Title of internal audit | Area being audited | Status | Expected completion date |
Audit of Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (ICFR) Phase 2 | Financial Management Controls | In progress | June 2018 |
National Certification Program for Critical Inspections of Metals and Materials | Program Management Control Framework | In progress | June 2018 |
Audit of Explosives Program Management & Licensing | Program Management Control Framework | In progress | September 2018 |
Indigenous Engagement Process | Performance | Planned | September 2018 |
Human Resources Planning | Management Control Framework | In progress | September 2018 |
Memorandum to Cabinet (MC) and Treasury Board (TB) Submission Processes | Management Control Framework Performance |
Planned | December 2018 |
Crisis Management | Communications; Management Control Framework Performance |
Planned | December 2018 |
Implementation of Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act | Internal Controls Performance |
Planned | March 2019 |
Transition to Digital Communication | Communications; Management Control Framework Performance |
Planned | March 2019 |
Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Development & Deployment Initiative | Program Management Control Framework Performance |
Planned | June 2019 |
Implementation of NRCan’s IT Strategy | Core Information Technology | Planned | June 2019 |
Lower Churchill Falls Loan Guarantees | Financial management controls | Planned | September 2019 |
NRCan 2018-19 Departmental Plan