NRCan 2021–22 Departmental Plan

Details on transfer payment programs with total planned spending of less than $5 million

Table of Contents
Grants in support of Outreach and Engagement, Energy Efficiency and Energy Innovation (voted)
Start date April 13, 2017
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18
Link to departmental result(s) This authority is a mechanism to further existing program objectives, and can potentially be linked to all departmental results found in the Departmental Results Framework.
Link to department’s Program Inventory Various
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program Support the competitiveness of Canada’s natural resource sectors, improve energy efficiency in Canada and support the organizations associated with the research, development, management and promotion of activities that contribute to departmental objectives.
Expected results This authority is a mechanism to further program objectives, the funding disbursed through the Outreach and Engagement, Energy Efficiency and Energy Innovation activities will be considered in the context of evaluations of the programs to which the funded projects align.

Performance and results information collected from the recipient will serve the purpose of evaluating the program and will therefore relate to the program’s outcomes and results.

The planned results (outcomes) are that:
  • NRCan users have access to the Outreach and Engagement Terms and Conditions;
  • Activities that support NRCan strategic objectives, which would have been unrealized otherwise, are enabled.
Indicators to measure these results are:
  • % of users reporting accessibility to the Outreach and Engagement Terms and Conditions;
  • % of users reporting that this mechanism met their need.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2017-18
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Although there is no mandatory requirement for evaluation under the 2016 Treasury Board Policy on Results, spending under this transfer payment program will be considered within the context of evaluations of the NRCan inventory programs that include the funded projects.
General targeted recipient groups
  • Canadian and international, for profit and non-profit organizations;
  • Canadian and international universities and academic institutions;
  • Indigenous groups (individual or a collective representing more than one Indigenous group); and,
  • Foreign, provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients rely directly from those in place within the programs, which make use of this funding mechanism to further program objectives.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $3,171,535 $3,563,333 $3,140,000 $3,140,000
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $3,171,535 $3,563,333 $3,140,000 $3,140,000
Grants in support of Innovative Solutions Canada (voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2018-19
Link to departmental result(s)
  • Natural resource sectors are innovative
  • Clean technologies and energy efficiencies enhance economic performance
  • Canada’s natural resources are sustainable
  • Enhanced competitiveness of Canada’s natural resource sectors
Link to department’s Program Inventory
  • Forest Sector Competitiveness
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program
  • Support the scale up of Canadian small businesses through early-stage, pre-commercial R&D.
  • Develop a domestic market for early-stage, pre-commercial innovations
  • Facilitate the subsequent testing and validation of prototypes, as well as prepare a pathway to commercialization and purchase of novel new products by government and non-government customers.
  • Fund the development and commercialization of new technology to address specific problems identified by the funding department.
  • Foster greater industry-research collaboration through the release of challenges for solutions that address key Government of Canada priorities.
  • This TPP does not include repayable contributions.
Expected results
  • Bioplastics: Improved biodegradability of bio-based plastics derived from agricultural or wood-based biomass suitable for use as replacements for single use plastics (e.g. packaging).
  • Biofoams: Improved environmental impact and recyclability of insulation products derived from forest residue, suitable for use as replacements for petroleum-based spray and rigid form board insulation.
Performance Measures:
  • Generation of new Intellectual Property
  • Research collaborations to improve innovation procurement from small businesses
  • Small businesses attract venture/patient capital
  • Commercialization of early stage R&D/Technology Readiness Levels by small businesses
  • Employment of highly skilled workers in the Canadian innovation ecosystem
  • Small businesses grow in the Canadian innovation ecosystem
Key performance indicators:
  • Number of new products, processes and services developed as a result of the ISC program
  • Number of participating firms achieving high growth
  • Value of goods and services commercialized following a contract with the government
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Never evaluated
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Although there is no mandatory requirement for evaluation under the 2016 Treasury Board Policy on Results, spending under this transfer payment program will be considered within the context of evaluations of the NRCan inventory programs that include the funded projects.
General targeted recipient groups For profit Canadian small to medium businesses which are incorporated in Canada, with research and development activities.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Innovative Solutions Canada is an initiative designed to engage applicants and recipients on behalf of the Department that issues and funds the challenge.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $2,130,000 $1,980,000 0 0
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $2,130,000 $1,980,000 0 0
Contributions in support of the Indigenous Consultations Participant Funding Program (voted)
Start date 2019-20
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20
Link to departmental result(s) Canadians are engaged in the future of the new and inclusive resource economy
Link to department’s Program Inventory Resource Partnerships Sector
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The Government of Canada will ensure that Indigenous peoples are meaningfully consulted and, where appropriate, impacts on their rights and interests are mitigated and/or accommodated.

This funding will allow NRCan to conduct Crown-Indigenous consultations with Indigenous groups on natural resource projects that require a decision by the Governor in Council.

