NRCan’s planned Evaluation coverage over the next five fiscal years (2024-25 to 2028-29)

NRCan’s planned Evaluation coverage over the next five fiscal years (2024-25 to 2028-29)

Name of the organization: Natural Resources Canada
Planning Year (Year 1): 2024-25
Number of Programs in the Program Inventory: 39
Total 2024-25 Planned Spending ($) from Departmental Plan: $3,793,530,183

Departmental Results Framework (DRF) Inventory Program Evaluations to be approved in 2024-25 to 2028-29 Planned year of approval Estimated program spending in 2024-25 covered by evaluationFootnote 1 Total planned program spending in 2024-25 Primary Evaluation Driver
Canadian Geodetic Survey: Spatially Enabling Canada None Not Applicable $0 $6,193,662 Not Applicable
Geological Knowledge for Canada’s Onshore and Offshore Land Evaluation of Geological Knowledge for Canada's Onshore and Offshore Land Program 2028-29 $36,782,735 $36,782,735 Departmental Priority
Evaluation of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals (GeoNorth) 2026-27 $1,345,000 Departmental Priority
Core Geospatial Data Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $750,000 $54,753,923 Horizontal Initiative
Joint Audit and Evaluation of Disaster Risk Reduction 2025-26 $26,291,613 Departmental Priority
Evaluation of Core Geospatial Data and Innovative Geospatial Solutions (DRF inventory programs) 2028-29 $54,003,923 Departmental Priority
Canada-US International Boundary Treaty None Not Applicable $0 $1,973,779 Not Applicable
Canada Lands Survey System Evaluation of Canada Lands Survey System 2026-27 $15,819,281 $15,819,281 Departmental Priority
Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $4,000,000 $42,496,787 Horizontal initiative
Horizontal Evaluation of Marine Conservation Targets (DFO lead) 2025-26 $1,950,588 Commitment in Treasury Board (TB) Submission
Evaluation of Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources Program (DRF inventory program) 2026-27 $36,546,199 Departmental Priority
Pest Risk Management Evaluation of Pest Risk Management Program 2027-28 $33,917,009 $33,917,009 Required by the Financial Administration Act (FAA)
Forest Climate Change Horizontal Evaluation of Natural Climate Solutions Fund (formative) 2025-26 $353,768,959 $367,339,016 Required by the FAA
Climate Change Adaptation Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Program 2027-28 $19,578,478 $19,578,478 Required by the FAA
Adaptation to Climate Change - Horizontal Roll-up (ECCC lead) 2026-27 $0 Commitment in TB submission
Explosives Safety and Security Evaluation of Explosives Safety and Security 2025-26 $12,067,676 $12,067,676 Departmental Priority
Geoscience to Keep Canada Safe Joint Audit and Evaluation of Disaster Risk Reduction 2025-26 $5,132,914 $18,973,803 Departmental Priority
Wildfire Risk Management Joint Audit and Evaluation of Disaster Risk Reduction 2025-26 $0 $130,418,522 Departmental Priority
Evaluation of Wildfire Risk Management Program 2026-27 $130,418,522 Required by the FAA
Polar Continental Shelf Program None Not Applicable $0 $7,886,763 Not Applicable
Energy Innovation and Clean Technology Evaluation of Energy Innovation and Clean Technology Program (DRF inventory program) 2024-25 $302,231,229 $322,381,229 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of Energy Innovation and Clean Technology Program (DRF inventory program) 2028-29 $0 Required by the FAA
Horizontal evaluation of Oceans Protection Plan (TC lead) 2026-27 $8,000,000 Commitment in TB submission
Evaluation of Smart Grids Program and Emerging Renewables Program 2024-25 $0 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program 2024-25 $12,000,000 Required by the FAA
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $150,000 Horizontal initiative
Green Mining Innovation Joint Audit and Evaluation of Green Mining Innovation 2026-27 $28,493,172 $28,893,172 Required by the FAA
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $400,000 Horizontal initiative
Fibre Solutions None Not Applicable $0 $14,123,462 Not Applicable
Sustainable Forest Management Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $1,500,000 $27,104,693 Horizontal initiative
Joint Audit and Evaluation of Disaster Risk Reduction 2025-26 $12,000,000 Departmental Priority
Evaluation of Sustainable Forest Management Program 2027-28 $13,604,693 Departmental Priority
Cumulative Effects Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA-led) 2027-28 $200,000 $7,865,699 Horizontal initiative
Horizontal Evaluation of Marine Conservation Targets (DFO lead) 2025-26 $250,000 Commitment in TB submission
Evaluation of Cumulative Effects Program 2027-28 $7,415,699 Departmental Priority
Lower Carbon Transportation Evaluation of Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure Program 2024-25 $80,000,000 $521,970,552 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of the Clean Fuels Fund Program 2025-26 $386,000,000 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of Green Freight 2027-28 $46,000,000 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure Program 2028-29 TBD Required by the FAA
Electricity Resources Evaluation of Smart Grids Program and Emerging Renewables Program 2024-25 $14,000,000 $551,956,741 Required by the FAA
