NRCan 2018-19 Departmental Plan

Grants in support of Outreach and Engagement, Energy Efficiency and Energy Innovation (voted)

General information
Name of transfer payment program Grants in support of Outreach and Engagement, Energy Efficiency and Energy Innovation  (voted)
End date* Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Estimates
Link to department’s Program Inventory Various
Main objective Support the competitiveness of Canada’s natural
resource sectors, improve energy efficiency in Canada,
and support the organizations associated with the research, development, management, and promotion of activities that contribute to departmental objectives.
Planned spending in 2018-19 $3,005,000
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2017-18
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) Although there is no mandatory requirement for evaluation as per the 2016 Policy on Results, disbursements through the Outreach and Engagement, Energy Efficiency and Energy Innovation Programs will be considered within the context of evaluations of the programs to which the funded projects align.
General targeted recipient groups Canadian and international, for profit and non-profit organizations, Canadian and international universities and academic institutions, indigenous groups (individual or a collective representing more than one Indigenous group), foreign, provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments.

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

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