Non-repayable contributions (neither TMX Accommodations, nor Interim Principles).
Expected results The funding will support active and meaningful involvement in resource development projects; increase the Government’s understanding of potential project-related impacts; and advance Canada’s commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Although there is no mandatory requirement for evaluation under the 2016 Treasury Board Policy on Results, spending under this transfer payment program will be considered within the context of evaluations of the NRCan inventory programs that include the funded projects.
General targeted recipient groups Eligible recipients include:
  • Indigenous groups or governments;
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council);
  • National and regional Indigenous councils, and tribal organizations;
  • Indigenous (majority owned and controlled by Indigenous people) for-profit and not-for-profit organizations; and,
  • Members of Indigenous groups with community knowledge, Indigenous traditional knowledge or input relevant to the policy dialogue, and with interest in the issues discussed through the policy dialogue.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients include:
  • Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project Terrestrial Cultural Studies Initiative
  • NGTL 2021
  • NGTL Edson
  • NGTL North Corridor
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $3,631,500 $537,583 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $3,631,500 $537,583 0 0
Contributions in support of National Risk Profile – Wildfire Risk Assessment (voted)
Start date May 30, 2019
End dateFootnote 1 March 31, 2034
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20
Link to departmental result(s) Communities and officials have the tools to safeguard Canadians from natural hazards and explosives
Link to department’s Program Inventory Wildfire Risk Management
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The purpose of the National Risk Profile is to:
  • Support all levels of government on the development and application of wildfire risk assessments;
  • Inform community and/or regional planning processes and/or mitigation and emergency management; and,
  • Develop and implement a strong national presence and resilient communities in the face of rising natural disaster risks in Canada.
The purpose of the program is to:
  • Provide federal science leadership for the collaborative implementation of the Canadian Wildland Fire StrategyFootnote 2, enabling research related to national wildfire risk assessment and analysis to provide information that is grounded in science, which makes strengthened decision-making possible.
  • Enhance whole-of-society collaboration and governance to strengthen resilience
  • Improve understanding of disaster risks in all sectors of society
There are no repayable contribution in the program.
Expected results Results
The development of tools and standards to assess natural disaster risk for people, property, and industrial activity in Canada.

Number of reports (including published articles; research reports; theses; handbooks; risk maps) and tools (including software, methodologies, databases) supporting wildfire risk assessment in Canada.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2024-25
General targeted recipient groups
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Funds are administered by NSERC, based on an MoU between NSERC and NRCan. NSERC funds the operation of the Canada Wildfire NSERC Strategic Network
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 0 0 0 0


Contributions in support of Research (voted)
Start date April 13, 2017
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18
Link to departmental result(s) This authority is a mechanism to further existing program objectives, and can potentially be linked to all departmental results found in the Departmental Results Framework.
Link to department’s Program Inventory Various
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program
  • Encourage and accelerate innovation in the natural resources sectors;
  • Assist in the protection of our natural resources, encourage and develop new and more efficient techniques and technology for sustainable development of our natural resources;
  • Provide for a better understanding and knowledge of our natural resources.
Contributions will not be repayable as they will be for projects whose primary aim is fundamental research, research and development, demonstration and other pre-commercial activities.
Expected results Because the Small Scale Research terms and conditions provides a mechanism to further program objectives, the funding disbursed through the Contributions in support of Small Scale Research will be considered in the context of evaluations of the programs to which the funded projects align.

Performance and results information collected from the recipient must align with the intended program outcomes in order to feed into an evaluation of the program.
The planned results (outcomes) are that:
  • NRCan users have access to the Small Scale Research Terms and Conditions;
  • Activities that support NRCan strategic objectives, which would have been unrealized otherwise, are enabled.
Indicators to measure these results are:
  • % of users reporting accessibility to the Small Scale Research Terms and Conditions;
  • % of users reporting that this mechanism met their need.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2017-18
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Although there is no mandatory requirement for evaluation under the 2016 Treasury Board Policy on Results, spending under this transfer payment program will be considered within the context of evaluations of the NRCan inventory programs that include the funded projects.
General targeted recipient groups
  • Individuals, Canadian and international for profit and non-profit organizations, Canadian and international universities and academic institutions, co-operatives, Indigenous groups (individual or a collective representing more than one Indigenous group); and,
  • Foreign, provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies where applicable.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients rely directly from those in place within the programs, which make use of this funding mechanism to further program objectives.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $1,523,831 $290,000 $290,000 $290,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $1,523,831 $290,000 $290,000 $290,000
Contributions in support of the GeoConnections Program (voted)
Start date April 1, 2010
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2010-11
Link to departmental result(s) Natural resource sectors are innovative
Link to department’s Program Inventory Innovative Geospatial Solutions
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program GeoConnections is an ongoing program with the mandate and responsibility to lead the evolution of the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) with standards-based technologies and operational policies for data sharing and integration to address key economic, social and environmental priorities.