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $750,000 Horizontal initiative
Evaluation of Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program 2024-25 $6,633,501 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways 2025-26 $413,000,000 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of Electricity Predevelopment 2026-27 $75,000,000 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of Enabling Responsible Small Modular Reactors Deployment 2026-27 $15,000,000 Required by the FAA
Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Program 2025-26 $958,062,513 $958,062,513 Required by the FAA
Energy and Climate Change Policy Interdepartmental Evaluation of Canadian Centre for Energy Information 2024-25 $0 $21,294,649 Commitment in TB submission
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $200,000 Horizontal initiative
Horizontal Evaluation of Marine Conservation Targets (DFO lead) 2025-26 $20,000 Commitment in TB submission
Joint Audit and Evaluation of NRCan's International Activities 2027-28 $2,000,000 Departmental Priority
Horizontal Evaluation of Indo Pacific Strategy (GAC lead) 2027-28 TBD Horizontal initiative
Innovative Geospatial Solutions Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $2,500,000 $16,663,852 Departmental Priority
Horizontal Evaluation of Core Geospatial Data and Innovative Geospatial Solutions (DRF inventory programs) 2028-29 $14,163,852 Departmental Priority
Forest Sector Competitiveness Evaluation of Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program 2024-25 $7,500,000 $136,188,204 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of Forest Sector Competitiveness Program (DRF inventory program) 2024-25 $121,286,285 Required by the FAA
Joint Audit and Evaluation of Natural Resources Canada’s International Activities 2027-28 $1,900,000 Departmental Priority
Evaluation of Global Forest Leadership 2028-29 $5,501,920 Departmental Priority
Provision of Federal Leadership in the Minerals & Metals Sector Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $400,000 $154,294,122 Horizontal initiative
Horizontal Evaluation of Canadian Critical Mineral Strategy 2028-29 $10,493,706 Commitment in TB submission
Horizontal Evaluation of Marine Conservation Targets (DFO lead) 2025-26 $500,000 Required by the FAA
Evaluation of Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund 2028-29 TBD Commitment in TB submission
Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $5,000,000 $15,347,928 Horizontal priority
Horizontal Evaluation of Marine Conservation Targets (DFO lead) 2025-26 $1,200,000 Commitment in TB submission
Evaluation of Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources Program 2028-29 $9,147,928 Departmental Priority
Statutory Offshore Payments Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable $0 Not Applicable
Indigenous Reconciliation and Regulatory Coordination Joint Audit and Evaluation of Advancing Reconciliation 2024-25 $12,500,000 $31,470,063 Departmental Priority
Evaluation of Trans-Mountain Pipeline Expansion - Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative (ECCC lead) 2024-25 $6,000,000 Commitment in TB submission
Evaluation of Indigenous Natural Resource Partnerships 2027-28 $10,000,000 Departmental Priority
Evaluation of Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committees 2027-28 $1,670,063 Departmental Priority
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $1,300,000 Horizontal initiative
Youth Employment and Skills Strategy - Science & Technology Internship Program (Green Jobs) Horizontal Evaluation of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy 2024-25 $15,277,208 $15,277,208 Horizontal initiative
Internal Services
Management and Oversight Services Joint Audit and Evaluation of Advancing Reconciliation 2024-25 TBD $52,296,080 Departmental Priority
Joint Audit and Evaluation of NRCan's International Activities 2027-28 $460,040 Departmental Priority
Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $250,000 Commitment in TB submission
Communications Services Horizontal Evaluation of Impact Assessment and Regulatory Processes (IAA lead) 2027-28 $1,000,000 $20,562,579 Horizontal initiative
Legal Services None Not Applicable Not Applicable $12,392,864 Not Applicable
Human Resources Services None Not Applicable Not Applicable $22,717,007 Not Applicable
Financial Management Services None Not Applicable Not Applicable $20,562,329 Not Applicable
Information Management Services None Not Applicable Not Applicable $7,198,048 Not Applicable
Information Technology Services None Not Applicable Not Applicable $39,695,072 Not Applicable
Real Property Management Services Horizontal Evaluation of Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan Phase IV (ECCC-led) 2024-25 $500,000 $40,564,821 Commitment in TB submission
Materiel Management Services None Not Applicable Not Applicable $748,909 Not Applicable
Acquisition Management Services None Not Applicable Not Applicable $5,696,955 Not Applicable
TOTAL: $3,343,834,705Footnote 1 $3,793,530,183Footnote 2
Percentage of FY 2024-25 planned spending covered by five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan : 88%Footnote 3