NRCan 2018-19 Departmental Plan

Smart Grid Demonstration and Deployment (voted)

General information
Name of transfer payment program Smart Grid Demonstration and Deployment (voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date* March 31, 2029
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-2018
Link to department’s Program Inventory Energy Innovation Program
Electricity Resources
Description Purpose and Objectives
The Smart Grid program will invest $100 million over four years (2018/19 to 2021/22) to support the deployment of existing smart grid integrated systems (which may include energy storage) and demonstration of promising near-commercial smart grid technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foster innovation and clean jobs.  The program will accelerate the transition to a clean growth economy by better utilizing the existing capacity of electricity assets; increasing the penetration of renewable generation; and, increasing the reliability, resiliency and flexibility of the power system while maintaining cyber security.
Demonstration: repayable, if the demonstration leads to a profit within five (5) years following the end of the project.  The requirements for reporting profits will be detailed in the contribution agreement, along with the process for repayment. 
Deployment: repayable, if the deployment leads to a profit within five (5) years following the project commissioning.  The requirements for reporting profits will be detailed in the contribution agreement, along with the process for repayment. 
Expected results
  • Demonstration projects move emerging technologies closer to commercial readiness;
  • Increased number of commercially ready integrated systems from the demonstration program;
  • Increased Canadian smart grid sector innovation;
  • Increased investment by stakeholders in demonstration and deployment projects;
  • Increased development and deployment capabilities in Canada;
  • Environmental benefits from smart grid development and deployment;
  • Economic benefits from smart grid projects.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2021-2022
General targeted recipient groups Legal entities validly incorporated in Canada including:
1) for-profit and not-for-profit organizations such as electricity and gas utilities, system operators and transmission owners and operators (including Provincial Crown Corporations, agencies, co-ops and municipally-owned) and, local distribution companies;
2) provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies; and,
3) Indigenous (majority owned and controlled by Indigenous people), for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The program conducted extensive stakeholder engagement with utilities/local distribution companies, associations, and Provinces and Territories, including dissemination of a Project Concept Questionnaire (PCQ) in order to increase awareness of the program, help gauge project eligibility and provide feedback to potential proponents. Starting in 2018, requests for project proposals will be solicited from eligible recipients via open and advertised proposal calls.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Planning information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2017-18 Forecast spending 2018-2019 Planned spending 2019-20 Planned spending 2020-21 Planned
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 0 $23,260,013 $23,301,003 $23,227,465
Total other types of transfer payments 0 - - -
Total program 0 $23,260,013 $23,301,003 $23,227,465

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