13,734,650 $10,500,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $13,734,650 $10,500,000 $0 $0
Contributions in support of Indigenous Natural Resource Partnerships (voted)
Start date June 20, 2019
End date* March 31, 2027
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20
Link to departmental result(s) Canadians are engaged in the future of the new and inclusive resource economy
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Nòkwewashk
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The objective of this program is to support Indigenous participation in energy infrastructure projects in British Columbia and Alberta.

This Transfer Payment Program does not include any repayable contributions.

Expected results

It is anticipated that the program will support approximately 10 Indigenous-led projects that:

  • Enhance the capacity of Indigenous communities to capitalize on business opportunities and/or
  • Facilitate access of Indigenous communities and/or organizations to information, tools and/or resources that support business, employment and training opportunities and/or
  • Support community and regional engagement regarding economic participation in energy infrastructure projects

This includes support for projects that increase Indigenous engagement and participation in critical minerals.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation No evaluation is currently planned for this program. In light of new funding secured in 2022-23, timing of the evaluation will be determined in the next Departmental Evaluation Plan in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups

Eligible recipients include:

  • Indigenous communities or governments (including Indian Act bands, self-governing First Nations, Métis Community Organizations, modern treaty implementation organizations including economic development corporations constituted under a modern treaty, etc.)
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council)
  • Regional and National Indigenous organizations
  • Indigenous not-for-profit (50% or greater control by Indigenous peoples) and for-profit (50% or greater control by an Indigenous community / communities) corporations, businesses, joint ventures
  • Academic institutions and research associations working with an Indigenous partner organization

NOTE: This program is not funding businesses controlled by individual entrepreneurs

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The program will engage with Indigenous communities and organizations interested in INRP to obtain their feedback on program design and delivery. This will help inform the continuous improvement of the program to help ensure the program is responsive to emerging needs of Indigenous communities across Canada in all natural resource sectors.

The program will engage and communicate with potential applicants through email, telephone/video calls and in person (upon request) to discuss and obtain feedback.

Review and approval of new applications will continue through 2023-2024.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $8,894,820 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $8,894,820 $16,000,000 $16,000,000 $16,000,000
Payments to the Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund (statutory)
Start date April 1987
End date* Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation

Statutory: Payments to the Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund

(Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act)

Fiscal year for terms and conditions Not applicable
Link to departmental result(s) Access to new and priority markets for Canada’s natural resources is enhanced
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Statutory Offshore Payments
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The Minister of Natural Resources is responsible under section 214 of the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act to make payments to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador equivalent to the revenue amounts received by Canada in relation to offshore oil and gas activities in the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador offshore. The federal Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund Regulations prescribe the time and manner for making the transfer payments. The funds are drawn from the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

This transfer payment program does not have any repayable contributions.

Expected results

NRCan expects that 100% of the payments to Newfoundland and Labrador will be processed on time and in accordance with the applicable regulations.

The amount of money transferred to Newfoundland and Labrador is subject to change based on factors such as offshore oil production levels, crude oil prices, currency exchange rates, and the timing of oil sales.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable – Statutory payments are exempt from evaluation.
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Not applicable
General targeted recipient groups Other level of government
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients NRCan consults with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador when preparing its annual forecast of offshore revenues and transfers.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $0 $0 $0 $0
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $1,699,445,814 $1,741,978,518 $1,587,207,019
Total program $0 $1,699,445,814 $1,741,978,518 $1,587,207,019
Contributions in support of NRCan Multi Partner Research initiative (voted)
Start date April 1, 2022
End date* March 31, 2027
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2022-23
Link to departmental result(s)
  • Natural resource sectors are innovative
  • Clean technologies and energy efficiency enhance economic performance
  • Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Energy Innovation and Clean Technology
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The program funds research to support the oil spill response community and decision-makers, by increasing knowledge of the effects and efficacy of response technologies and techniques in offshore, offshore platform, near-shore, and onshore pipeline oil spill scenarios.

The objective is to improve Canada's oil spill preparedness and response by collaborating and developing a network with leading researchers, both domestically and internationally.

Expected results

The outcomes of this program include receiving new proposals for review, entering into funding agreements with successful applicants, and enhancing knowledge of how oil behaves in various spill scenarios, including onshore, offshore, offshore platform and inland freshwater. This will lead to more effective technologies and techniques for spill cleanup, and aid decision-makers in minimizing environmental impacts and promoting habitat recovery.