Through regular Calls for Proposals, GeoConnections is co-funding the development of innovative adoption and further development of the CGDI with eligible recipients by using Non-Repayable Contributions.
Expected results The project’s expected results are to :
  • increase awareness of the benefits of using geospatial data and tools to achieve goals for social, economic and environmental priorities;
  • keep Canada at the leading edge of accessing, sharing and using geospatial information via the Internet;
  • support the integration and use of geospatial data to support effective decision making; and/or
  • coordinate the development of national policies, standards and mechanisms and support their implementation to ensure maintenance and updating of geospatial data and compatibility with global standards.
  • Number of project proposals received from targeted recipients.
  • Number of proponents and collaborators related to innovative geospatial project solutions.
  • Number of new information, products, services or functions developed, by type of innovative adoption or advanced technologies of the CGDI.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015-16
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Although there is no mandatory requirement for evaluation under the 2016 Treasury Board Policy on Results, spending under this transfer payment program will be considered within the context of evaluations of the NRCan inventory programs that include the funded projects.
General targeted recipient groups
  • Individuals;
  • Canadian or international profit and non-profit organizations;
  • international governments, corporations, industry and their associations;
  • research associations and academic institutions;
  • Provincial, territorial, regional, municipal and rural government departments, agencies and some Crown Corporations whose objectives contribute to those of the GeoConnections Program.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Site visits, final reports review, webinars, conferences
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000
Grants in support of Improving Diversity in the Canadian Forest Sector Workforce (voted)
Start date April 1, 2020
End dateFootnote 1 March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2020-21
Link to departmental result(s) Enhanced Competitiveness of Canada’s natural resources sector
Link to department’s Program Inventory Forest Sector Competitiveness
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The purpose of the Grant is to support scholarships through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) network to attract post-secondary students from underrepresented groups to get training/education specific to the forest sector.
The objectives of this partnership are threefold:
  • Provide research opportunities in the Natural Science and Engineering (NSE) to highly qualified individuals, particularly in the research and areas of relevance to the CFS;
  • Address the diversity gap in the forest sector with research and training opportunities;
  • Encourage postgraduate studies in the fields of forestry.
This transfer payment program does not have any repayable contributions.
Expected results The supplement will be available for a maximum of 30 post-secondary students targeting women, invisible minorities, youth and Indigenous people.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2023-24
General targeted recipient groups Post-secondary students across Canada
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients NSERC will manage most delivery aspects of this fund and coordination within NRCan will be ensured through the Forest Innovation Program (FIP) staff. This new funding component will compliment the CFS Forest Sector Competitiveness program’s effort to Improving the Diversity of the Forest Sector Workforce.

This new funding will be communicated through the NSERC website, Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA).
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 $150,000 $150,000 0
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 0 $150,000 $150,000 0
Contributions is support of the Forest Research Institute Initiative (voted)
Start date May 30, 2005
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2005-06
Link to departmental result(s) Canadians are engaged in the future of the new and inclusive resource economy
Link to department’s Program Inventory Forest Sector Competitiveness
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The objective of this program is to generate new knowledge through research and development to enable Canadian forest operators and wood product manufacturers to maintain and improve market access, and reduce energy consumption and improve on environmental performance.

The program will also bring new and existing knowledge to bear on issues of domestic and international codes and standards relating to wood products, their manufacture and use. This program will be delivered through non-repayable contribution agreements.
Expected results Expected outcomes of the program include the following:
  • 90% of updates to existing codes and standards are favourable or neutral to Canada’s forest sector
  • 90% of relevant new codes and standards are favourable or neutral to Canada’s forest sector
  • At least two short success stories of reduced costs and/or improved efficiency
  • At least two examples of improved environmental performance resulting from the project
  • At least one example of improved workplace health and safety resulting from the project.
The project will directly contribute to a more productive, cost-effective, and efficient Canadian forest sector that is environmentally sustainable. The project will make valuable contributions to building and wood material codes and standards that help ensure greater market access for Canadian wood products.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2019-20
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2023-24
General targeted recipient groups FP Innovations – a not-for-profit Canadian forest research institute
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients FP Innovations leads on development of the annual work plan and research areas with partners and members.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $2,368,000 $2,368,000 $2,368,000 $2,368,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $2,368,000 $2,368,000 $2,368,000 $2,368,000
Contributions in support of Indigenous Economic Development (voted)
Start date March 12, 2020
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20
Link to departmental result(s) Canadians are engaged in the future of the new and inclusive resource economy
Link to department’s Program Inventory Forest Sector Competitiveness
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The purpose of the program is to increase Indigenous participation in economic development opportunities in order to contribute to a more environmentally and commercially sustainable natural resource sector.

The objective of the program is to increase the capacity of Indigenous communities to engage in and benefit from economic development arising from opportunities in the natural resource sectors, as well as to increase the investment and collaboration between Indigenous peoples and other natural resource development stakeholders, including governments, industry, and non-governmental organizations.

The IFI supports several Government of Canada priorities, including advancing Reconciliation and enhancing economic outcomes in Indigenous Communities.

At a departmental level, the program directly supports the Minister of Natural Resources’ mandated commitments to support forest sector competitiveness, advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and the Department’s Program Activity 1.2 – Innovation for new products and processes and Sub-Program 1.2.2 – Forest sector innovation.

