What we do

Explore the great projects, technologies and ideas that Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is working on to create a stronger energy future for all Canadians.

Featured initiatives

Explore the latest featured initiatives that support Canada's energy future.


Explore services and information that enhance transparency and oversight of public resources.

Procurement and contracting

Learn how to submit invoices, sign up for electronic payments and find T1204 slip information.

Major Projects Management Office

Learn about the Major Projects Management Office's role, and explore major resource projects taking place across Canada.

Mandate Letter Tracker: Delivering results for Canadians

See the details and review the progress of the government commitments tracked by the Government of Canada.

Natural Resources Canada Library

Find resources and services about science, technology and policy.

Our history

Discover the beginnings of Natural Resources Canada's history and the evolvement of the Geological Survey of Canada.

Virtual exhibits

Explore our virtual exhibits and find presentations, engagement sessions and information related to Canada’s natural resources.