Performance measures and indicators for monitoring and reporting will be:

  • Number of projects/studies funded and advanced
  • Number of knowledge products generated
  • Number of personnel trained
  • Evidence of technology transfer
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable, new program.
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation To be determined in the next Departmental Evaluation Plan in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups

Eligible recipients include:

  • For-profit organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Academia
  • Indigenous organizations and/or groups (based in Canada)
  • Other levels of government in Canada (including provinces, territories, municipalities)
  • Canadian and foreign research organizations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients include:

  • Promoting the program at conferences
  • Hosting workshops and webinars
  • Undertaking targeted outreach existing internal and external governance structures and committees
  • Engagement, including sessions through Canada’s Ocean Protection Plan
  • Knowledge and capacity-building activities, such as workshops
  • Departmental website and social media platforms

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $2,800,000 $5,300,000 $5,500,000 $5,500,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $2,800,000 $5,300,000 $5,500,000 $5,500,000
Contributions in support of Research (voted)
Start date April 13, 2017
End date* Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18
Link to departmental result(s) This authority is a mechanism to further existing program objectives and can potentially be linked to all departmental results found in the Departmental Results Framework.
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Various
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program
  • Encourage and accelerate innovation in the natural resources sectors;
  • Assist in the protection of our natural resources, encourage and develop new and more efficient techniques and technology for sustainable development of our natural resources;
  • Provide for a better understanding and knowledge of our natural resources.

Contributions will not be repayable as they will be for projects whose primary aim is fundamental research, research and development, demonstration and other pre-commercial activities.

Expected results

Because the Small Scale Research terms and conditions provides a mechanism to further program objectives, the funding disbursed through the Contributions in support of Small Scale Research will be considered in the context of evaluations of the programs to which the funded projects align.

Performance and results information collected from the recipient must align with the intended program outcomes in order to feed into an evaluation of the program.

The planned results (outcomes) are that:

  • NRCan users have access to the Small Scale Research Terms and Conditions;
  • Activities that support NRCan strategic objectives, which would have been unrealized otherwise, are enabled.

Indicators to measure these results are:

  • % of users reporting accessibility to the Small Scale Research Terms and Conditions;
  • % of users reporting that this mechanism met their need.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, never evaluated
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2023-24
General targeted recipient groups
  • Individuals, Canadian and international for-profit and non-profit organizations, Canadian and international universities and academic institutions, co-operatives, Indigenous groups (individual or a collective representing more than one Indigenous group); and,
  • Foreign, provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies where applicable.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients rely directly from those in place within the programs, which make use of this funding mechanism to further program objectives.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $6,011,393 $6,333,449 $7,045,412 $7,045,412
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $6,011,393 $6,333,449 $7,045,412 $7,045,412
Contributions Enabling Responsible Small Modular Reactor Deployment (voted)
Start date 2023
End date* March 31, 2027
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2022-2023
Link to departmental result(s) Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Electricity Resources
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program This program is intended to fund predevelopment work to help support the establishment of conditions and enabling frameworks necessary for SMRs to displace fossil fuels and contribute to climate change mitigation.
Expected results

The program will help contribute towards the establishment of enabling conditions to support provinces and territories as they work to develop and deploy SMRs as part of their respective decarbonisation plans.

The program seeks to allocate funding via contribution agreements to fund eligible predevelopment activities, including research, development, and related scientific activities, engineering assessments and feasibility studies, capacity building, community engagement, and environmental and regulatory studies. Primarily focused in the areas of SMR waste, fuel supply and supply chain.

Beyond the completion of select studies and related knowledge creation, the program has no targets or expected results before FY 2026-27, given the long-term nature of its program objectives.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation To be determined in the next Departmental Evaluation Plan in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups For-profit and not-for-profit organizations, academia and public institutions, Aboriginal recipients, government.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

This program responds to recommendations from an extensive stakeholder engagement process. In 2018, NRCan convened the development of the SMR Roadmap, which was led by six provinces and territories (AB, SK, ON, NB, NU, NWT) and involved 10 months of extensive engagement with over 40 organizations across Canada, and initial dialogues with 14 Indigenous organizations and communities. The SMR Roadmap was released in November 2018, and contains 53 recommendations for a number of partners, including recommendations for the federal government. The SMR Roadmap found that SMRs could have significant economic and environmental benefits for Canada, and that success will rely on strategic partnerships across the sector and internationally. Canada’s SMR Action Plan was launched on December 18th, 2020. The Action Plan is the result of a pan-Canadian effort bringing together key enablers from across Canada, including the federal government, provinces and territories, municipalities, Indigenous Peoples, power utilities, industry, innovators, laboratories, academia, and civil society. Each of these key enablers has contributed a chapter to the Action Plan that describes a concrete set of actions they are taking to seize the SMR opportunity for Canada. The Action Plan responds to all 53 recommendations in Canada’s SMR Roadmap and also includes voluntary actions that go beyond the SMR Roadmap recommendations.

