NRCan 2018-19 Departmental Plan

Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities

General information
Name of transfer payment program Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities
Start date April 1st, 2018
End date March 31st, 2024
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2018-19
Link to department’s Program Inventory Program Inventory: Electricity Resources
The Deployment Component, Demonstration Component and Bioheating Component
These program components support Core Responsibility 2, Innovative and Sustainable Natural Resources Development, of NRCan’s Departmental Results Framework (DRF). Projects will increase the number of renewable energy projects in remote communities and off-grid industrial operations, contributing to the sustainability of Canada’s natural resources.
Energy Efficiency Component
This program component supports Core Responsibility 2, Innovative and Sustainable Natural Resources Development, of NRCan’s DRF. Projects will increase the total annual energy savings resulting from adoption of energy efficiency codes, standards and practices, contributing to the sustainability of Canada’s natural resources.
Capacity Building Component
This program component supports Core Responsibility 2, Innovative and Sustainable Natural Resources Development, of NRCan’s DRF. Projects will increase the number of renewable energy projects in remote communities and off-grid industrial operations, contributing to the sustainability of Canada’s natural resources. This program component also supports Core Responsibility 3, Globally Competitive Natural Resource Sectors. Projects will increase the number of indigenous groups and communities implicated in economic development projects.
Description The purpose of CERRC is to reduce diesel reliance of rural, remote and Northern communities and off-grid industrial sites. This will be done by helping fund community and industry led renewable energy projects. CERRC has a repayable contributions clause.
Expected results
  • Deployment project funding leveraged at an average of 2:3 ($81M : $121M), total from 2018-19 to 2023-24
  • Demo project funding leveraged at an average of 3:2 ($55M : $37M), total from 2018-19 to 2023-24
  • Bioheating project funding leveraged at an average of 4:1 ($46M : $11M) , total from 2018-19 to 2023-24
  • 2-3 communities newly installed or retrofitted bioheating systems (by 2018-19)
  • Maintain 2 co-operative arrangements on information products and expertise on energy efficiency with other federal departments (annually from 2018-19 to 2023-24)
  • Minimum of 5 energy literacy projects (by 2018-2019)
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation N/A
Decision following the results of last evaluation N/A
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2023/2024
General targeted recipient groups
  • Remote communities
  • Rural communities (Bioheating)
  • Indigenous communities
  • Remote industrial sites
  • Regional and community development corporations
  • Utilities
  • PTs
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients NRCan engaged stakeholders (NILs, utilities, provinces/territories and associations) to increase awareness of program (summer 2017)
Stakeholders were encouraged to submit a Project Concept Questionnaire (PCQ) in order for NRCan to gauge program awareness and project eligibility.  PCQ submission deadline (October 2, 2017).
PCQ results shared with provinces/territories in order to inform about CEERC program and seek co-funding opportunities (Fall 2017).
PCQ feedback to be offered to all respondents via letter and feedback session (online) in winter 2018

*This date relates to the expiry date of the program policy authority which may be different from the actual funding end date.

Planning information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2017-18 Forecast spending 2018-2019  Planned spending 2019-20  Planned spending 2020-21  Planned
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 0 $14,280,876 $21,434,903 $41,408,057
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 0 $14,280,876 $21,434,903 $41,408,057


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