NRCan 2018-19 Departmental Plan

Planned evaluation coverage over the next five fiscal years

Upcoming evaluations over the next five fiscal years

Note: The following table is draft and only provides an estimate of the forecasted evaluation schedule. NRCan’s five-year plan will be final once approved by the department’s Deputy Minister, at which time this supplementary table will be updated.

Program Last Evaluation Evaluations planned in the next 5 years Fiscal year of approval  2018–19 Program spending covered by the planned evaluation  2018–19 Program spending covered by all planned evaluations   2018–19 Total program spending     Rationale for not evaluating Program or spending
Canadian Geodetic Survey: Spatially Enabling Canada Evaluation of Essential Geographic Information, 2017-18 Not Applicable Not Applicable  Not Applicable  Not Applicable         5,822,255 The activities related to the unevaluated program are of low risk and low materiality, as confirmed by the evaluation of Essential Geographic Information in 2017-18.
Geological Knowledge for Canada’s Onshore and Offshore Land Evaluation of the Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals Program, 2012-13 Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals 2018-19 35,028,007 35,529,795 35,529,795  
Horizontal Evaluation of Canada’s Extended Continental Shelf Footnote 1 2018-19 501,788
Core Geospatial Data Evaluation of the Essential Geographic Information Program, 2017-18 Core Geospatial Data/Innovative Geospatial Solutions Footnote 2 2022-23 14,046,011 14,046,011 14,046,011  
Canada-US International Boundary Treaty Evaluation of Canada's Legal Boundaries, 2014-15 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 1,748,796 The activities related to the unevaluated program are of low risk and low materiality.
Canada Lands Survey System Evaluation of Canada's Legal Boundaries, 2014-15 Canada Lands Survey System 2019-20 9,560,082 9,560,082 9,560,082  
Pest Risk Management Evaluation of the Forest Disturbances Sciences and Applications Program, 2017-18 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable $21,754,028  The activities related to the unevaluated program involve long-term research programs, and are of low risk and were evaluated in 2017-18.
Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources Evaluation of the Targeted Geoscience Initiative - Phase 4, 2014 Targeted Geoscience Initiative, Phase 5Footnote 3 2019-20 11,087,543 11,087,543 25,078,210 Other elements of this program are being considered for inclusion in the final 2018-19 to 2022-23 five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan. This item will be updated to reflect the final plan as approved by the Deputy Minister.
Forest Climate Change Evaluation of Forest Disturbances Science and Application, 2017-18 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 5,928,499 The activities related to the unevaluated program are of low risk and low materiality, as confirmed by the 2017-18 Evaluation of the Forest Disturbances Science and Applications program.
Climate Change Adaptation Horizontal Evaluation of the Clean Air Adaptation Theme Climate Change AdaptationFootnote 4 2020-21 6,948,598 6,948,598  6,948,598  
Horizontal Evaluation of Climate Change and Clean Growth Adaptation ThemeFootnote 5 2021-22
Explosives Safety and Security Evaluation of the Explosives Safety and Security Branch (ESSB) of the Minerals and Metals Sector (MMS), 2010-11 Horizontal Evaluation of the Single Window InitiativeFootnote 6 2018-19 1,532,812 4,238,427 4,238,427  
Explosives Safety and Security 2022-23 2,705,615
Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe Evaluation of the Geohazards and Public Safety Program (Sub-Activity 3.1.5)  2014-15 Canadian Hazards Information Systems (CHIS) 2019-20 14,126,747 17,550,730 17,630,883    
Targeted Geoscience Initiative, Phase Five 2019-20 115,495
Climate Change Adaptation 2020-21 3,308,488
Horizontal Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Theme 2021-22
Wildfire Risk Management Evaluation of the Forest Disturbances Science and Applications Sub-program, 2017-18 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 7,248,881 The activities related to the unevaluated program are of low risk and low materiality, as confirmed by the 2017-18 Evaluation of the Forest Disturbances Science and Applications program.
Polar Continental Shelf Program Evaluation of the Polar Continental Shelf Program, 2012-13  Evaluation of the Polar Continental Shelf Program 2019-20 6,924,566  6,924,566  6,924,566  
Clean Energy Technology Policy, Research and Engagement Synthesis of the Clean Energy Science and Technology Sub-program, 2015-16 Horizontal Evaluation of the World Class Tanker Safety System (Phase II)Footnote 7 - Led by TC (IETS) 2018-19 3,855,094 7,035,602 10,813,870 Other elements of this program are being considered for inclusion in the final 2018-19 to 2022-23 five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan. This item will be updated to reflect the final plan as approved by the Deputy Minister.
Clean Growth in Natural Resource Sectors Footnote 8 2019-20 3,180,508
Clean Growth in Natural Resource Sectors Synthesis of the Clean Energy Science and Technology Sub-program, 2015-16 Clean Growth in Natural Resource Sectors 2019-20 82,486,581 82,486,581 82,486,581  