This program provides non-repayable contributions.
Expected results Immediate outcomes of the initiative include:
  • Indigenous communities are increasingly aware of natural resource development opportunities;
  • Indigenous communities have increased capacity to understand and participate in natural resource opportunities; and
  • Increased engagement between Indigenous communities and natural resource development stakeholders.
Performance indicators for this initiative include:
  • Number of Indigenous led business start-ups or expansions funded by the IFI that are fully capitalized, in construction, and/or are operational.
  • Number of collaborative activities/events with other governmental or non-governmental organizations.
  • Number of milestones (tasks) met that advance Indigenous participation in natural resource development opportunities.
  • Number of Gender and Diversity Work Plans that support workforce diversity in the forest sector.
    • Number of proposals received from Indigenous communities and entrepreneurs for IFI.
    • Percentage of recipients providing workforce statists that support tracking of workforce diversity.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014-15
Decision following the results of last evaluation Amendment
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2021-22
General targeted recipient groups
  • Indigenous communities or governments (including Indian Act bands, self-governing First Nations, Métis Community Organizations, modern treaty implementation organizations including economic development corporations constituted under a modern treaty, etc.);
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council);
  • Provincial, territorial, municipal and regional governments working with or on behalf of one or more endorsing Indigenous partner organization(s) to facilitate Indigenous economic development;
  • National and regional Indigenous organizations;
  • Academic institutions and research associations working with an Indigenous partner organization to facilitate Indigenous economic development;
  • Indigenous (50% or greater ownership by Indigenous people): for-profit and not-for-profit corporations, businesses, joint ventures, partnerships, associations, co-operatives and institutions; and
  • Non-Indigenous not-for-profit entities, such as corporations, joint ventures, partnerships, associations, co-operatives and institutions, who are working with or on behalf of one or more endorsing Indigenous partner organization(s) to facilitate Indigenous economic development.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients
  • Regional Liaison Officers in five Canadian Forestry Service regions are boots on the ground and engage with potential applicants at conferences, visit communities and network with other government and industry leaders.
  • The program keeps a list of interested applicants and emails these contacts when a deadline for application is announced with application details.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $4,333,000 $4,333,000 $4,334,000 $1,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $4,333,000 $4,333,000 $4,334,000 $1,000,000
Youth Employment and Skills Strategy – Science and Technology Internship Program (voted)
Start date 1997
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2020-21
Link to departmental result(s) Enhanced competitiveness of Canada’s natural resource sectors
Link to department’s Program Inventory Youth Employment and Skills Strategy - Science and Technology Internship Program(Green Jobs)
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program Since 1997, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has contributed to the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) through the Science and Technology Internship Program (STIP), which supports the integration of youth between the ages of 15-30 into Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and other fields advancing low-carbon transition in the natural resources sectors. Using a third party delivery model, NRCan provides funding for internships and training opportunities through contribution agreements. The recipient organizations take responsibility for delivering the funding to employers.

The program has evolved over time to support the various government priorities as it relates to skills & employment, diversity & inclusion, investing in the green economy and the economic response to COVID-19. This program also supports the Minister’s commitment to assist in the development and promotion of Canadian scientific and technological capabilities, and to address labour shortages in STEM fields.

Through NRCan’s A-base funding, approximately 25 internships are created per year. In Budget 2017, NRCan received incremental funds of $16.4M over 2 years ($7.5M in 2017-18 and $8.9M in 2018-19) to create 1,100 internships with an environmental benefit. In 2019-20 STIP received one-year incremental funding ($8.1M) to delivery 500 internship with an environmental benefit.

Through engagement with youth and employers, the program has included diversity and inclusion as a core principle in the design and delivery of the program, such as including a 50% employment equity target to ensure individuals in the designated employment equity groups (women, Indigenous Peoples, visible minorities, persons with disabilities) are represented. These steps contribute to building a labour pool of diverse and qualified workers in the natural resources sectors that is reflective of the Canadian population.

In 2020-21, the STIP received one-time funding ($15.7M) to create 500 internships and training opportunities as part of the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response - $14,522,803 of the total is transfer payment.

This program has non-repayable contributions.
Expected results The Science and Technology Internship Program is part of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS).
  • The updated YESS Performance Measurement Strategy include the following metrics:
    • Progress toward the objectives of the modernized YESS will be measured through a new performance measurement strategy that will be phased-in over the course of a 5-year implementation period, starting in 2019-20
    • Short term results tracking of shared strategic outcome:
      • Youth have access to programs that allow them to acquire the skills, learning experiences and opportunities they need to find and maintain employment or return to school.
    • Measured through the following short term outputs:
      • Clients Served
      • Returned to school
      • Client served facing barriers to employment.
  • Four intermediate outputs to be implemented over 5 years beginning in 2020-2021:
    • Dignity (Job readiness): The attainment of skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to acquire employment
      • Indicator 1: # of youth who have attained soft skills
      • Indicator 2: # of youth who attained certifications and education
      • Indicator 3: # of youth who experienced removal of barriers that prevented from achieving employment
    • Opportunity (Acquire Employment): The attainment and retention of employment
      • Indicator #1: # of youth who accepted an offer of employment
      • Indicator 2: # of youth who completed a quality work placement
    • Resilience (Career Advancement): The attainment of skills to advance in one’s career
      • Indicator 1: # of youth who demonstrated job-related skills
    • Employer readiness: The development of the ability to hire and retain youth talent
      • Indicator 1: # of employers that hire a greater proportion of youth facing barriers
      • Indicator 2: # of employers that provide services and supports for youth
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2019-20
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Although there is no mandatory requirement for evaluation under the 2016 Treasury Board Policy on Results, spending under this transfer payment program will be considered within the context of evaluations of the NRCan inventory programs that include the funded projects.
General targeted recipient groups Initial recipients (delivery organizations) and Ultimate recipients (employers) can be:
  • Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including for-profit-organizations and not-for-profit organizations;
  • Indigenous organizations and groups;
  • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies, where applicable.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Program:
  • Engagement with both employers and youth
  • Outreach: conference appearances
  • Testimonial videos on website
Delivery Organization (Initial Recipients)
  • Targeted emails to stakeholders and contacts
Hiring Organizations (Ultimate Recipients):
  • Delivery organizations promotional campaign
  • Targeted emails to Stakeholders
  • Social Media campaign (testimonials, videos, etc.)
  • Minister Announcement via news release
  • Conference and engagement activities
  • Updated Website and Marketing Products
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $1,817,715Footnote 5 $558,000 $558,000 $558,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $1,817,715 $558,000 $558,000 $558,000
Contributions in support of Indigenous participation in dialogues (voted)
Start date August 23, 2016
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20
Link to departmental result(s)
  • Natural resource sectors are innovative
Link to department’s Program Inventory Cumulative Effects
Sustainable Forest Management
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) engages with Indigenous groups in dialogues on issues related to its mandate. The contributions are intended to facilitate Indigenous participation in dialogues.