Stakeholder engagements have been undertaken to develop this program. Following the budget announcement, input sessions via web/teleconference were held to seek program scope and design input. These engagement sessions were held with the governments and agencies of provinces, nuclear sector, academia and industry associations, as well as potential project proponents. Overall, several stakeholders were engaged in these input sessions from across Canada, and from various perspectives on the sector. In addition to the engagements on general program design, program managers engaged the same participants to help define the program’s assessment criteria and quantification of project benefits process. Again, input sessions via teleconference were held followed by surveys to seek expertise, insight and input into potential project evaluation and results quantification methodologies.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $140,000 $270,000 $270,000
Total contributions $0 $4,229,501 $9,504,455 $9,504,404
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $0 $4,369,501 $9,774,455 $9,774,404
Grants and Contributions in support of Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways (voted)
Start date April 1, 2021
End date* March 31, 2029
Type of transfer payment Grants and Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2021-22
Link to departmental result(s) Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Electricity Resources
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The Smart Renewables and Electrification Program (SREPs) provides direct financial support to projects that support the transition towards electrification through the deployment of renewable energy projects capable of providing grid services and transformation of the Canadian electricity grid. The program will also decrease barriers to participation for those under-represented in the energy sector through its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) requirements. Furthermore, SREPs offers a Capacity Building Stream to support the equitable transition to a cleaner electrical grid, helping communities and organizations acquire the knowledge and tools needed to develop renewable energy and grid modernization projects.

SREPs funding is conditionally repayable for recipients who are for-profit and where a project generates profits within the first five years of operation.

Expected results

SREPs has no targets or expected results before FY 2024-25. As of January 12, 2023, thirty (30) deployment contribution agreements have been signed for 1,113 Megawatts (MW) of renewable energy capacity. The total cost of these projects is $2.049 billion, to which SREPs has allocated funding of $507 million. In addition, forty-six (46) capacity building contribution agreements have been signed at a total project cost of $82.3 million, to which SREPs funding totals $69 million. Finally, under the Indigenous Engagement Grant stream, five (5) grant agreements have been signed at a total project cost of $500,000, to which SREPs grant funding totals $400,000. Over 50% of applicants have included an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan.

To date, one (1) project has been commissioned (the East Strathmore Solar Project), a 20.1 MW utility scale solar photovoltaic facility, located in Strathmore, Alberta.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2025-26
General targeted recipient groups
  • Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, utilities, system operators and transmission owners, industry and research associations;
  • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies; and,
  • Indigenous communities, governments, tribal councils, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

During program design, departmental officials invited industry organizations, governments, academia, Indigenous organizations, and other potential proponents including private developers, electricity system operators, and utilities to information sessions on the program. Following program launch, the department contacted these groups to notify them, and contacted provincial government representatives, both at the working and management level to solicit general feedback.

Program advisors regularly meet with provincial/territorial representatives in targeted provinces to ensure linkages between federal and provincial support for SREPs projects.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $400,000 $700,000 $700,000 $500,000
Total contributions $287,878,541 $394,141,202 $401,152,171 $113,244,171
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $288,278,541 $394,841,202 $401,852,171 $113,744,171
Contributions in support of Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Strategy - Phase III (voted)
Start date April 1, 2022
End date* March 31,2026
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2022-2023
Link to departmental result(s) Canadians have access to cutting-edge research to inform decisions on the management of natural resources
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Pest Risk Management
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Phase III of the Early Intervention Strategy (EIS) for Spruce Budworm (SBW) is a research program investigating a new pest management approach in response to the ongoing significant economic and ecological risks of a spruce budworm (SBW) outbreak to Atlantic Canada’s forest sector and forest health.

The Phase III program includes a suite of integrated research activities and operational insecticide applications to validate the EIS’s scientific foundation, enhance its efficacy for any emerging outbreaks of SBW, and protect the region’s forests.

Through the Forest Pest Risk Management Program, the initiative will contribute to the Departmental Result “Canadians have access to cutting-edge research to inform decisions on the management of natural resources” by implementing and validating a novel forest pest management approach supported by science knowledge and tools to address a forest pest issues that could have significant negative impacts on Canadian forest values and resources.

