General information
Name of transfer payment program | Clean Technology Challenges (voted) |
Start date | October 5, 2017 |
End date* | Ongoing |
Type of transfer payment | Grants and Contributions |
Type of appropriation | Estimates. |
Fiscal year for terms and conditions | 2017-18 |
Link to department’s Program Inventory | Clean Growth in Natural Resource Sectors |
Description | The Clean Technology stream will co-develop and launch a series of challenges to address areas such as climate change, clean growth, and the application of new technologies to reduce negative environmental impacts. For each challenge, a mix of tools (e.g., contribution agreements, grants, micro-grants) will be used, based on technical, market and environmental circumstances, in order to achieve breakthroughs in clean technology, and leverage as much innovation activity as possible from a given award level. No repayable contributions. |
Expected results | Expected results and performance indicators for Impact Canada Initiative (ICI): 1. Leverage: Funds leveraged from non-government sources (e.g., private and philanthropic capital) 2. Scale and Uptake: Number, type, and reach of projects that are transitioned to scale and/or mainstreamed into broader government programming 3. Evidence of Effectiveness: Increase in evidence of what works in the area of innovative funding Clean technology innovation through the ICI will support Canada’s continued global leadership in the natural resources sectors by ensuring competitiveness in the global clean growth economy and strategic integration in reducing the carbon footprint of supply chains. |
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation | Not applicable |
Decision following the results of last evaluation | Not applicable |
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation | 2021-22 |
General targeted recipient groups | Funding will be open to Canadian and international identified eligible recipients provided they met the criteria established by each challenge or challenge stage. Eligible recipients will include, but are not limited to, Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada or abroad such as: • Private sector and not-for-profit organizations such as electricity and gas utilities, companies, industry associations, research associations, and standards organizations • Indigenous organizations and groups • Community groups • Academic institutions • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies where applicable • Unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions • Individuals |
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients | Delivery of each Impact Canada Challenge will vary from challenge to challenge. The development and scoping of challenges will involve extensive consultations with experts, partners and stakeholders, such as sector associations, industry, academia, and Indigenous Governments and representative organizations and Provinces/Territories and other levels of government. Once launched, the program will undertake a range of activities to help promote the challenges, encourage participation and provide guidance to potential challenge participants including: sharing challenge information on Natural Resources Canada website and the Impact Canada Initiative Prize and Challenge interactive website, using social media campaigns, targeted outreach, hosting webinars and delivering workshops. |
*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.
Planning information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment | 2017-18 Forecast spending | 2018-19 Planned spending | 2019-20 Planned spending | 2020-21 Planned spending |
Total grants | $179,306 | $19,711,921 | $19,731,634 | $11,183,155 |
Total contributions | $59,769 | $6,570,640 | $6,577,211 | $3,727,718 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total program | $239,075 | $26,282,561 | $26,308,845 | $14,910,873 |
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