During these dialogues, Indigenous groups may raise issues relevant to natural resources, which will be tracked and assessed as the dialogue proceeds to determine whether they have been adequately addressed.

In the coming year, the focus will be on supporting research on woodland caribou habitat improvements, as it is considered threatened under the Species At Risk Act.
Expected results The expected result is that Indigenous groups are engaged with the Crown or its representative in dialogues related to NRCan’s mandate.

Performance measures related to protection of species at risk at NRCan:
  • Maps developed based on Indigenous Knowledge, to define caribou-preferred habitat;
  • Caribou habitat restoration efforts linked to effectiveness monitoring will help inform restoration decisions;
  • Following monitoring of results, draft restoration plan will be developed for each Saskatchewan region;
  • Development of a community-led land-use plan.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Never evaluated
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2022-23
General targeted recipient groups Direct Recipients: those recipients that participate in dialogues or produce relevant knowledge, expertise, reports or input for the purpose of a dialogue to support active and meaningful Indigenous involvement in issues related to NRCan Mandate, including:
  • Indigenous communities or governments;
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council);
  • National and regional Indigenous councils, and tribal organizations;
  • Indigenous (majority owned and controlled by Indigenous people) for-profit and not-for-profit organizations; and,
  • Members of Indigenous groups with community knowledge, Indigenous traditional knowledge or input relevant to the policy dialogue, and with interest in the issues discussed through the policy dialogue.
Initial recipients: recipients that will further distribute funding to Ultimate Recipients, including:
  • Indigenous communities or governments;
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council);
  • National and regional Indigenous councils, and tribal organizations; and,
  • Indigenous (majority owned and controlled by Indigenous people) for-profit and not-for-profit organizations
Ultimate Recipients: those recipients that receive funding from an Initial Recipient to participate in dialogues or the production of reports or input for the purpose of a dialogue, including:
  • Indigenous communities or governments;
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council);
  • National and regional Indigenous councils, and tribal organizations;
  • Indigenous (majority owned and controlled by Indigenous people) for-profit and not-for-profit organizations; and,

Members of Indigenous groups with community knowledge, Indigenous traditional knowledge or input relevant to the dialogue, and interest in the issues discussed through dialogue.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Annual check-ins with TPP participants, as well as initiatives to share outcomes from TPP participants with the research community.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 0
Grants and Contributions in support of Oil Spill Recovery Technology under the program entitled Incentives to Develop Oil Spill Recovery Technologies (voted)
Start date April 1, 2020
End dateFootnote 1 March 31, 2024
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2020-21
Link to departmental result(s) Natural resource sectors are innovative
Link to department’s Program Inventory Energy Innovation and Clean Technology
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The $10M (over 5 years) challenge will incentivize rapid innovation in oil spill recovery technologies best suited to Canada’s unique oil products and environmental conditions. The ultimate outcome of this initiative is to enable effective and rapid oil spill recovery tailored to Canadian conditions and needs.

The Oil Spill Recovery Challenge is using an innovative prize-based approach that:
  • Includes significant stakeholder engagement for joint problem framing and informing of the Challenge design elements to ensure a successful launch and implementation.
  • Improves pace and paths to commercialization of new oil spill recovery technologies.
Grants and contribution payments made under this program are non-repayable.
Expected results The program expects to incent the rapid development of new oil spill recovery solutions that would be available to use in the event of a spill and be tailored to Canadian conditions and needs. In order to advance rapid development of new oil spill recovery solutions, the program design will apply a prize-based challenge model to mobilize key solvers.

Expected results will be defined through the stakeholder engagement process as part of the scoping and design of the challenge
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2024-25
General targeted recipient groups Funding is open to Canadian and international identified eligible recipients provided they meet established criteria.

