Charts presenting the distribution by program

2015-16 Estimated Expenses (in thousands of dollars)

Expenses Fiscal year 2015-16 (in thousands of dollars)

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Expenses Fiscal year 2015-16 (in thousands of dollars)

The chart presents a distribution of Natural Resources Canada’s total forecast expenses in 2015-16 by program activity. Total forecast expenses amount is $1,626,523 thousands of dollars.

Expenses Fiscal Year 2015-16 (in thousands of dollars)
PAA Forecast Expenses 2015-16
(in thousands of dollars)
Statutory Programs – Atlantic Offshore $567,754
Energy-Efficient Practices and Lower-Carbon Energy Sources 207,042
Internal services 180,264
Responsible Natural Resource Management 157,534
Technology Innovation 144,630
Innovation for New Products and Processes 89,623
Landmass Information 87,372
Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources 72,701
Investment in Natural Resource Sectors 64,628
Market Access and Diversification 54,975
2016-17 Estimated Expenses (in thousands of dollars)

Expenses Fiscal year 2016-17 (in thousands of dollars)

Text version

Expenses Fiscal year 2016-17 (in thousands of dollars)

The following chart presents a distribution of Natural Resources Canada’s total planned expenses in 2016-17 by activity. Total planned expenses amount is $1,637,637 thousands of dollars.

Expenses Fiscal Year 2016-17 (in thousands of dollars)
PAA Planned Expenses 2016-17
(in thousands of dollars)
Statutory Programs – Atlantic Offshore $739,634
Energy-Efficient Practices and Lower-Carbon Energy Sources 178,905
Internal services 173,562
Responsible Natural Resource Management 35,516
Technology Innovation 140,771
Innovation for New Products and Processes 100,456
Landmass Information 86,757
Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources 65,814
Investment in Natural Resource Sectors 68,874
Market Access and Diversification 47,347

NRCan Future-oriented Statement of Operations is available on the NRCan website.