NRCan 2018-19 Departmental Plan

Softwood Lumber Action Plan – Expanding Market Opportunities Program and the Forest Innovation Program (voted)

General information
Name of transfer payment program Softwood Lumber Action Plan – Expanding Market Opportunities Program and the  Forest Innovation Program (voted)
Start date September 28, 2017
End date* March 31, 2020
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18
Link to department’s Program Inventory Forest Sector Competitiveness
Fibre Solutions
Description The Forest Innovation Program (FIP) supports the forest sector’s innovation agenda and priorities needed to continue the transformation of Canada’s forest sector to ensure its competitiveness.
Expanding Market Opportunities (EMO) aims at maintaining and growing international wood product markets, expanding wood use in the North American non-residential and mid-rise construction market, and promoting the strong environmental credentials of Canadian forest products.
These transfer payment programs provide non-repayable contributions.
Expected results The FIP will directly contribute to the following results:
  •  Forest-based R&D and deployment programs that address key opportunities and threats facing Canada’s forest sector;
  • Improved knowledge of the physical and environmental attributes of forest products;
  • Industry stakeholders that are aware of and engaged in forest-based research; and
  • Collaboration among organizations working on forest-related research that is optimized.
EMO will directly achieve the following results:
  • Regulatory agencies and buyers of Canadian forest products have the information they need to determine product performance and environmental credentials;
  • Industry has information to identify emerging market trends and pursue market opportunities;
  • Industry supports EMO market development activities;
  • Cooperation and coordination is increased among key stakeholder groups;
  • Increased awareness of Canadian forest products and construction technologies
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Evaluation of FIP was completed as part of Forest Sector Innovation sub-program in 2014-15.
Evaluation of EMO was completed in 2015-16.
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation (FIP and EMO)
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation An evaluation of FIP has been initiated and is expected to be completed in 2018. 
General targeted recipient groups FIP: The primary recipient of contributions is FPInnovations, a not-for-profit national forest research institute.
EMO: Eligible recipients include not-for-profit forest products associations (engaged in forest product promotion and exports), manufactured housing associations, provinces, provincial Crown corporations, and not-for-profit organizations engaged in forest product research.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients There is no open call for proposals through FIP. Officials meet with the principal named recipient, FPInnovations, on a regular basis. Any other potential funding recipients are engaged directly by program officials as well.
EMO issues an annual call for proposals by email to all applicants registered in the program’s online system. Each year the Call email includes the Handbook for Applicants and the Evaluation Process and Criteria. The call is also advertised on the program website.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Planning information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2017-18 Forecast spending 2018-2019  Planned spending 2019-20  Planned spending 2020-21  Planned
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions $37,575,000 $39,450,000 $39,450,000 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program $37,575,000 $39,450,000 $39,450,000 0

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