Eligible recipients will include, but are not limited to, legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada or abroad, such as:
  • Private sector and not-for-profit organizations such as producers, shippers, industry associations, research associations, and environmental non-governmental organizations;
  • Indigenous organizations and groups;
  • Community groups;
  • Academic institutions; and
  • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies, where applicable.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Program’s design and delivery will be developed through extensive engagement with:
  • •Science experts on oil spill behaviour and technologies;
  • Spill responders and regulators on technology requirements;
  • Communities (including Indigenous) on deployment, capacity requirements, and regional considerations; and
  • Domestic and global innovators on technology development.
Engagement activities may include virtual or in-person meetings, email surveys, webinars and/or workshops.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 $1,800,000 $1,000,000 $1,400,000
Total contributions 0 0 $900,000 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 0 $1,800,000 $1,900,000 $1,400,000
Contributions in support of Cyber Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection (voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End dateFootnote 1 March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2018–19
Link to departmental result(s) Enhanced competitiveness of Canada’s natural resource sectors
Link to department’s Program Inventory Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The purpose and objectives of this transfer payment program (TPP) are to:
  • Secure domestic and cross border critical energy infrastructure assets and cyber systems upon which Canadians and businesses are dependent
  • Strengthen the capability of the Canadian energy sector to prevent, prepare, respond to and recover from cyber threats
This TPP has non-repayable contributions.
Expected results The expected results for the 2020–23 period are:
  • Increase in bilateral cooperation and collaboration with the U.S. on cyber security and critical energy infrastructure protection
  • Increase in R&D activities that contribute to more secure and resilient domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure
  • Improvement of collective knowledge on cyber threats to domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure, including mitigation strategies
  • Improved cyber security within Canadian energy sector
The performance indicators are:
  • Number of tools (i.e., programs, services, standards, best practices and guidelines) made available to Energy and Utilities Sector Network members.
    • The target is a yearly increase compared to a 2020-21 baseline level.
  • Percentage of Energy and Utilities Sector Network members that report an increase in R&D activities addressing technical gaps
    • The target is a yearly increase compared to a 2020-21 baseline level.
  • Percentage of Energy and Utilities Sector Network members that report an increase in knowledge gained regarding cyber threats to the sector.
    • The target is a yearly increase compared to a 2020-21 baseline level
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Although there is no mandatory requirement for evaluation under the 2016 Treasury Board Policy on Results, spending under this transfer payment program will be considered within the context of evaluations of the NRCan inventory programs that include the funded projects.
General targeted recipient groups This transfer payment program targets the following recipient groups:
  • For-profit organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations and charities
  • Academia and public institutions
  • Aboriginal recipients
  • Governments
  • International (non-government)
  • Individual or sole proprietorships
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients To increase awareness about the program, projects funded and expected outcomes, program officers have:
  • Presented at various fora
  • Led a social media campaign
  • Engaged key federal, provincial, territorial stakeholders, industry representatives, and academia
Successful applicants have moved forward with contribution agreements and projects were initiated in 2019-20 and 2020-21.

NRCan has facilitated discussion and collaboration with government and industry partners to support planning for projects. The Department will continue to liaise with project proponents to support their work, highlight leadership and disseminate results.

Each project has unique performance indicators and contribution agreements requiring periodic progress reports, annual reporting and a final report. These are required when proponents submit claims for payment and describe how activities have contributed to achievement of project and program objectives, benefits and key performance indicators.

Opportunities to engage project proponents in domestic and international initiatives will be identified, particularly as project deliverables are finalized. NRCan will also engage project proponents on an ongoing basis to identify issues and mitigate risks as they arise.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $1,165,915 $409,785 $312,928 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $1,165,915 $409,785 $312,928 0
Contributions in support of Wildland Fire Resilience (voted)
Start date May 30, 2019
End dateFootnote 1 March 31, 2034
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20
Link to departmental result(s) Communities and officials have the tools to safeguard Canadians from natural hazards and explosives
Link to department’s Program Inventory Wildfire Risk Management
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The purpose of the program is to:
  • Provide federal science leadership for the collaborative implementation of the Canadian Wildland Fire StrategyFootnote 2, enabling research related to national wildfire risk assessment and analysis to provide information that is grounded in science, which makes strengthened decision-making possible.
  • Enhance whole-of-society collaboration and governance to strengthen resilience
  • Increase focus on whole-of-society disaster prevention and mitigation activities to:
    • increase the resiliency of Canadian communities to the risks and impacts of natural disasters
    • undertake and implement risk reduction analyses and actions
    • ensure that wildfire response agencies are integrated with each other in order to implement an effective wildland fire response program.
    • increase the wildfire knowledge of agencies, communities and individuals in order to create a culture of wildfire safety and to empower the public to understand risk
There are no repayable contributions under this program.
Expected results Increase focus on whole-of-society disaster prevention and mitigation activities

Results (1)
Canadian communities assess their risk with respect to natural disasters, and establish and execute risk reduction action plans.

Indicators (1)
Number of communities with completed natural disaster risk assessments and action plans, by disaster type.

Results (2)
Enhanced nationally integrated systems in place to deliver a coordinated deployment of resources in response to natural disasters.

Indicators (2)
Number of agencies with completed technical assessments for implementation of systems interoperability improvements between agencies involved in natural disaster response in Canada, by disaster type.

Results (3)
Canadians have access to reliable, current and comprehensive information, supporting whole-of-society awareness and action regarding natural disasters.

Indicators (3)
Number of new information, outreach or coordination products, services or functions developed, by disaster type.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2024-25
General targeted recipient groups
  • Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including:
    • -Not for profit organizations
    • -Indigenous organizations, groups and communities;
    • -Canadian academic institutions;
    • -For profit organizations
  • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies.
  • International Recipients
    • -Eligible International Recipients will include treaty organizations and other international legal entities validly incorporated or registered abroad including:
      • -Not-for-profit organizations such as industry associations, agencies, research associations, standards organizations; and
  • Academic institutions.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients In 2020-21, NRCan will continue to engage national partners on wildland fire resilience (i.e., federal-provincial-territorial partners, Indigenous and municipal leaders, and the private sector).