This approach will be available to forest managers across Canada for application to any impeding outbreaks of SBW to mitigate risks to forest resources or other related values.

The Program is based on a 50:50 federal to provincial and industry cost-sharing requirement. There are no repayable contributions.

Expected results

Expected Results: EIS treatments keep SBW populations below outbreak threshold

Performance Indicator: Percentage of forest areas selected for treatment where spruce budworm populations remain below outbreak threshold.

Expected Results: Protection from defoliation of Atlantic Canada’s forests at risk of a SBW outbreak.

Performance Indicator: Level (%) of defoliation from spruce budworm in areas of Atlantic Canada at risk of a spruce budworm outbreak

Expected Result: Increased availability and access to scientific knowledge and advice pertaining to forest pests, in particular SBW, and related risks.

Performance Indicator: Number of presentations on EIS scientific projects made to stakeholders, including advisory committees, advisory boards and conferences involving the sharing of knowledge and information on forest pests and related risks, in particular SBW, to governments, industry, and non-governmental organizations.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2022-23
Decision following the results of last evaluation The Joint Audit and Evaluation of Phase 2 of the EIS program found that there is a continued need for the EIS program to protect forests in Atlantic Canada from SBW outbreak, as well as a continued need to conduct research to continuously improve knowledge and tools in managing SBW populations.
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation To be determined in the next Departmental Evaluation Plan in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups

Insecticide treatment operations

  • Forest Protection Limited (FPL).

Small Scale Research:

  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Academia and public institutions
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Applicants and recipients are engaged through the Healthy Forest Partnership, a research consortium that includes NRCan, all four Atlantic Provinces, industry, and academia that formed for Phase 1 of the early intervention strategy initiative. NRCan will launch an open call for Proposals for the Small Scale Research Program in Winter 2022.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $10,100,000 $12,500,000 $15,100,000 $13,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $10,100,000 $12,500,000 $15,100,000 $13,000,000
Contributions in support of Strategic Interties Predevelopment Projects (voted)
Start date April 1, 2021
End date* March 31, 2025
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2022-2023
Link to departmental result(s) Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Electricity Resources
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The Strategic Interties Predevelopment Program (SIPP) is intended to advance interprovincial electricity transmission infrastructure projects including the Atlantic Loop and the Prairie link. Funding is provided to help proponents complete project predevelopment work including for example: engineering assessments, community engagement, and environmental and regulatory studies.

Contributions made under SIPP are non-repayable.

Expected results

SIPP will look to continue to allocate funding via contribution agreements to fund engineering assessments, community engagement, and environmental and regulatory studies.

Beyond the completion of select studies and related knowledge creation for utilities, SIPP has no targets or expected results before FY 2024-25, given the long-term nature of its program objectives (i.e., physical construction of strategic interties).

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation No evaluation is currently planned for this program. In light of new funding secured in 2022-23, timing of the evaluation will be determined in the next Departmental Evaluation Plan in accordance with section 42.1 of the FAA and the TB Policy on Results.
General targeted recipient groups Provincial Utilities of majority Canadian ownership
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients After receiving an application, NRCan will remain in contact with and engage the applicant as appropriate to guide them through the application process. NRCan will not be conducting additional engagement related to SIPP beyond that considered standard for a program of this scope.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $12,500,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $0
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $12,500,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $0
Contributions in Support of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (voted)
Start date 1997
End date* Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2022-2023
Link to departmental result(s) Enhanced competitiveness of Canada’s natural resource sectors
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Youth Employment and Skills Strategy – Science and Technology Internship Program (Green Jobs)
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Since 1997, NRCan has contributed to the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) through the Science and Technology Internship Program (STIP – Green Jobs), which supports youth between the ages of 15 and 30 to develop the skills and gain the practical experience they need to join the natural resources sector workforce, including Energy, Forestry, Mining and Earth Sciences sectors.

Using a further distribution of funds model, the Program supports youth placements through non-repayable contribution agreements. The initial recipient organizations take responsibility for delivering the funding to employers.

The Science and Technology Internship Program has evolved over time to support the various government priorities as it relates to skills and employment, equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility, and investing in the green economy. This program also supports the Minister’s commitment to assist in the development and promotion of Canadian scientific and technological capabilities, and to address labour shortages in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) fields.