Energy Innovation Program Synthesis of the Clean Energy Science and Technology Sub-program Evaluation of the Energy Innovation Program Footnote 9 2018-19 52,481,682 107,734,826 107,734,826  
 Deployment of Electric Vehicles and Alternative Transportation Fuels Footnote 10 2020-21 10,876,444
Smart GridsFootnote 11 2021-22 14,036,755
Evaluation of the Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Demonstration Program Footnote 12 2021-22 22,344,000
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote CommunitiesFootnote 13 2022-23 3,957,720
Energy Efficient BuildingsFootnote 14 2022-23 4,038,225
Green Mining Innovation Evaluation of the Mining Innovation Program, 2017-18 Evaluation of the Green Mining Innovation Program 2022-23 15,632,312 15,632,312 15,632,312  
Fibre Solutions Evaluation of Forest Sector Innovation Sub-Program, 2014-15 Forest Sector InnovationFootnote 15 2018-19 3,442,733 3,442,733 3,442,733  
Cumulative Effects Evaluation of Forest Ecosystems Science and Application Program Sub Activity, 2013-14 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 4,015,407 The activities related to this program are associated with with long-term research and science programs. They are deemed low risk and low materiality.
Sustainable Forest Management Evaluation of Forest Ecosystems Science and Application Program Sub Activity, 2013-14 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 9,408,838 The activities related to this program are associated with with long-term research and science programs. They are deemed low risk and low materiality.
Electricity Resources Evaluation Report: Renewable Energy Deployment Sub-program (RED), 2015-16 Renewable Energy Deployment 2020-21 108,852,705 149,391,455 159,596,124 This cycle of planning does not include Contributions in Support of the Clean-up of the Gunnar and Loredo facilities of $9,335,000. It also will exclude funding of $ 868,669 for Marine Conservation Targets which will sunset in the following year. 
Smart Grid 2021-22 10,869,837
Emerging Renewables 2022-23 24,939,778
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities 2022-23 4,729,135
Energy Efficiency Evaluation Report: Evaluation of the Office of Energy Efficiency, 2014-15 Energy Efficiency ProgramFootnote 16 2018-19 26,324,633 41,781,003  41,781,003   
Green Infrastructure:  Energy Efficient Buildings 2022-23 15,456,370
Energy and Climate Change Policy Evaluation of the Clean Air Agenda’s International Actions Theme (led by ECCC) Energy Policy CapacityFootnote 17 2018-19 4,439,349 4,439,349 4,439,349  
Lower Carbon Transportation Evaluation Report: EcoENERGY for Alternative Fuels Program , 2015-16 Energy Efficiency Program 2018-19 33,742,826 52,734,933 53,125,858 Other elements of this program are being considered for inclusion in the final 2018-19 to 2022-23 five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan. This item will be updated to reflect the final plan as approved by the Deputy Minister.
Deployment of Electric Vehicles and Alternative Transportation Fuels  2020-21 18,992,107
Innovative Geospatial Solutions Evaluation of the Essential Geographic Information Program, 2017-18  Core Geospatial Data/Innovative Geospatial Solutions 2022-23 14,046,011 14,046,011 14,046,011  
Forest Sector Competitiveness Evaluation of the Expanding Market Opportunities Program, 2016-17 Joint audit and evaluation project of the Forest Sector Competitiveness Program 2018-19 95,063,251Footnote 18 95,063,251 95,063,251    
Evaluation of the Forest Sector Innovation Program 2019-20 56,549,379
Expanding Market Opportunities 2019-20 20,902,662
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities 2022-23 10,573,324
Provision of Federal Leadership in the Minerals and Metals Sector Not Applicable Formative Evaluation of the LMS Policy Capacity 2018-19 5,637,789 15,706,084  15,706,084   
Extractive Sector Transparency (ESTMA)Footnote 19 2019-20 10,068,295
Energy Safety and Security and Petroleum Resources Not Applicable Energy Policy Capacity 2018-19 8,632,068 8,632,068 8,632,068  
International Energy Engagement Not Applicable Energy Policy Capacity 2018-19 3,812,847 3,812,847 3,812,847   
Horizontal Evaluation of Clean Growth and Climate Change - International Cooperation ThemeFootnote 20 2020-21 3,146,731
Indigenous Partnerships Office – West Not Applicable Indigenous Partnerships Office – West 2018-19 21,025,177 21,025,177 21,025,177  
Major Projects Management Office Initiative Evaluation of the Major Projects Management Office Initiative, 2011-12 Horizontal Evaluation of the Major Projects Management Office InitiativeFootnote 21 2018-19 6,652,071 6,652,071 6,652,071  
Youth Employment Strategy Summative Evaluation of the Youth Employment Strategy, 2014-15 Horizontal Evaluation of the Youth Employment Strategy (Horizontal)Footnote 22 2019-20 8,828,214 8,828,214 8,828,214  
 Total Program Spending (excluding statutory payments)         744,330,269 828,701,655  
Statutory Offshore Payments           521,471,910 Legislated payments are excluded from evaluation
 NRCan Total Program Spending         744,330,269 1,350,173,564  

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