Recipients and prospective applicants will be engaged on an ongoing basis through various existing multi-stakeholder forums such as the:
  • Canadian Council of Forest Ministers Wildland Fire Management Working Group
  • Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre Board of Directors and technical working groups.
Additionally, there will be ongoing stakeholder consultations under the Blueprint for Wildland Fire Science in Canada 2019-29, including:
  • follow-up to consultations held at the Wildland Fire Canada Conference 2019
  • preparations for the next Wildland Fire Canada Conference scheduled for 2021 and the Canadian Partnership for Wildand Fire Science
Additional Indigenous engagement will be conducted through Canadian Forest Service Indigenous Engagement officers and elders-in-residence.


Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $1,850,000 $2,050,000 $2,050,000 $1,500,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $1,850,000 $2,050,000 $2,050,000 $1,500,000
Contributions in support of Indigenous participation in dialogues (voted)
Start date Contributions in support of Indigenous participation in dialogues (voted)
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20
Link to departmental result(s)
  • Natural resource sectors are innovative
Link to department’s Program Inventory Cumulative Effects
Sustainable Forest Management
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) engages with Indigenous groups in dialogues on issues related to its mandate. The contributions are intended to facilitate Indigenous participation in dialogues.

During these dialogues, Indigenous groups may raise issues relevant to natural resources, which will be tracked and assessed as the dialogue proceeds to determine whether they have been adequately addressed.

In the coming year, the focus will be on supporting research on woodland caribou habitat improvements, as it is considered threatened under the Species At Risk Act.
Expected results The expected result is that Indigenous groups are engaged with the Crown or its representative in dialogues related to NRCan’s mandate.

Performance measures related to protection of species at risk at NRCan:
  • Maps developed based on Indigenous Knowledge, to define caribou-preferred habitat;
  • Caribou habitat restoration efforts linked to effectiveness monitoring will help inform restoration decisions;
  • Following monitoring of results, draft restoration plan will be developed for each Saskatchewan region;
  • Development of a community-led land-use plan.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Never evaluated
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2022-23
General targeted recipient groups Direct Recipients: those recipients that participate in dialogues or produce relevant knowledge, expertise, reports or input for the purpose of a dialogue to support active and meaningful Indigenous involvement in issues related to NRCan Mandate, including:
  • Indigenous communities or governments;
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council);
  • National and regional Indigenous councils, and tribal organizations;
  • Indigenous (majority owned and controlled by Indigenous people) for-profit and not-for-profit organizations; and,
  • Members of Indigenous groups with community knowledge, Indigenous traditional knowledge or input relevant to the policy dialogue, and with interest in the issues discussed through the policy dialogue.

Initial recipients: recipients that will further distribute funding to Ultimate Recipients, including:

  • Indigenous communities or governments;
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council);
  • National and regional Indigenous councils, and tribal organizations; and,
  • Indigenous (majority owned and controlled by Indigenous people) for-profit and not-for-profit organizations

Ultimate Recipients: those recipients that receive funding from an Initial Recipient to participate in dialogues or the production of reports or input for the purpose of a dialogue, including:

  • Indigenous communities or governments;
  • Tribal Councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council);
  • National and regional Indigenous councils, and tribal organizations;
  • Indigenous (majority owned and controlled by Indigenous people) for-profit and not-for-profit organizations; and,
  • Members of Indigenous groups with community knowledge, Indigenous traditional knowledge or input relevant to the dialogue, and interest in the issues discussed through dialogue.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Annual check-ins with TPP participants, as well as initiatives to share outcomes from TPP participants with the research community.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 0
Grants in support of Geoscience (voted)
Start date September 24, 2020
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing (TGI)
March 31, 2027 (GEM)
Type of transfer payment Grants and Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2020-21
Link to departmental result(s) Natural resource science and risk mitigation
Link to department’s Program Inventory Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources (TGI)
Geological Knowledge for Canada’s Onshore and Offshore Lands (GEM)
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program This transfer payment program covers two NRCan geoscience programs, the Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI) and Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals (GEM).

The objective of the collaborative federal TGI geoscience program is to provide the Canadian mineral industry with the next generation of geoscience knowledge, innovative techniques and predictive models, which will result in more effective targeting of buried mineral deposits.

The objective of the GEM Program is to help unlock the full mineral potential of Canada’s North and promote responsible land development in the region by mapping its geology. GEM works with partners across Canada to develop new geoscience knowledge, tools and educational opportunities focusing on mineral potential, climate-resiliency, and sustainable land-use.

Both TGI and GEM will provide grants to eligible recipients to conduct science that aligns with program outcomes, or to develop capacity-building opportunities for geoscience professionals; in the case of GEM-GeoNorth, part of this funding will be earmarked for Northern educational institutions. GEM-GeoNorth will also disburse grants to Northern and Indigenous organizations to develop opportunities and tools that enable access and use of geoscience knowledge by Indigenous peoples.

