- Details on Transfer Payment Programs with total planned spending of $5M or more
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Accommodation Measures for the Trans Mountain Expansion project (voted)
- 3-Year Plan for Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (statutory)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities (voted)
- 3-year Plan for Clean Growth in Natural Resource Sectors Innovation Program (voted)
- 3 year plan for Grants and Contributions in support of Clean Technology Challenges (voted)
- 3-year Plan for the Contribution in support of the clean-up of the Gunnar uranium mining facilities (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Climate Change Adaptation (voted)
- 3-year Plan for Contributions in support of ecoENERGY for Renewable Power (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment (voted)
- 3 year plan for Contributions in support of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program (voted)
- 3-year plan Contributions in support of the Emerging Renewable Power Program (voted)
- 3-year Plan for Contributions in support of Energy Efficiency Program (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of the Energy Innovation Program (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of the Green Construction through Wood Program (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committees for Energy Infrastructure Projects (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Investments in Forest Industry Transformation Program (voted)
- 3-Year Plan for Payments to the Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund (statutory)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of the Smart Grid Program (voted)
- 3-year plans for Contributions in support of Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Strategy - Phase II (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure (voted)
- Details on transfer payment programs with total planned spending of less than $5 million
- 3-year plan for Payments to the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (statutory)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Cyber Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Earthquake Early Warning (voted)
- 3-year plan for Forest Research Institute Initiative (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of the GeoConnections Program (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Indigenous Economic Development (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Indigenous participation in dialogues (voted)
- 3-year plan for Innovative Solutions Canada (voted)
- 3-year plan for Grants and Contributions in support of Oil Spill Recovery Technology (voted)
- 3-year plan for Grants in support of Outreach and Engagement, Energy Efficiency and Energy Innovation (voted)
- 3-year plan for Contributions in support of Research (voted)
- 3-year plans for Contributions in support of Wildland Fire Resilience (voted)
- 3-year plan for the Science and Technology Internship Program under the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (voted)
- Gender-based analysis plus
- Up-front multi-year funding
NRCan 2020–21 Departmental Plan