Name of transfer payment program | Contributions in support of Energy Efficiency (voted) |
Start date | April 1, 2017 |
End date* | Ongoing |
Type of transfer payment | Contribution |
Type of appropriation | Estimates |
Fiscal year for terms and conditions | 2017-18 |
Link to department’s Program Inventory | Energy Efficiency Lower Carbon Transportation Energy Innovation Program |
Description | The objectives of the program are to increase the energy efficiency of consumer and commercial products, to enhance commercial and residential building sector performance, to encourage the implementation of cleaner and more energy efficient technologies in the industrial sector and to support low carbon options for the on-road transportation sector. Contribution payments made under this program are non-repayable. |
Expected results | The ultimate outcome of the program is improved energy efficiency in target sectors (industry, equipment, building, housing and transportation). It will be measured through the total annual energy savings (in petajoules) resulting from adoption of energy efficiency codes, standards and practices. Expected results in 2021: 100 petajoules (PJ) of energy saved annually |
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation | Energy Efficiency: 2014-15 Lower Carbon Transportation: 2015-16 |
Decision following the results of last evaluation | Continuation |
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation | Although there is no mandatory requirement to evaluate this initiative as per the 2016 Policy on Results, this initiative may be considered in the context of a broader evaluation of Energy Efficiency, which is tentatively scheduled to occur in 2018-19. |
General targeted recipient groups | Individuals and legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including for-profit and not-for-profit organizations such as electricity and gas utilities, companies, industry associations, research associations, standards organizations, indigenous and community groups, Canadian academic institutions, and provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies where applicable. International legal entities validly incorporated or registered abroad including for-profit and not-for-profit organizations such as industry associations, research associations, standards organizations and academic institutions. |
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients |
*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.
Type of transfer payment | 2017-18 Forecast spending | 2018-2019 Planned spending | 2019-20 Planned spending | 2020-21 Planned spending |
Total grants | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total contributions | $5,060,756 | $9,511,632 | $10,411,317 | $12,922,922 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total program | $5,060,756 | $9,511,632 | $10,411,317 | $12,922,922 |