Most transfer payments made under this transfer payment program will be grants, but contributions may be allocated if NRCan deems it necessary to monitor progress and results, receive an accounting of the use of funds from the Recipient, and have the right to carry out a recipient audit or to request some other type of certification or audit assurance from the Recipient. Grants and contributions will be non-repayable.
Expected results For TGI, program outcomes include:
  • Development of new knowledge, methodologies and innovative models that enhance exploration industry’s ability to detect buried ore deposits,
  • Integrated, multi-scale scientific knowledge of source-to-ore formation that guides new exploration approaches,
  • Increased pool of highly qualified personnel (HQP) available for employment in the mineral exploration industry.
  • Mineral exploration industry can efficiently discover recent and emerging public geoscience knowledge and methodologies relevant to the detection and delineation of new mineral resources,
  • Collaborative geoscience research groups leverage expertise and capacity to effectively solve research questions of pertinence to the exploration industry.
For GEM, program outcomes include:
  • A strong northern economy through stable, long term investment in responsible resource development.
  • Northerners, their institutions and exploration industry use modern geoscientific knowledge to inform decisions on Northern development.
  • Land-use decisions and climate adaptation strategies are guided by geoscience and Indigenous knowledge.
  • Access to geological knowledge regarding resource potential in Canada’s Arctic and North is enhanced.
  • Increased understanding of rapidly changing Arctic and Northern landscapes and coasts and how to address these changes.
  • Response to cumulative effects of climate change and development in the Northern environment is better understood and mitigated.
  • The availability of Northern geoscience from innovative data driven tools maximizes decision-making.
  • Research priorities, knowledge products and capacity building are co-developed with Northerners and Indigenous peoples.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2020-21
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2023-24
General targeted recipient groups Eligible recipients could include:
  • Canadian and international not-for profit organizations (including industry and research and professional associations).
  • Canadian and international academic institutions.
  • Indigenous organizations, groups, or communities.
  • Provincial, Territorial, Regional, and Municipal governments and their departments and agencies where applicable.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients NRCan will invite applications through calls for proposals (Announcement of Opportunities and Request for Proposals).

NRCan will engage with potential applicants through:
  • Meetings that take place as part of the two programs’ normal engagement activities, including but not limited to meetings with:
    • National Geological Surveys Committee – Provinces and Territories (GEM and TGI)
    • Industry Advisory Group – mineral industry, including industry associations (TGI)
    • Advisory Group of Northerners – Northern stakeholders and Indigenous groups (GEM)
    • Jurisdictional Technical Advisory Committees – industry and academia (GEM)
  • Emails sent to key associations for further distribution, for example to the following groups:
    • Canadian Council of Chairs of Earth Science Departments - academia
    • National Geological Surveys Committee – Provinces and Territories
    • Information on program webpages
Once applications for projects under the program Terms and Conditions have been received, NRCan will engage with applicants and recipients through written and oral communication as appropriate.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants $330,000 $1,245,000 $1,245,000 $1,245,000
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $330,000 $1,245,000 $1,245,000 $1,245,000
Payments to the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (statutory)
Start date 1986
End dateFootnote 1 Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Statutory authority: Payments to the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
(Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions Not applicable
Link to departmental result(s) Access to new and priority markets for Canada’s natural resources is enhanced
Link to department’s Program Inventory Statutory Offshore Payments
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program NRCan pays 50% of the operating costs of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board. The province pays the other 50%. This is done pursuant to section 28 of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act. The funds are drawn from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Cost recovery regulations put in place in 2016 allow the Board to cost recover up to 100% of eligible costs from industry, which are remitted to the government of Canada and the province of Nova Scotia on a 50-50 basis.

This transfer payment program does not have any repayable contributions
Expected results NRCan’s share of the Offshore Board operating budgets is made in four quarterly payments throughout the course of each fiscal year.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable – statutory payments are exempt from evaluation
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Not applicable
General targeted recipient groups Joint federal-provincial board (independent regulator)
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients In respect of each fiscal year and pursuant to the Accord Acts, the Board is required to submit a budget request to Governments for approval by the Minister of NRCan and his provincial counterpart. NRCan officials engage with the Board to understand the budgetary request and also consults with the province.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $3,932,500 $3,932,500 $3,932,500 $3,932,500
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $3,932,500 $3,932,500 $3,932,500 $3,932,500
Contributions in support of Earthquake Early Warning (voted)
Start date April 1, 2020
End dateFootnote 1 March 31, 2034Footnote 3
Type of transfer payment Contributions
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20
Link to departmental result(s) Communities and officials have the tools to safeguard Canadians from natural hazards and explosives
Link to department’s Program Inventory Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The installation of sensors in key-targeted areas will provide a basic earthquake early warning infrastructure and will permit monitoring of federally-critical infrastructure.

Funding will be made through Grants & Contributions to provinces, territories and municipalities in areas of high seismic hazard in order to strengthen the robustness of the national earthquake early warning system.

Contribution payments are non-repayable. 

Expected results Earthquakes in urban areas present the greatest single-event risk in terms of potential for lives lost and economic impact for Canada. Current protection from earthquakes comes primarily from rigorous implementation of seismic provisions in the National Building Code.

The next improvement in protection is to provide tens of seconds of warning for preventative action to protect critical infrastructure, stop trains and traffic, prepare response systems, and give warnings to the public to take shelter.

Expected results aim to:
  • Enhance disaster response capacity and coordination and foster the development of new capabilities.
Performance measures and indicators to measure these expected results:
  • Alerts issued for all earthquakes above threshold M within a defined time period t (where M & t to be established based on integrated system testing in 2021-22 and 2022-2023)Footnote 4
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable, new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2024-25
General targeted recipient groups Provincial, territorial and regional departments and agencies, municipalities, Indigenous communities, not-for-profit organizations, academic institutions and for-profit organizations.

For Research and Development proposals only, eligible International Recipients could also include not-for-profit organizations, Treaty organizations, and academic institutions.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Workshops are being organized with stakeholders to provide background on the earthquake early warning program, to validate plans, and to initiate partnerships for development and implementation of the sensor network including participation in the Grants and Contributions program.
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2020–21
forecast spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000