Expected results

For the 2023-24 fiscal period, STIP – Green Jobs will create 480 green jobs and training opportunities for youth in the natural resources, with an emphasis on youth experiencing barriers to employment and training opportunities, and 60% of placements targeting Employment Equity groups (i.e., Women, Visible minorities Indigenous Peoples, Persons living with Disabilities). Starting in 2023-2024, the Program will commit to achieving individual targets and serving at least 50% women, 20% visible minorities, 15% Indigenous Peoples, and 5% Persons living with Disabilities. In addition, NRCan will serve 10% youth living in northern and remote communities. Past results suggest that 80% of the participants will be employed at the end of their placement; and 5% of participants will return to school after participating in the Program.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2019-20
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2024-25
General targeted recipient groups For-profit organizations, not-for-profit organizations, academia and public institutions, Indigenous organizations, and non-federal governments.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Science and Technology Internship Program is proactive in identifying opportunities to engage with program recipients and/or their networks to better serve employers in the natural resources sector as they transition to a greener economy and to make the program more accessible and inclusive for those belonging to Employment Equity groups (Women, Indigenous Peoples, visible minorities, and persons living with disabilities), and those experiencing barriers to employment (i.e. people living in remote and northern communities). One way the Program does this is by administering a program participant exit survey at the end of placements for both employers and youth.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $0 $0 $0
Total contributions $9,118,000 $14,413,983 $14,444,178 $558,000
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $9,118,000 $14,413,983 $14,444,178 $558,000
Contributions in support of Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure (voted)
Start date April 8, 2019
End date* March 31, 2027
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2020-21
Link to departmental result(s) Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
Link to the department’s Program Inventory Lower Carbon Transportation
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

In support of Canada’s commitment for greater electrification of transportation, the program’s main focus is to continue to support the deployment of charging infrastructure where Canadians live, work and play (e.g. including but not limited to public places, on-street, at workplaces, and in multi-unit residential buildings), including a focus on underserved areas.

The program pays up to 50% of total project costs incurred during the Eligible Expenditure Period, up to predetermined maximum amounts per type of EV chargers. The maximum funding for Indigenous businesses and communities is up to 75% of total project costs incurred during the Eligible Expenditure Period up to predetermined maximum amounts per type of EV chargers.

With support from Canada Infrastructure Bank initiatives, the program will help the Government of Canada in meeting its incremental target of adding 50,000 chargers to Canada’s network.

Expected results

The program deploys new zero-emission vehicle infrastructure in public places, on-street, at apartment buildings, retail outlets, and the workplace, as well as strategic projects for mass transit, urban delivery, and fleet applications.

The program has notional targets of 20,000 chargers, installed in target locations by March 31, 2024. However, the actual number, type and location of charger supported depends on the proposals received and the strength of business cases.

Key performance measures include:

  • Program partners, participants or survey respondents demonstrating or reporting increased capacity to supply or use lower carbon transportation options as a result of program outputs (Indicator - proportion of applicants for funding that fulfilled the mandatory criteria)
  • Program partners, participants or survey respondents reporting or demonstrating actions taken to supply or use lower carbon transportation options (Indicator - number of recharging and refueling stations planned, under development and completed by recharging/ refueling stations project proponents along key coast-to-coast transportation corridors, by fuel type); and

Increased supply and demand for lower carbon transportation options in Canada as reported by program partners, participants, survey respondents, or as measured through economic studies or reports (Indicator - amount of electricity, natural gas and hydrogen dispensed through the supported recharging/refueling infrastructure stations).

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation September 2019
Decision following the results of last evaluation September 2019 was the last audit and evaluation conducted for ZEVIP, and one of the findings recommended that the program formalize how data will be collected, monitored, analyzed, and disseminated. The program intends to conduct a national usage survey annually in order to properly address this recommendation.
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2023-24
General targeted recipient groups

Individuals and legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including: electricity or gas utilities, companies, industry associations, Indigenous and community groups, Canadian academic institutions, and provincial, territorial, regional or municipal governments or their departments or agencies, where applicable.

International legal entities validly incorporated or registered abroad including: companies, industry associations, and academic institutions.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The project selection criteria for this initiative is informed by ongoing consultations with provinces and territories, as well as experience gained through the delivery of other EV and alternative fuel infrastructure programming.

All provincial/territorial (P/T) governments are engaged bilaterally to better understand their own programming plans. PT governments are also consulted on each project selected for funding in their jurisdiction.

The Program also works closely with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to engage municipal governments.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Financial Information
Type of transfer payment 2022–23
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $0 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000
Total contributions $58,000,100 $168,116,812 $76,813,515 $76,743,515
Total other types of transfer payments $0 $0 $0 $0
Total program $58,000,100 $173,116,812 $81,813,515 $81,743,515